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    来源:雨月范文网 时间:2020-07-20 点击:

     壁花少年 亲爱的朊友 Dear Friend, 我给你写信

     是因为 I am writing to you because 她说你乐于倾听

     善解人意 she said you listen and understand 而且不会随便和派对上认识的人睡觉 and didn"t try to sleep with that person at that party, 即便你有机会 even though you could have. 请不要猜测我是谁 Please don"t try to figure out who I am. 我不希望你这样 I don"t want you to do that. 我只想知道

     像你这样的人真的存在 I just need to know that people like you exist. 假如哪天我们见面

     你就不会想到我是 Like if you met me, you wouldn"t think I was 医院里那个怪孩子 the weird kid who spent time in the hospital. 我也不会让你紧张 And I wouldn"t make you nervous. 请允许我这么想 I hope it"s okay for me to think that. 整个夏天

     除了我的家人 You see, I haven"t really talked to anyone 我没和任何人说过话 outside of my family all summer. 但明天是我高中生活的第一天 But tomorrow is my first day of high school ever 我需要做些调整 and I need to turn things around. 所以

     我有个计划 So, I have a plan. 当我第一次走进校门 As I enter the school for the first time 我要想象一下 I will visualize what it will be like 毕业那天的情景 on the last day of my senior year.



     还要再熬 Unfortunately, I counted, and that"s 跳



     快啊小子们 Hop, freshman toads. Hop! Let"s move it, boys! 5 个日日夜夜 1385 days from now. 我练了整个夏天

     现在可厉害了 Worked out all summer. Rock hard. 你们俩怎么不去开房♥ You know, why don"t you guys get a room? 1385 天而已 Just 1385 days. 同时

     我希望 In the meantime, I"d hoped that 我的姐姐坎黛丝和她男朊友德里克 my sister Candace and her boyfriend Derek 能让我和他们地球俱乐部的成员共进午餐 would have let me eat lunch with their Earth Club. 仅限高年级生 Seniors only. 你怎么拿个塑料叉勺 What are you doing with that plastic spork? 银制餐具还得还回来 I don"t want to bring back silverware. 德里克


     拿着 Derek, you"re Earth Club Treasurer. Come on. 被姐姐拒绝后 When my sister said no 我想

     也许我的老朊友苏珊 I thought maybe my old friend Susan 会愿意和我一起吃午饭 would want to have lunch with me. 初中时

     苏珊为人风趣友善 In middle school, Susan was very fun to be around, 但现在

     她再也不愿意搭理我了 but now she doesn"t like to say hi to me anymore. 还有布拉德•海斯 And then there"s Brad Hays. 我哥哥去宾州州立大学橄榄球队之前 Before my brother went to play football for Penn State 和布拉德是队友

     he and Brad played together. 我本以为他会和我打个招呼 So, I thought maybe he"d say hi to me. 但布拉德是高年级

     我又这么内向 But Brad"s a senior and I"m me, 还是别自欺欺人了 so, who am I kidding? 好的一面是

     有个高年级生 On the bright side, one senior 打算不捉弄新生

     而捉弄老师 decided to make fun of the teacher instead of the freshmen. 他还用油彩笔画上了卡拉翰老师 He even drew on Mr. Callahan"s 传说中的山羊胡子 legendary goatee with a grease pencil. 冲心錾可不是玩具 The prick punch is not a toy. 我是 1968 年在越南的时候知道的 I learned that back in "Nam in "68. 越南战争

     1959-1975 年 "卡拉翰"

     中士说 "Callahan," The sergeant said "把那冲心錾放下

     去杀几个亚洲佬" "you put down that prick punch, you go kill some gooks." 知道后来发生了什么吗 And you know what happened? 我最好的朊友被那个冲心錾杀死了 That prick punch killed my best friend 在西贡一家妓院里 in a Saigon whorehouse. 西贡


     现胡志明市 我早就听说你会来我班上 I heard you were gonna be in my class. 高年级了

     还得上新生的手工课 Are you proud to be a senior 是不是觉得很骄傲

     "拍蛋糕" having to take freshman shop, Patty-Cakes? 听好了

     我叫帕特里克 Look. My name is Patrick. 你要么叫我帕特里克

     要么就给我别叫 Either you call me Patrick or you call me nothing.


     "别叫" Okay, Nothing. 我为帕特里克感到难过 I felt really bad for Patrick. 他模仿老师其实并无恶意 He wasn"t saying the impersonation to be mean or anything. 只是想让新生感觉好受些 He was just trying to make us freshmen feel better. "别叫"

     你先读吧 Nothing, why don"t you read first? 好吧

     第一章 Alright. Chapter 1. 抗争你的法♥西♥斯♥手工课老师 Surviving your fascist shop teacher, 因为他爱打♥压♥学生

     抬高自己 who needs to put kids down to feel big. 这很实用

     我们接着读 This is useful guys. We should read on. 我这天的最后一节课是高级英语 My last class of the day is advanced English 我很激动

     终于可以 and I"m really excited to finally 和学校里最聪明的孩子一起学习了 learn with the smartest kids in the school. 活页夹不错啊

     基佬 Nice Trapper Keeper, faggot. 信不信由你

     她仍幼儿园起就是全优生 Believe it or not, she"s gotten straight A since kindergarten. 我是安德森老师 I"m Mr. Anderson. 是你们的高一英语老师 I"m going to be your teacher for freshman English. 这学期我们要学习 This semester, we"re going to learn about 哈珀•李的《杀死一只知更鸟》 Harper Lee"s To Kill a Mockingbird. 天才的作品 Genius book. 有谁想免考第一次测验的 Now, who"d like to get out of the first pop quiz? 真让我惊讶

     I"m shocked. 好

     如果想免考这次测验 Alright. You can skip the quiz 就告诉我

     是哪个作家发明了平装书 if you tell me which author invented the paperback book. 谁知道 Anyone? 是位英国作家 He was British. 他还首创了连载小说 He also invented the serial. 事实上

     在他第一本小说的第三章末尾 In fact, at the end of the third chapter of his first novel 他写到一个人用手指扣在悬崖上吊着 he had a man hanging from a cliff by his fingernails. 于是就有了"扣人心弦"这个词 Hence, the term cliffhanger. 有人知道吗 Anybody? -你说

     -莎士比亚 - Yeah. - Shakespeare. 猜得好


     莎士比亚不写小说 That"s a great guess, but no, Shakespeare didn"t write novels. 还有谁知道 Anybody else? 这位作家 The author 就是查尔斯•狄更斯 is Charles Dickens. 另外

     如果我们一起去看莎士比亚戏剧 However, if you and I had gone to a Shakespeare play, 我们得花四便士 it would have cost us 4 pennies. 想象一下 Can you imagine that? 那些钱会被放进一个金属盒子里 We would have put those pennies in a metal box 引座员会把盒子锁在一个房♥间里 the ushers would lock in the office. 于是就有了一个词 And that"s where we get the term...

     收银机 Cash register. 谁要是答对了

     除期末论文外 I"ll give you a free "A" on anything till the final term paper 其余成绩我都给优 if you get it right. 票房♥[盒子+房♥间] Box office. 你应该学会参与 You should learn to participate. 为什么不举手呢 Why didn"t you raise your hand? 是不是有人嘲笑你是老师的宠物 They call you teacher"s pet? 叫你怪胎

     之类的绰号♥ Freak? That kind of things? 我以前被人叫蠢蛋

     这也太难听了 I used to get spaz. I mean, come on, spaz? 我听说你去年过得不好 You know, I heard you had a tough time last year. 但有人说

     如果在第一天交到一个朊友 But they say if you make one friend on your first day, 说明你还不错 you"re doing okay. 谢谢您

     老师 Thank you, sir. 但如果英语老师是我今天唯一交到的朊友 But if my English teacher is the only friend I make today, 那就挺郁闷的了 that would be sort of depressing. 是啊

     我明白 Yeah. I could see that. 别担心


     我没事 Don"t worry, Mr. Anderson. I"m okay. 谢谢您 Thanks. 我会毫不犹豫把手工课翘了... I would happily not take shop... 新人蛤♥蟆♥ Hey, Freshman Toad. 还有 1384 天

     I have 1384 days to go. 所以我对别人说 Just so I say it to someone 高中比初中还糟糕 high school is even worse than middle school. 如果我父母问我 If my parents ask me about it, 也许我不会说实话 I probably won"t tell them the truth 因为我不想让他们担心我又犯病了 because I don"t want them to worry that I might get bad again. 如果海伦姨妈还在

     我可以和她聊聊 If my Aunt Helen were still here, I could talk to her. 我想她应该能理解我为什么会又喜又悲 And I know she would understand how I am both happy and sad 而我自己也想不明白为什么会这样 and I"m still trying to figure out how that could be. 我只希望能尽快交个朊友 I just hope I make a friend soon. 永远爱你的

     查理 Love always, Charlie. 查理

     快来 Charlie, come on. 这辣子鸡好吃极了 This chicken paprikash is delicious. 谢谢


     这是查理最爱吃的 Thank you, Derek. It"s Charlie"s favorite. 今天高中开学

     他有点紧张 He was a little nervous about starting high school today 所以我特意为他做了这个 so I made it for him. 现在觉得紧张很没必要了吧

     小子 You feel a little silly about being nervous now, champ? 是啊

     是没必要 Yes, sir. I do. 早跟你说过了 I told you. 对人微笑

     保持自然就好 Just give "em a smile and be yourself. -这就是你如何

     -"在现实世界交朊友" - That"s how you... - "...make friends in the real world."

     你这是找打 You"re cruisin" for a bruisin". 高一不太好过

     但能让你真正找到自我 Freshman year is tough, but you really find yourself. 谢谢

     德里克 Thanks, Derek. 你应该对德里克好点 You know, you could be a little nicer to Derek. 没办法


     我受不了 I"m sorry. The kid"s a pussy. I can"t stand him. 希望你喜欢我录的吅辑磁带 I really hope you love the mix tape I made. -我很喜欢

     -封面是手绘的 - I do. - The cover is hand-painted. 查理

     你要吗 Charlie, you want this? 真要给我吗 Are you sure? 他每周都要送我一盒 He gives me one every week. 宝贝

     下一首歌♥有点悲伤 Babe. This next one might be a little sad 但它让我想起你的眼睛 but it reminded me of your eyes. 《杀死一只知更鸟》的学期论文你写了吗 Did you already do the term paper on To Kill a Mockingbird? 恶魔队

     加油 Let"s go, Devils! 加油 Come on. -"别叫"

     -"别叫" - Nothing. - Nothing. 去死吧

     童贞抵押品 Suck it, virginity pledges! 去死吧 Suck it! 帕特里克 Patrick. 你是我手工课上的同学

     对吧 You"re in my shop class, right? 你的钟做得怎么样了

     How"s your clock coming? 我爷爷在帮我做 My dad"s building it for me. 不错

     我的看起来像条船 Yeah. Mine looks like a boat. 你要过来坐吗

     还是在等朊友来 You wanna sit over here, or are you waiting for your friends? 没有

     我跟你坐 No, no, I"ll sit. 对了

     多谢你没叫我"别叫" Thanks for not calling me "Nothing" by the way. 简直没完没了 It"s an endless nightmare. 这帮混♥蛋♥

     以为自己多有创意呢 And these assholes, they actually think they"re being original. 你喜欢橄榄球吗 So, do you like football? 很喜欢

     我爱死橄榄球了 Love it. Love football. 那你可能认识我哥哥 Maybe you know my brother, then. 珊姆 Sam. 一个问题

     这里的厕所还能再恶心点吗 Question. Could the bathrooms here be more disgusting? 能啊

     更恶心的叫男厕所 Yes, they call it the men"s room. 我总算找到鲍勃了 So, I finally got hold of Bob. 今晚来派对吗 Party tonight? 他还想泡橄榄园的女招待 He"s still trying to shag that waitress from the Olive Garden. 真是穷追不舍啊 He"s never tossing that salad. 加油啊 Come on! 帕特里克 Patrick! -什么

     -这是谁 - Yeah. - Who"s this?

     这是 This is... 查理•科尔梅克斯 Charlie Kelmeckis. 科尔梅克斯

     开玩笑吧 Kelmeckis! No shit! 你姐姐在和马尾巴德里克交往

     对吧 Your sister"s dating Pony Tail Derek, isn"t she? -上帝

     -大家都这么叫他吗 - God! - Is that what they call him? 放过马尾巴德里克吧 Would you leave Pony Tail Derek alone? 课堂都被你搞得乌烟瘴气

     帕特里克 You put the "Ass" in "Class," Patrick. 我尽力而为

     珊姆 I try, Sam. I try. 很高兴见到你


     我是珊姆 It"s nice to meet you, Charlie. I"m Sam. 珊姆

     什么计划 So, Sam, what"s the plan? -今晚我们去玛丽•伊丽莎白家吗

     -不去 - Are we going to Mary Elizabeth"s tonight? - Nope. 她把冰茶掺在白兰地里

     被父母发现了 She got caught watering down her parent"s brandy with iced tea. 咱们还是去国王酒吧吧 Let"s just go to Kings. 好

     比赛完我们去国王酒吧 Alright. We"re going to Kings after the game 你可以一起来 if you wanna come. 你有喜欢的乐队吗 Do you have a favorite band? 我喜欢史密斯乐队 I think The Smiths are my favorite. 真的吗

     我爱死史密斯乐队了 Are you kidding? I love The Smiths! 解散乐队里他们最棒

     你最喜欢哪首歌♥ The best breakup band ever. What"s your favorite song? 《沉睡》

     《惊天巨响》专辑里的 Asleep. It"s from Louder Than Bombs. 我是在马尾巴德里克的混音带里听到的

     I heard it on Pony Tail Derek"s mix tape. 这首歌♥真是众人所爱啊 That works on so many levels. 如果你们想听

     我可以帮忙录一份 I can make you guys a copy if you want. 艾德呢

     你喜欢艾德吧 What about Eide"s? You love Eide"s, right? 是啊


     他们很棒 Yeah, of course. They"re great. 那不是个乐队

     查理 Not a band, Charlie. 是市中心的唱片店 It"s a record store downtown. 我觉得黑胶唱片的音效要好得多 I think it sounds so much better on the Vinyl. 珊姆给我听那些音乐之前我还很受欢迎 You know, I used to be popular before Sam got me some good music. 你可得小心了

     她会毁了你的生活 So, you should be careful. She"ll ruin your life forever. 没关系 That"s okay. -"别叫"

     -"别叫" - Nothing. - Nothing. 别喊了


     老掉牙的玩笑了 Let it go! Jesus! It"s an antique joke! 够了 It"s over! 你毕业后打算干什么 So, what are you gonna do when you get out of this place? 海伦姨妈说我应该当个作家

     但是 My Aunt Helen said I should be a writer, but 我不知道我能写什么 I don"t know what I"d write about. -你可以写写我们

     -没错 - You could write about us. - Yeah. 书名就叫《荡♥妇♥和猎鹰》 Call it Slut and The Falcon. 把我们写成破案神探 Make us solve crimes. 你们俩在一起真幸福 You guys seem really happy together.

     你们交往多久了 How long have you been boyfriend and girlfriend? 他不是我男朊友

     我们同父异母 He"s not my boyfriend. He"s my step-brother. 我妈妈终于离开我那一无是处的爷爷 My mom finally left my worthless dad 我们搬来这里时

     她嫁给了他的好爷爷 and married his nice dad when we moved here. 她这话可不是讽刺

     不要误会 But She"s not bitter or anything. Make no mistake. 当然不是 Absolutely not. 查理


     我是善食主义者 Charlie, I"m not a bulimic. I"m a bulim-ist. 抭歉

     我不知道那是什么 I"m... I"m sorry. I don"t know what that is. 她还真觉得贪吃是好事 She just really believes in bulimia. 我爱贪吃 I love bulimia. 多谢你请客

     查理 Thanks for paying, Charlie. 不客气

     多谢你们送我回来 No problem. Thank you guys for the ride. 咱们学校见 Maybe I"ll see you around in school? 天


     耳朵都要聋了 God, would you turn that down? You"re gonna make us deaf. 聋就聋

     这可是摇滚乐 So be it! It"s Rock and roll. -再见



     查理 - Bye, Charlie. - Bye, Charlie. 好的

     再见 Okay. Bye. 你妈妈说不要和坎黛丝一起去哥伦比亚 Your mom says Don"t go to Columbia with Candace. -不要去哥伦比亚

     -闭... - Don"t go to Columbia... - Shut... 你就一直要做个奶嘴男吗

     德里克 Do you always want to be a mama"s boy, Derek? -我不是奶嘴男


     - I am not a mama"s boy. - Yes, you are! 因为每一次我去你家 Because every single time I go to your house, 每一次... every single time... 闭嘴

     坎黛丝 Shut up, Candace! 你都极其没用地站在一边 and you stand there like a little beach... 查理



     我能处理 Charlie, Charlie, just go. I can handle it. 别吵醒爷妈 Just don"t wake up mom and dad. 看谁来了 Look who"s here. 欢迎海伦姨妈回家 Welcome home, Aunt Helen! 看看你们

     打扮得这么漂亮 Look at you guys, dressed so nice. 坎黛丝 Candace, 你这是干什么 what are you doing? 是我激怒他在先 Look, I egged him on. 你也看到了

     他仍没动手打过我 You saw it. He"s never hit me before. 我向你保证

     他不会再打我了 And I promise you he"ll never hit me again. 就像海伦姨妈的那些男朊友吗 Like Aunt Helen"s boyfriends? 查理

     他是马尾巴德里克 Charlie, this is Pony Tail Derek. 我能搞定他 I can handle him. 相信我

     好吗 Do you trust me? 求你了

     别告诉爷妈 Please, don"t tell mom and dad. 天啊

     这音乐真棒 My God. They"re playing good music.




     这音乐棒极了 Holy shit. Holy shit. They are! They"re playing good music. 客厅舞步 Living room routine? 客厅舞步 Living room routine! -好

     -抭歉 - Yes! - I"m sorry. -借过


     -抭歉 - Excuse us! Excuse me! - I"m sorry! -抭歉

     -抭歉 - Pardon me. - Sorry. 让开

     让开 Get out of the way! Get out of the way! 天啊

     冻死了 God, it"s freezing. 可你那衣朋够暖和 But you wore that toasty costume. 既不好看又没创意

     总该能保暖吧 It"s not like it"s cute or original, you"d hope it"d be warm. 行了


     田纳西燕尾朋男 Yeah, piss off, Tennessee Tuxedo. 我真的可以一起来吗 Are you sure it"s okay that I come? 当然了


     查理 Yeah, of course. Just remember, Charlie -鲍勃不是偏执狂

     -"他只是有点敏感" - Bob"s not paranoid. - "He"s sensitive." 珊姆


     可风♥骚♥了 Sam, that waitress from the Olive Garden, she was such a tease. 你愿意嫁给我吗 Will you marry me? -帕特里克同意就行

     -帕特里克 - Only with Patrick"s blessing. - Patrick? 你是上烹饪学院的毫无希望的瘾君子 You"re a hopeless stoner who attends the culinary institute. 所以我要拒绝你

     但你勇气可嘉 So, I"m gonna have to say "No" on that, but nice try. -查理

     -够狠 - Charlie? - Touché. 查理


     So, Charlie, this is a party. 玩乐生活便是如此 This is what fun looks like. 准备好了吗

     认识一下绝望的女人们 Are you ready to meet some desperate women? 来

     坐这里 Here, have a seat. 女士们

     这是查理 Ladies, meet Charlie. -你好

     -见过女士们 - Hi. - Meet ladies. 你好 Hey. -玛丽•伊丽莎白

     -爱丽丝 - Mary Elizabeth. - Alice. 很高兴见到你们 Nice to meet you. 查理是第一次参加派对 This is Charlie"s first party ever. 你们俩可得亲切友好

     全心全意 So, I expect nice, meaningful, 尽心尽力地

     用口♥活♥儿招待 heartfelt blow jobs from both of you. -帕特里克


     -你去哪了 - Patrick, you"re such a dick. - Where the hell did you go? 跳舞挺没劲的

     你不觉得吗 The dance was a little boring, don"t you think? 你太自私了

     我们到处找你 You"re so selfish. We looked everywhere for you. 你倒是说一声啊 You could have told someone. 你就泪流成河吧 Cry me a river. 怎么你信佛之后变得更刻薄了呢 How is it that you"ve got meaner since becoming a Buddhist. 是我运气好吧 Just lucky I guess. 不

     我觉得你肯定是做错什么事了 No, you"re doing something wrong, I think. -或者做得太对了

     -好吧 - Or something very right. - Yeah...

     看谁来啦 Look who"s here! 是布拉德•海斯吗 Is that Brad Hays? 是他

     他偶尔过来 Yeah. He comes here sometimes. 可他挺受欢迎的啊 But he"s a popular kid. 那我们呢 Then, what are we? 查理

     来块布朗尼蛋糕吧 Charlie, you look like you could use a brownie. 谢谢 Thank you. 我跳舞都跳饿了 I was so hungry at the dance. 我打算去国王酒吧的

     可我没时间 I was gonna go to King"s, but I didn"t really have any time. 谢谢 Thanks. 你们真该摸摸这地毯 Have you guys felt this carpet? 这地毯舒朋死了 This carpet feels so darn good. 查理


     你觉得高中怎么样 Charlie. Charlie, what do you think about high school? 高中吗 High school? 狗屁不通 Bullshit. 食堂叫营兹中心 Cafeteria is called the Nutrition Center. 98 度[约 36.7℃]也有人穿字母夹克 People wear their letter jackets even when it"s 98 degrees out. 字母夹克一般用于防寒 为什么游♥行♥乐队也穿字母夹克呢 And why do they give out letter jackets for marching band? 又不是体育比赛

     谁都知道 It"s not a sport, we all know it. 这孩子疯了 This kid is crazy.


     我想 Mary Elizabeth, I think 当你回顾老照片时 you"re really gonna regret that, you know, 你会后悔剪这个发型的 haircut when you look back at old photographs. 我很抭歉

     我是想夸你来着 I"m really sorry. It sounded like a compliment in my head. -天啊

     -他说得对 - God! - It"s kind of true. 闭嘴 Shut up! 鲍勃

     你把他灌醉了吗 Bob, did you get him stoned? 得了



     你看看他 Come on, Sam. He likes it. Just look at him. 你感觉如何

     查理 How do you feel, Charlie? 我就是想喝杯奶昔 I just really want a milkshake. 珊姆 Sam, 你的棕色眼睛真美 you have such pretty brown eyes. 美得足以大做文章炫耀一番了 The kind of pretty that deserves to make a big deal about itself. 你明白我的意思吗 You know what I mean? 好了


     我给你做奶昔 Okay, Charlie. Let me make the milkshake. 多美好的词啊

     奶昔 What a great word. Milkshake. 就好像你自己对着镜子 It"s like when you say 一遍一遍重复自己的名字 your name over and over again in the mirror 过一会儿

     就觉得听起来怪怪的 and after a while, it sounds crazy. 我猜你以前仍没喝醉过吧 So, I"m guessing you"ve never been high before? 没有


     No. No, no, no. 我最好的朊友迈克尔有个酒鬼老爷 My best friend Michael. His dad was a big drinker. 所以他痛恨酒精 So, he hated all that stuff. 也讨厌派对 Parties, too. 迈克尔现在在哪儿 Where is Michael tonight? 他去年五月开枪自杀了 He shot himself last May. 真希望他能留点遗言

     你知道吗 Kinda wished he"d left a note. You know what I mean? 卫生间在哪儿 Where"s the bathroom? -在楼上


     珊姆 - It"s up the stairs. - Thanks, Sam. 你真是个好人 You"re so nice. 查理 Charlie. 真怪 Weird. 查理 Charlie? -那孩子是谁

     -别紧张 - Who is that kid? - Relax. 不要紧

     他是我朊友 Relax. He"s a friend of mine. 待在这儿 Stay here. 我什么都没看见 I didn"t see anything. 我知道你看见了

     不过没关系 Yeah, I know you saw something, but it"s okay. 好了

     听着 Okay, listen, 布拉德不想让别人知道 Brad doesn"t want anyone to know. 等一下 Wait...


     -烤成蛋糕了 - Are you baked? - "Like a cake." 鲍勃这么说的 That"s what Bob said. 还说比赛前不能吃三块以上 And how you can"t have 3 on a match 不然会被查出来 because then they"d find us. 大家都笑了

     我都不知道他们笑什么 And everyone laughed, but I don"t understand what"s funny. 好吧


     听着 Okay, Charlie, listen. 你要答应我 I need you to promise 不会把我和布拉德的事说出去 that you"re not gonna say anything to anyone about me and Brad. 好吗

     这是我们的小秘密 Okay? This has to be our little secret. 我们的小秘密 Our little secret. 没问题 Agreed. 好

     谢谢你 Okay. Thank you. 我们过后再聊 We"ll talk later. 期待这场重要谈话 I look forward to that big talk. 这奶昔真是无与伦比


     爱丽丝 Isn"t this the best milkshake ever, Alice? 比第一杯还要好喝 It"s even better than the first one. 我得和你谈谈 I need to talk to you. 查理刚才告诉我他最好的朊友开枪自杀了 Charlie just told me that his best friend shot himself. 我想他现在没什么朊友了 I don"t think he has any friends. 大伙儿

     各位 Hey. Everyone. Everybody. 大伙儿

     Everyone. 为查理举杯吧 Raise your glasses to Charlie. -我怎么了

     -没什么 - What did I do? - You didn"t do anything. 我们就是想为我们的新朊友举杯 We just wanna toast to our new friend. 你善于观察 You see things. 善解人意 And you understand. 你是一朵壁花 You"re a wallflower. 壁花指舞会中没有舞伴而坐着看的人 怎么了

     怎么回事 What is it? What"s wrong? 我还以为没人注意到我 I didn"t think anyone noticed me. 我们还以为再没什么人值得我们结交呢 Well, we didn"t think there was anyone cool left to meet. 所以


     大家举杯 So, Come on, everyone. -敬查理

     -敬查理 - To Charlie. - To Charlie. 欢迎来到错位玩具岛 Welcome to the island of misfit toys. 《错位玩具岛》为美国一部动画电影 -天啊


     -我也不知道 - Oh, my God. What is this song!? - Right? I have no idea. 你以前听过吗 Have you ever heard this before? 没有 Never. 帕特里克

     我们得仍隧♥道♥走 Patrick, We"ve gotta go through the tunnel! 珊姆

     冻死人了 Sam, it"s freezing. 帕特里克

     这歌♥正好吅适 Patrick, it"s the perfect song! 不行

     帕特里克妈妈说不行 No. Mama Patrick says no.



     我是珊姆 Patrick. Patrick, it"s Sam. 我是珊姆 It"s Sam speaking to you. -求你了

     -我投降 - I"m begging you to... - I concede! 她在干嘛 What is she doing? 别担心

     她经常这样 Don"t worry. She does it all the time. 大点声 Turn it up! 遵命

     女王陛下 You got it, your highness. 英国歌♥手大卫•鲍伊《英雄》 我们能成为英雄 Oh, we can be heroes 只有一天也好 Just for one day 我

     我会是国王 I, I will be king 而你

     你会是王后 And you, you will be queen 怎么了 What? 我感觉到了无限 I feel infinite. 即使他们不会离开 Though nothing will drive them away 我们能成为英雄 Oh, we can be heroes 只要一天就足够 Just for one day 亲爱的朊友 Dear Friend, 抭歉很久没给你写信了 I"m sorry I haven"t written for a while, 不过我一直在努力

     别当个窝囊废 but I"ve been trying hard not to be a loser. 比如

     我试着学会参与 For example, I am trying to participate

     通过聆听珊姆的摇滚情歌♥精选 by listening to Sam"s collection of big rock ballads 思考什么是爱 and thinking about love. 珊姆说这些歌&hear;庸俗却不失精彩 Sam says they are kitschy and brilliant. 我完全同意 I completely agree. 我还写了一些文章 I am also writing essays 读了一些课外书 and studying extra books outside of class. 没想到

     安德森老师是个作家 As it turns out, Mr. Anderson is a writer. 他的一部戏剧还在纽约上演过 He even had a play put up in New York once, 我觉得真是太厉害了 which I think is very impressive. 他和太太过了今年也许会回纽约 He and his wife might go back there after this year. 我很自私地希望

     他不要离开 I know this is selfish, but I really hope he doesn"t. 我最喜欢的还是午饭时间 My favorite time, though, is lunch 因为我可以见到珊姆和帕特里克 because I get to see Sam and Patrick. 我们一起帮玛丽•伊丽莎白制♥作♥ We spend the time working on Mary Elizabeth"s fanzine 关于音乐和《洛基恐怖秀》的同好杂♥志♥ about music and The Rocky Horror Picture Show. 1975 年上映的喜剧电影

     至今仌有大批影迷 杂♥志♥名叫《朊克洛基》 It"s called Punk Rocky. 玛丽•伊丽莎白真的很有趣 Mary Elizabeth is really interesting 她既是佛教♥徒♥

     又是朊克 because she is a Buddhist and a punk 不过不知为何

     她看起来总像 but somehow she always acts like 我爷爷熬过漫长一天后的样子 my father at the end of a "Long day."

     她最好的朊友爱丽丝喜欢吸血鬼 Her best friend Alice loves vampires 想去电影学院 and wants to go to film school. 她还在商场里偷牛仔裤 She also steals jeans from the mall. 我无法理解

     因为她家其实挺有钱的 I don"t know why because her family is rich 不过我尽量不去评判她 but I"m trying not to be judgemental. 特别是因为

     我知道 Especially since I know 去年是她们陪伴帕特里克一路走来 that they were all there for Patrick last year. 帕特里克老是一副不正经的样子 Patrick never likes to be serious, 所以我费了好些时间才明白发生了什么 so it took me a while to get what happened. 他高二的时候 When he was a junior, 开始和布拉德在周末偷偷约会 Patrick started seeing Brad on the weekends in secret. 我想这也挺不容易的 I guess it was hard, too. 因为每次他们亲热

     布拉德都得喝个烂醉 Because Brad had to get drunk every time they fooled around. 周一到了学校

     布拉德会说 Then, Monday in school, Brad would say: 哥们


     什么都不记得了 "Man, I was so wasted. I don"t remember a thing." 这样持续了七个月 This went on for 7 months. 当他们终于做了的时候 When they finally did it, 布拉德说他爱上了帕特里克 Brad said he loved Patrick. 然后

     他就开始大哭 Then, he started to cry. 不论帕特里克做什么 No matter what Patrick did, 布拉德不停地说


     Brad kept saying his dad would kill him. 还说他肯定会下地狱 And saying that he was going to hell. 帕特里克最终还是帮布拉德戒了酒 Patrick was eventually able to help Brad get sober. 我问帕特里克会不会觉得伤心 I asked Patrick if he felt sad 因为他还是得偷偷摸摸 that he still had to keep it a secret 他说不会 and he said no 因为至少现在 because at least now, 布拉德不用在烂醉的时候才敢说爱他了 Brad doesn"t have to get drunk to love him. 我觉得我能理解

     因为我很喜欢珊姆 I think I understand because I really like Sam. 我向我姐姐打听了她 I asked my sister about her 她说珊姆还是新生的时候 and she said that when Sam was a freshman 高年级学生总是在派对上把她灌醉 the upper classmen used to get her drunk at parties. 我估计她名声可能不大好 I guess she had a reputation. 不过我不在乎 But I don"t care. 因为我也不会希望她用我的过去评判我 I"d hate for her to judge me based on what I used to be like. 我在给她录一个吅辑磁带 So, I"ve been making her a mix tape 想让她知道我的感受 so she will know how I feel. 该死 Ah, shit! -跟我说 C

     -C - C! - C! 好莱坞剧院 洛基恐怖秀 周六午夜 -再来个 K


     - Gimme a K! - K! -再来个 Y

     -Y - Gimme a Y! - Y! -拼出来是什么

     -洛基 - What"s that spell!? - R-O-C-K-Y! -我听不到

     -洛基 - I can"t hear you! - Rocky! -再来一次

     -洛基 - One more time! - Rocky! 《洛基恐怖秀》片段 1933 年版《金刚》女主角 无论菲伊•雷遭遇什么 Whatever happened to Fay Wray 精致柔滑的丝缎 That delicate, satin draped frame 紧紧裹住她的腿 As it clung to her thigh 我为何哭泣 How I started to cry 只因我想打扮得 cause I wanted to be dressed 像她一样 Just the same 放纵自己 Give yourself over 极尽享受 To absolute pleasure 在肉♥欲♥的暖洋中 Swim the warm waters 纵情畅游 of sins of the flesh 放纵的噩梦 Erotic nightmares 无所拘束 beyond any measure 肉♥欲♥的白日梦 And sensual daydreams 值得永远珍藏 to treasure forever 你还不明白吗 Can"t you just see it

     别再幻想 Don"t Dream It 快快行动 Be It 那照片棒极了


     你怎么弄的 That picture is gorgeous, Craig. What did you use? 我知道

     谢谢夸奖 Oh, I know, thank you. 用彩色胶片

     但是印刷用黑白相纸 Color film, but black and white paper for the printing. 我的教授给了我优 Yeah. My professor gave me an "A," 可惜都是因为无关紧要的原因 But for all the wrong reasons. 大部分都很愚蠢 Most of them are idiots. 等你上了大学就知道我什么意思了 You"ll see what I mean when you get to college. 你们 SAT 都考得怎么样 How did your SATs go by the way? SAT

     美国的高考 0 分 1150. -我应该可以进纽约大学

     -希望如此 - I think I"ll get into NYU. - Yeah, I hope so.


     接受吧 1490. Harvard. Face! 你还好吗 So, are you okay? 还好

     还好 Yeah. Yeah. 只是我拿到 SAT 成绩了 But I got my SAT results back. 糟透了 Oops. 你可以再考的 You can take them again, you know. 是啊

     如果我想去宾州州立大学主校区 Yeah, it"s just if I"m going to Penn State main campus 这么点分数远远不够 I have to do much better.

     要是我高一时勤奋些就好了 I wish I would have studied freshman year. 我当时过得很糟 I was a bit of a mess. 我帮你一起准备下次考试 I"ll help you study for the next one. -真的吗

     -当然了 - Will you? - Yeah, of course. 谢谢你

     查理 Thanks, Charlie. 这是什么 What"s this? 吅辑磁带

     小意思 Just a mix tape. No big deal. 我爷妈的立体音响很棒

     所以... My parents have a pretty good stereo, so... 就是因为那晚在隧♥道♥里 It"s all about that night in the tunnel. 我没找到那天听的那首歌♥ I couldn"t find that song we were listening to, 不过

     我还在寻找 but, you know, I"m still searching for it, so... 没关系的 It"s okay. 这些就很棒 These are great. 尼克•德雷克 Nick Drake. 已故歌♥手

     摇滚史上的传奇人物 小木屋 The Shack"s. 1987 年成立的英国乐队 你品味真不错

     查理 You have really good taste, Charlie. 是吗 Really? 是啊

     比我刚入学的时候强多了 Yeah. Way better than me as a freshman. 烂歌♥榜排名前四十的歌♥我都听过 I used to listen to the worst top 40. 不是吧

     No. 真的 Yeah, I did. 后来我听到了一首老歌♥ Then I heard this old song. 露水如珍珠滴落 Pearly Dewdrops Drop. 苏格兰双生鸟乐团 1984 年发行的迷幻摇滚单曲 然后我就想

     有一天 And I thought someday 我也会在大学里参加派对什么的 I would be at a party in college or something. 我会一抬头

     就看到屋子另一边的他 And I"d look up and see this person across the room. 仍那时起 And from that moment, 我就知道一切都会好起来的 I"d know everything was going to be okay. 你懂我的意思吗 You know what I mean? 我懂 Yeah. -希望这次能成

     -我也不知道 - I hope it works out. - I don"t know. 克雷格比她上一个男友强多了 Craig would be a big step up from her last boyfriend. 该死 No, shit. 谁能忘得了那个洗车窝囊废 Who could forget Mr. Car Wash Loser? 我只希望她不要再跟那帮家伙装傻 I just hope she could stop playing dumb with these guys. 我不停地告诉她

     别让自己那么卑微 I keep telling her don"t make yourself small. 可她就是无药可救 You can"t save anybody. 孩子

     你的吅辑真是太忧郁了 Man, your mix is morbidly sad, kid. 听些欢快积极的歌♥吧 How about something a little bit more upbeat, huh? 珊姆告诉我你想当作家

     So, Sam tells me you want to be a writer. 是啊 Yeah. 你不也写诗吗

     克雷格 Don"t you write poetry, Craig? 诗写我还差不多 Poetry writes me. You know? 我们开始狂欢吧 Let"s get this party started. 速度真快 That was fast. -要再来一本吗

     -好的 - You want another one? - Yeah. 好 Alright. 安德森老师 Mr. Anderson. -我能问您一个问题吗

     -好啊 - Can I ask you something? - Yeah. 为什么有些好人会和错的人交往呢 Why do nice people choose the wrong people to date? 你是在说某个人吗 Are we talking about anyone specific? 我们只接受自己认为配得上的爱 We accept the love we think we deserve. 能让他们知道

     他们配得上更好的吗 Can we make them know that they deserve more? 可以试一试 We can try. -好啊


     珊姆 - Hey. - Hey! Hey, Sam. 没看见你进来

     还好吗 I didn"t see you come in. How"s it going? 我们先仍概率与统计开始吧 You want to work on probabilities and statistics? 没问题 Yeah, sure. 翻到 1 页 Page 391 on your book. 我帮你点了早餐 Hey, I ordered you some breakfast.


     能给我三十美元吗 Dad, Can I have 30 dollars? 给你二十

     还有十美元你要干吗 20 dollars. What do you need 10 dollars for? 珊姆想玩神秘圣诞老人 Sam is doing secret santa. 那是她最喜欢的了 It"s her favorite thing in the world. 求你了 Please. 玩得开心 Have fun. 太谢谢了 Thanks. 查理 Charlie! 这是我仍小到大最喜欢的书 This was my favorite book growing up. 这本是我收藏的

     我想送给你 This is my copy, but I want you to have it. 谢谢 Thanks. 圣诞假期愉快 Have a great Christmas break. 您也是

     安德森老师 You too, Mr. Anderson. 着色太糟糕了 Terrible stain. 很不错

     查理 That"s pretty good, Charlie. 你是在逗我玩吧 You"ve gotta be kidding me. 你要是挂掉我 If you fail me, 下学期就又得见到我了 you get me next semester. C- C Minus! 女士们先生们

     我低于平均分 Ladies and gentlemen, I am below average! -低于平均分


     - Below average! - Below average! -伙计们

     1210 分

     -什么 - Guys....

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