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    来源:雨月范文网 时间:2020-07-19 点击:

     圆梦巨人 半夜三更之时 It was the witching hour, 会出现妖魔鬼怪 when the bogeyman comes out. 会有人消失 When people go missing. 院长说这事发生在午夜 Matron thinks the witching hour arrives at midnight. 女孩们说是凌晨 1 点到 2 点 The girls say 1:00 or 2:00 in the morning. 我觉得是凌晨三点 I think it comes at 3:00 in the morning, 那时只有我醒着 when I"m the only one left awake. 一如既往 Like always. 一如现在 Like now. 看好腻帽子

     兄弟 Hat"s in your eyes, mate. 别吵

     别吵 Quiet. Quiet. -在那边

     -嘘 - It"s that way! - Shh! 安静 Quiet. 快来 Come on. 安静 Quiet. 别走水坑

     兄弟 Get outta the water, mate. 脏死了 It"s unclean. 那东西会害死你的 That stuff will kill you. 你们都喝醉了 You"re bladdered, the lot of you. 别在这里闹了行吗 Would you clear off? 还有小孩子要睡觉呢 There are children trying to sleep. 你好啊


     Hello, little missy! 别叫我小美女 Don"t little missy me! 小心我报♥警♥

     我说话算话 I"ll call the coppers. I will do it. 小心点水

     快点 Watch the water! Come on! 不要离开床 Never get out of bed. 不要去窗边 Never go to the window 不要去看... and never look behind 窗帘后面 the curtain. 不要离开床

     不要去窗边 Never get out of bed! Never go to the window! 不要去看窗帘后面 And never look behind the curtain. 你已经无处可逃了 There ain"t no place to go 除非你有翅膀 unless you has wings. 我饿了

     该吃东西了 I is hungry. It"s time for eats. 这是哪里 Where am I? 巨人国 Giant Country. 才没有这种地方 No such place. 我们走了很远 We travelled a long, long way. 对

     确实挺远的 Yeah, it be a distance. 那是什么声音

     什么声音 What"s that? What"s that? 是巨人 Giants. 还有像你一样的人 There are more of you? 这个嘛... Yeah, well... 食肉者



     Fleshlumpeater, Bonecruncher, Manhugger... 食童者



     侍女杀手 Childchewer, Meatdripper, Gizzardgulper, Maidmasher... 啮血者 Bloodbottler. 啮血者 Bloodbottler? 对

     还有屠夫小子 Yeah! And the Butcher Boy. 屠夫小子 Butcher Boy? 求你不要吃我 Please don"t eat me. 我 Me? 你以为我是个巨人 You think because I"m a giant, 所以我就会吃人吗 that I"m a man-gobbling cannybull? 我

     吃人豆子 Me? Gobbling up human beans? 你想多了

     我绝对不会... Do you mind? This I never... 那你是谁 Then who are you? 你是什么怪物 What kind of a monster are you? 你误会我了 You has me wrong. 你绑♥架♥了我 You snatched me. 好吧

     这倒是真的 Yeah, well, there you has me right. 不过我没有偷你什么东西 Anyway, I didn"t steal you very much. 毕竟你才这么点 After all, you"s only a little thing. 不过

     我还是忍♥不住会想到 Still, but I can"t help thinking about 你可怜的父母 your poor mother and father. 他们肯定很... They must be skump... 我没有父母

     I don"t have a mother or father. 真的吗 You don"t? 我很小的时候

     他们就过世了 They... They both died when I was a baby. 所以你是孤儿 So you is an orphan? 对

     你从孤儿院把我绑走的 Yes. You took me from an orphanage. 你不知道吗 You didn"t know? 我不知道 I didn"t know that. 你住得开心吗 Were you happy there? 不

     我讨厌那里 No, I hate it. 院长很无能

     规矩离谱 The matron who runs it is incompetent, and she has crazy rules 还总是惩罚别人 and you get punished a lot! 你受过什么罚 How is you punished? 被锁在地窖小黑屋 She locks you in a dark cellar. 里面还有老鼠 There are rats down there. 真是个老巫婆 The filthy old fizzwiggler. 其他巨人也像你这么好相处吗 The other giants, are they nice like you"re nice? 很遗憾

     其他人♥大♥概会直接把你吃掉 No, I"s sorry to say, the boys would eat you up in one dollop. 我这种高度 My 24 foot? 在巨人国只能算小矮子 Puddlenuts in Giant Country. 你就在这里

     巨人国 And that"s where you is, in Giant Country now. 你为什么带我来这里

     为什么带走我 But why did you bring me here, and why did you take me? 我别无选择 Well, I had to take you 因为你肯定会到处宣扬

     "cause the first thing you"d be doing, you"d be scuttling around 说你看到了巨人

     到时候人尽皆知 and yodelling the news that you were actually seeing a giant. 就会闹得沸沸扬扬 And then, there would be a great rumple dumpus, wouldn"t there? 所有人豆子都会 And all the human beans would be rummaging 不知疲倦

     竭尽全力 and whiffling for the giant what you saw, 疯狂寻找巨人 and getting wildly excited. 他们会把我锁进笼子里 And then they"d be locking me up in a cage 跟那些动来动去的的 to be looked at with all the squiggling, you know... "吼"马


     还有长"脖"鹿一起供人观赏 Hippodumplings, and crocadowndillies, and jiggyraffes. 之后人们就会 And then, there would a 大肆捕猎其他巨人 gigantous look-see giant hunt for all of the boys. 我不会说的 I won"t tell. 反正也没人听我的 No one would listen to me anyway. 我只是个小孩 I"m an untrustworthy child. 你会说 Yes, you would. 我不会 No, I wouldn"t. 你会说 Yes, you would. 我不会 No, I wouldn"t. -你会说

     -我不会 - Yes, you would. - No, I wouldn"t! 你会跟所有人说 You would be telling the whole wonky world 甚至上那个电视盒 most likely on the telly-telly bunkum box 还有收音箱 and the radio squeaker. 我不会说


     I won"t tell. I wouldn"t ever. 送我回家吧


     我想回家 Please, take me home. I"m scared. I want to go home. 不行 No. 真难吃 That"s horrible. 你只能在这里陪着我 You"re just gonna have to be 陪我一辈子 stayin" here with me for the rest of our lives. 你是说我的一辈子 You mean, of my life. 我得陪你一辈子 For the rest of my life. 你冷吗 Hey, is you not all frigidy cold, eh? 就穿一件睡衣 In your little nightie. 我要逃跑 I will run away. 听着

     你听着 Listen. Listen, you. 我警告你 I is warnin" you 不要独自离开洞穴 not to ever go whiffling out of this cave without I is with you 否则后果会很惨 or you is comin" to an ucky mucky end. 你拦不住我 You can"t stop me. 我已经跑了无数次 I"ve run away 1,000 times. 我直觉敏锐 I have instincts. 直觉

     人豆子不是用大脑吗 Instincts? I thought human beans was full of brains. 你并不聪明 You is not very clever. 我能拦住你 I can stop you. 那些巨人 Those giants, 会像吃"蓝"瓜饼一样一口吃了你

     they would swallop you up like a piece of frumpkin fry. 是南瓜饼

     不是"蓝"瓜饼 It"s pumpkin pie, not frumpkin fry. 是长颈鹿

     不是长"脖"鹿 And jiggyraffes are giraffes. 是鳄鱼

     而不是"奥"鱼 Crocadowndillies are crocodiles, 是河马

     也不是"吼"马 and hippodumplings are hippopotamuses. 这我也没办法 Well, I cannot be helpin" 有时候我就是说不准 it if I was sayin" things a little squiggly. 我没办法总是说对 I cannot be right all the time. 我经常会说错 Quite often, I is left instead of right. 抱歉

     我不是有意冒犯你 I"m sorry. I didn"t mean to be rude. 没事 Yeah. 我有的时候 Well, what I"m says and what I means 会表达不出自己的意思 is sometimes two different things. 你看的什么书 Hey, what is you reading? 《尼古拉斯·尼克白》[狄更斯著] Nicholas Nickleby. 那些罐子里是什么 What"s in those jars? 梦 Dreams. 梦又不是物品 Dreams aren"t things. 我不会做梦

     我有失眠症 I don"t dream, actually. I"ve got insomnia. 是吗 Is that right? 梦非常神秘 Dreams is actually very mysterious things. 它们总是 All the time 在寻找

     they is searching 找那些 for... 睡着的 for sleeping 人们 people. "血管突出

     浑身如火烧一般" "With throbbing veins and burning skin "双眼沉重而充满野性" "Eyes wild and heavy." 你

     你认得字 You can... You can read! 是啊 Yeah. "思绪纷乱无章" "Thoughts hurried and disordered "他觉得那束光仿佛在斥责他" "He felt as though the light were rep-roach "并不由自主地颤抖" "And shrunk involuntarily from the day "仿佛他是某种丑陋肮脏的" "As if he were some foul and hideous "物什" "Thing." 救命啊 Help me! 不

     救命啊 No! Help! 救救我 Help me! 救命 Help! 是你弄的 You did that. 你说对了 There you has me right. 我说了

     我从不做梦 I told you I didn"t dream 所以没必要弄得这么恐怖 so it was much scarier than it needed to be. 有必要 Needs must. 你这样的小孩子

     Titchy little snapperwhippers like you 不应该跟我这样的老头子讨价还价 should not be higgling around with old sage and onions like me. 巨人都很暴♥力♥

     都会吃人 Giants is all murderful and cannybulls. 会把你们这些人豆子当成糖块吃掉 They"s swallopin" up human beans like they"s sugar lumps. 是人类

     不是人豆子 "Beings", not "Beans". 随便了

     反正会把你吃掉 Yeah, well, they"d eat you either way. 那瓶绿色的液体是什么 What... What is that green fizz? 秘制绿酒 Frobscottle. 巨人们都喝这个 All giants is drinking frobscottle. 它的气泡是往下走的 It... It"s fizzing the wrong way. 我们的气泡会往上冒 Our bubbles go up. 上

     上 Up? Up? 往上冒的泡泡会让人打嗝 Upward-going bubbles gives a filthsome belchy burp. 偶尔打个嗝又怎么了 But what"s wrong with a little burp now and then? 很讨厌 It"s loathsome. 可如果肚子里的泡泡往下走 But if the bubbles in your tummy go down 从另一个地方出来 and come out someplace else... -怎么

     -那样后果会更严重 - Yeah? - That could have a far nastier result. 噗噗炮 A whizzpopper. -噗噗炮

     -没错 - Whizzpopper? - Yeah. 代表真正的快乐 A sign of true happiness. 不要 Oh, no. 开始反应了

     It"s glummy! 哇塞 Whoopie! 侏儒 Runt. 你在家吗

     侏儒 Is you at home, Runt? 没有 No. 你在说话 You is jabbeling. 你在跟谁说话

     侏儒 Who is you jabbeling to, Runt? 你大早上闹腾什么 Why is you such a chatbag in the morning? 今天怎么没睡觉 Why is you not sleeping today? 因为你说话把我吵醒了 Because you keep me awake with your jabbeling. 我受伤了 I has a boo-boo. 等会儿帮你弄 Oh, possibly later. 现在弄

     侏儒 Now, Runt! 好吧


     不要 Never mind, I will. Don"t... 我去拿点水 Right, now we just have to fetch some water. 不

     不要水 No, no, no. No water. 不要水 No water. 你躲起来

     躲在这个后面 Hide behind something. Hide behind there. 好了

     给我吧 All right. Gimme it. 给我

     快点 Gimme it. Give it here. 你养了新宠物吗 Does you have a new little petty-poo? 没有 No. 我闻到人味儿了



     I smells bean, Runt. I finds him... -别乱动

     -我会吃掉他 - Hold still. - ...I eats him up. 你搞错了 You is barking up the wrong dog. 这里没有人 There ain"t no bean here. 我饿了 I is hungry. 这样吧

     你把那个大鼻子瓜吃了吧 Hey, yeah. Why don"t you have that snozzcumber? 那个瓜非常好吃

     很新鲜 Oh, that is a scrumptious snozzcumber. It"s fresh. 你住的地方可真烂

     侏儒 You lives on some rotten garbage, Runt. 别这样 Don"t be like that. -你没试过吗


     -没有 - Have you never tried that, Fleshlumpeater? - No, never. 我告诉你

     非常好吃 I"ll tell you, I"s guzzling 会让你一整天都高高兴兴 that wonderveg gleefully, night and day. 你就这毛病 Well, that"s what"s wrong with you. 外表看着很恶心 The outside is horrigust. 但是内馅闻起来... But the inside is smelling something... 却熟悉而甜美 ...sweetly familiar. 好啊

     那就吃吧 Yeah! Go on! Go on, boy. 那你就吃了吧

     非常好吃 Get your lips around that. That is lovely. 等等

     等等 Wait! Wait! 你很讨厌蔬菜

     你只吃人豆子 You hates vegetables! You eats only beans! 我讨厌蔬菜 I hate vegeterribles. 我只吃人豆子 I eats only beans. -是啊


     - Yeah! - Yeah. 没错 Yeah! 对 Yeah. 我就是这么说的 That"s what I said. 我是这么说的

     是我说的 That"s what I is sayin". I said it. 我讨厌水果和蔬菜 I hates, ugh, fruits and vegeterribles. 还讨厌水 And water! 还讨厌水 And water. 还讨厌水 And water. 这个归我了 I"m taking this. 你 You. 你真是巨人的耻辱 You is an insult to giant people. 干杯 Cheers. 太热了


     太热了 Too hot! Too hot! Too hot! 太热了 Too hot! 有没有穿的 And something to wear? 怎么了 What? 哪儿来的这件外套 Where"d you get that jacket? 你那堆衣服里找的

     很舒服 Um, in your scraps. It"s nice. 怎么了 Is, um, something the matter? 没事

     只是 No, it"s just... 算了 Never mind. 你要去哪里

     Where are you going? 我去工作 Uh, to work. 你做什么工作 What do you do for work? 你现在又要我告诉你这些大秘密 Oh, now you"s asking me to tell you whopsie big secrets! 我绝对不会说出去 I... I won"t tell a soul. 而且我也没办法说 How could I anyway? 我一辈子都只能困在这里陪你 I"m stuck here for the rest of my life. 我捕捉梦境 I catch dreams. 我想一起去 I want to come! 想得美 Yeah, I bet you... 不行

     你要留在这里 No, you is staying here. 我不要 No, I"m not! 你必须留着

     你是人豆子 Yes, you are. You is human bean 人豆子对于外面那些巨人来说 and human bean is like strawbunkles and cream 就像加了奶油的草莓

     你只能留在这里 to those giants out there so you gonna stay. 这里又舒服又安全 You"ve a nice safe place right here. 绝对不行 Not possible. 我去捕捉梦境

     每天如此 I goes to catch dreams, same as every day. 我一个人去

     这是我的习惯 I goes alone. I"s a feature of habit. 但是你留我自己在巨人堆里 But you"ll be leaving me here with them. 他们会把我吃掉 They will eat me. 他们睡得很沉 They is sounding asleep. 我要去捉梦

     I is going dream catching. 我要一个人去 I is going alone. 你在这里好好睡觉 You be snug as a bug up there. 天哪 Oh, my. 你不能瞒着我 You can"t have secrets from me. 现在已经来不及了 It"s too late for that. 你必须带我去 You must take me. 不行 No. 我们之间不能有秘密

     我跟你说说我的 We can"t have secrets. I"ll tell you mine. 我夜里也会出去乱转 I sneak around at night too. 有时候还会偷东西

     我还总撒谎 And I steal sometimes. And I lie. 所以

     我总是一个人 So... So I"m lonely most of the time. 从来没有好朋友

     像你一样 I"ve never had a best friend. Sounds like you, I"ll bet. 慢慢就适应了 We... We gets over it. 然后就

     就习惯了 And we... We gets on with it. 那个食肉的家伙

     会跑来吃掉我 Fleshhead, he"ll come and eat me. 那样的话就是你把我害死的 My blood will be on your hands. 你总是都逼我 Everything about you goes 做出错误的决定

     小女孩 against all my better judgementals, girl. 这次我说得对 Well, I"m right about this one. 我向你保证 I promise I am. 求你了 Please. 你看


     See, they snoozling. 你屏住呼吸


     准备出发 So, hold your breaths, cross your figglers, here we go. 我们要从这些睡着的巨人身上经过 We have to go right past all those sleeping giants, 爬完所有的阶梯

     一直往上 climb all those steps to get all the ways 到山顶 up theres. 侏儒 Runt! 你白天都急急忙忙地去干啥

     侏儒 Where is you galloping off to in the daytime, Runt? 你知道我是去工作的 You know I was going off to my work. 你可能会被爱管闲事的人看到 Well, you could be seen by snoopers -然后把巨人捕手引过来

     -不不不 - and bring a giant hunt! - Oh, no, no... 我们可不想巨人捕手出现在这

     对吧 And we is not wanting a giant hunt, is we? 放我下来

     食肉者 Now, let me down, Fleshlumpeater. 让他们白天多睡睡 Let the boys sleep in the day. 我们都醒了

     还不如 Well, we is all awake now, we might as well... 找点乐子 Frolic. 对

     我们还不如找点乐子 Yeah, we might as well frolic. 什么是找点乐子 What"s frolic? 找点乐子

     就是 Frolic, you know, like... -找点乐子


     找点乐子 - Frolic. - Oh, yeah, yeah, frolic. Yeah, yeah. 别忍♥气吞声 Don"t just take it. 反抗啊 Do something. 侍女杀手

     跑过去 Gizzardgulper, go long. 你为什么不跟我们一起打猎


     Why you not hunt with us, Runt? 去吧 Go. 瞧瞧那些乌云 Look...look at the puffers. 要下雨了 Rain be coming. 人豆子 Bean. 现在 Now... 你不应该让他们那样对你的 You... You shouldn"t let them treat you like that. 任何人都不该被那样对待 Nobody should. 我跟九个吃人的巨人生活在一起 I lives with nine bean-eating giants. 他们掠夺


     把美梦吹给人类 They takes, so I gives back. I blows my dreams about. 我能做的也就是这么多了 Well, that"s as good as I can do. 我至少做了

     对吧 I do something, eh? 我是做了事的 I do something. 终于到了 We is here, at last. 你现在来到的是梦之国

     小姑娘 You is in Dream Country now, missy. 我跟你分享了一个秘密 I shared you a secret. 看看那些星星 Look at all the stars. 是啊 Oh, yeah. 在晴朗的夜晚

     我总能听见 Often enough, on a clear night I is hearing faraway music 从遥远的星辰传来的音乐 coming from those stars in the sky. 真的吗

     还有什么 You do? What else? 我还能听见小蚂蚁们 I is hearing the tiny little ants chittering to each other 在土堆里聊天

     as they skiddle about in the soil. 还有蛹

     他们的对话最无聊 Cattlepiddlers though, they is the worst chatbags. 他们总在争论 All the time, they is arguing about 谁会成为最美丽的蝴蝶 who will be the most pretty butteryflies. 请继续讲 Go on, please. 我能听到瓢虫在树叶上行走的声音 I hear the footsteps of a lady bird as she walks across a leaf. 但最有趣的 But the funniest... 最有趣最悠久的故事 The funniest old stories I"s 是我从植物和树木那里听来的 heard from the plants and the trees themselves. 他们成长着 They is living and growing, 嬉笑


     就跟我们一样 laughing, chittering, just like you and me. 下来吧 Come on, down you go. 我听到所有的好事跟坏事 I is hearing all the wondrous and all the terrible... 很坏很坏的事 Terrible, terrible things. 世间一切的窃窃私语 All the secret whisperings of the world. 真的吗 Really? 你觉得我在骗你

     是吧 You think I"s swizzfiggling you, don"t you? 不是 No. 只是很难相信而已 It"s just all rather hard to believe. 曾经

     有人 At one point, someone... 有人叫我 Someone called me the... 好心眼巨人 The Big Friendly Giant. 我要怎么称呼你啊


     What shall I call you, gal? 我叫苏菲 My name is Sophie. 跳下来吧

     苏菲 Well, jump, Sophie. 这就是我所有梦的开端 This be where all my dreams is beginning. 我的天啊 Oh, my. 当一个梦飘摇而过时 As a dream comes whiffling by 是那么的轻柔 it"s so silvery soft, 嗡嗡作响 it was making like a tiny little buzzing, 如同奏乐般 humming sound, like music. 快看 Bogswinkles! 那是一个美梦 It"s a phizzwizard! 现在已经很少见了 I don"t be seeing many of them any more. 在你手肘后面 It"s behind you on your elbow! 不是那只手

     另外一只 No, not that elbow! The other one! 在你脚上了 Now it"s on your foot! 另一只脚 The other foot! 在你屁♥股♥后面 It"s on your bottom! 抓到了 I gots it. 它好像认识你 Seems to know you, gal. 瞧 Look. 是一个金色的美梦 It is a golden phizzwizard. 真希望我能听见 I wish I could hear it. 给

     Here. 它很温柔 It be"s very soft. 你真的能听到这些梦说的话吗 Do you actually hear what these dreams say? 是的 Yeah, I do. 这个听着就像你 Well, this one sounds like you. 你好

     甜蜜的梦 Hello, beautiful dream. 它 It... 瞧 Look. 去抓一个吧

     小淘气鬼 Go on, make yourself useful, my little frogglefrump. 我 I... -我不行

     -你行的 - I couldn"t. - Yeah, you could. 用你的手

     你细长的手指 Use your hands, your titchy little figglers. 苏菲的梦 苏菲的梦 苏菲的梦 我抓到一个了 Ah! I got one! 放它走吧

     苏菲 Let it go, Sophie. 拿过来

     给我吧 Give it here. Give it to me. 给我吧 Give it to me. 来

     拿过来 Go, give it here. 我的天啊 Oh, mince my maggots. 这是一个非常可怕的噩梦 I think this be a very, very bad dream. 这里还有噩梦吗 There are bad dreams here, too? 这是一个可怕的噩梦 It be a trogglehumper.

     你要怎么处置它 What are you going to do with it? 我把它们关起来 I locks them up, 你这邪恶的小东西 you wicked beastie, you. 这噩梦说了什么 What does the bad dream say? 它说 It says... 瞧你都干了些什么 "Look at what you has done 那是不可宽恕的 and there be no forgiveness." 你在哪里 Where are you? 我看不到你了 I can"t see you. 好心眼巨人 Big Friendly Giant! 好心眼巨人 Big Friendly Giant, 我要叫你 I"m going to call you 好心眼巨人 BFG. 你想怎么叫就怎么叫 You calls me what you likes. 接下来你要去哪里 Where are you going next? 去吹梦 Dream-blowing. 我能做的也就是这么多了 It be as good as I can do. 为什么来这里 Why here? 因为我听到孩子的心声 Because I hears a little heart. 什么事能让你开心

     小姑娘 What be your pleasure, missy? 让他们都有甜蜜的梦 Make them all happy. 好心眼巨人

     是你♥爸♥妈教你吹梦的吗 BFG, did your mother or father teach you about dreams?

     巨人是没有爸妈的 Giants don"t have mothers or fathers. 从来都没有吗 Never? 你多老了 How old are you? 应该跟地球一样老了 Oh, I"s as old as the Earth, I suppose. 皮肤也越来越皱了 I is getting a little bit crumply, but... 但我们巨人一直就那样活下去 us giants is mostly just going on and on, and on... 就像时光机 Like whiffsy time-twiddlers. 好心眼巨人 BFG... 在孤儿院的时候

     你也听到我的心声吗 did you hear my heart at the orphanage? 我现在也能听到 Yeah, I hears it right now. 这个梦说了什么 What does the dream say? 在他梦里 The boy, he"s dreaming that 客厅的电♥话♥响了 the telephone is ringing in his house. 他的父亲接通了电♥话♥

     说 His dad, he answers it and he says, 我是高来士先生 "Yes, this is Mr Goulash speaking." 接着他像被龙虾 And then, he"s gasping like 卡住喉咙一样喘了口气 he has a lobster stuck in his throat. 谁



     我知道了 And he"s saying, "Who? What? Yes, sir, I understand. 是的


     你确定要 "But, surely, sir, it is me 跟我儿子通电♥话♥

     而不是我 you wish to be speaking to, not my little boy." 他的脸色苍白

     眼珠都快掉出来了 And then, his face turns white and his eyes pop out of his head 说道



     他在这 and he says, "Yes, sir. He is here, sir. Yes, sir. Yes, sir."

     他把电♥话♥递给了小男孩 And he hands the phone to the boy. 他问道

     你认识总统先生吗 "Is you knowing the President of the United States?" He asks. 男孩回答

     不 "No," Says the boy. 但我觉得他听说过我 "But I suspect he"s hearing about me." 然后男孩接过电♥话♥ And then he takes the phone, the boy, and he... 他跟总统先生聊了很久的电♥话♥ He"s having a long chittery chat on the phone with the President. 让我来处理

     总统先生 "Well, let me take care of it, Mr President. 不不不 "No, no. No, no, no." 按你的方式处理

     会搞砸的 "You"ll bungle it up, sir, if you do it all your way." 他的父亲 And his dad... 惊讶得眼珠都快掉出来了 his eyes is googling out of his head. 他的母亲走进客厅 And then his ma, she comes into the room. 他爸爸告诉了她 And his dad, he tells her. 然后就这样一直下去 And then so on, and so on, and so on. 梦好短啊 Dreams are so quick. 对于现实中来说是 Yeah, on the outside. 但梦里时间很长 They"s long on the inside. 什么 What? 我听见了哀叹 I hears lament. 某人的心肝宝贝在悲痛地哭泣着 Somebody"s silkies is crying for their darling. 瞧 Look! 怪物们 Monsters.

     我们必须要阻止它们 We have to stop them. 你不能再那么软弱了

     好心眼巨人 You can"t keep living like this, BFG. 好心眼巨人

     我的毯子呢 BFG, what did you do with my blanket? 我以为你放进箱子里了 I thought you had it there. 在哪里

     在我另一件 Where is it, in my other... -在披风里吗

     -应该是掉在巨人国了 - In the cape? - Oh, I think I dropped it in Giant Country. 掉在巨人国了 You dropped it in Giant Country? 巨人国 Giant Country... 孤儿院 我睡着了吗 Did I fall asleep? 你为什么给我吹梦 Why are you giving me a dream? 你为什么给我吹梦 Why are you giving me a dream? 你为什么给我吹梦 Why are you giving me a dream? 你的毯子丢了 You dropped your blanket. 他们肯定知道你去过那里 So they must know you was there. 你跟我在一起不安全

     小姑娘 You"s not safe with me, girl. 那又怎样

     你跟我一起也不安全啊 So? You is not safe with me. 那都不是问题了 Never mind that now. 曾经有个男孩 There was a boy. 他很喜欢读书 He liked to read. 是他教会我识字的 He taught me how to read. 你穿的红色夹克就是他的 You"s wearin" his little red jacket. 我听到了他孤独的心声

     I hears his lonely heart 就像你的一样 just like I hears yours. 他也看到了我 Then he seen me, like you did. 我必须要带走他 So I had to take him, hipswitch. 我本可以带他回家的 I could have brought him back home. 最后还是晚了 But then it be too late. 那不会发生在我身上的 It won"t be like that. 我们会阻止那些巨人 We"ll stop the giants. 我们会让它们永远消失 We"ll make them go away forever. 那个男孩害怕吗 Was the boy scared? 到最后很害怕 Yeah. In the end. 但是我不怕 I"m not. 勇敢的苏菲 Brave Sophie. 我不怕 I"m not! 我不怕 I"m not. 我不怕 I"m not. 好心眼巨人 BFG. 你说你可以听到蚂蚁说话

     蜘蛛织网 You say you can hear ants talk and spiders spin. 你能听到星星的对话 That you can hear the stars. 那你还能听到我的心声吗 Can you still hear me? 我能感觉到你 I feel you"re here. 我知道你还在这 I know you"re here. 好心眼巨人

     BFG. 跳下去吧

     苏菲 Jump, Sophie. 我们需要一个计划 We need a plan... 我们需要一个计划 We need a plan... 需要一个计划 Need a plan... 你想到一个计划了吗 Are you thinking up a plan? 在这混沌的世界里 I"s not having the foggiest idea 我想不到有什么好计划 in the wonky world. 继续想 Well, keep at it. 侏儒 Runt! 苏菲

     躲起来 Sophie. Hide. 侏儒

     你在家吗 Oh, Runty, is you at home? 快快快 Quick, quick, quick! 入口 入口 入口 我受了点伤 I has a boo-boo. 你已经是大人了 Well, you"s a big boy. 可以自己处理你的伤口了 You take care of your boo-boos yourself now. 我会的 Oh, I will. 他会的 Oh, he will! 你藏了个人豆子 You has a bean. 好了

     出去 Right. Out! -我们开始找吧

     -开始找吧 - Let"s get on with it. - Let"s get on with it.


     -打猎 - Time to hunt. - Time to hunt. 分头行动

     伙计们 Skitter scatter, boys. 把小孩给我找出来 Find me the chiddler. 不不不 No, no, no. 别啊 No, no. Don"t! No! 别啊 No, don"t! 这是我的心血啊 This be my work. 这是我的心血啊

     伙计们 This be my work, boys! 看着我 Look at me! 曾经我们巨人都很绅士 Once, us giants, we be gentries. 那些日子已经结束了 Those days are over. 那可口的小东西在哪里 Where is the delicious little chatbag? 你们给我出去 Right! Out, all of you! 火车来咯 Toot toot. 上一个是他找到的 He find the last one. 我会把这个找出来 I finds this one. 好心眼巨人 与我 这里是我家 This be my home. 好热

     好热 Ow, hot! Hot! 你们不许再来 You don"t come in here any more! 赶紧给我滚出去 Go on, get out! 诅咒你

     侏儒 Cursed you be, Runt.

     滚出去 Get out! 这里是我家 This be my home! 你 You... 你是巨人的耻辱 You is insult to giants. 更多的梦消失在稀薄的"孔"气里 Well, there be more dreams disappeared into a thick ear. 是稀薄的空气 Into thin air. 词语 Words. 它们对于我来说一辈子都是个难题 They"s all such a twitch-tickling problem to me all my life. 我知道我自己要说什么的 I knows exactly what words I want to say 但有些时候 but somehow or other 说出来的话就不一样了 they all comes out squiff-squiddled "round. 别担心

     所有人都这样 Don"t worry. That happens to everyone. 没有我的频率高 Not like it happens to me. 我的英语是最烂的 I speak in the most terrible wigglish. 我觉得你的英语说得很好啊 Well, uh, I think you speak beautifully. 真的吗 You do? 你真的觉得吗 You really do? 简单又漂亮 Mmm-hmm. Simply beautifully. 这 Oh, that... 这是我一辈子 Oh, that is the nicest present 听过的 that anybody"s ever given me 最友善的赞美 in my entire life.

     好心眼巨人 BFG... 真是太棒了 How whoopsey-splunkers. 好心眼巨人 BFG. 简直是 How absolutely... 怎么说来着

     美妙极了 What"s the word? Squiffling. -好心眼巨人

     -我真是结结巴巴 - BFG. - I is all of a stutter. 好心眼巨人 BFG! 怎么了 Yeah, yeah? 我想到一个计划了 I have a plan. 计划 A plan? 我们去找女王 We are going to the Queen. 我们需要她的帮助 We really, really need her help. 我们可以在黎明前到那里 We can be there by dawn. 对 Right. 你要给你的女王 You be giving your Queeny 带去一个惊恐无比的噩梦 a frightsome curd-bloodling trogglehumper. 造得越恐怖越好 Needs must. Scary as you can make it. 噢

     孩子们 Oh, chiddlers. 女王会梦见 The Queen will dream that giants, 九个巨人在英国 all nine of them, are in England. 吃着小孩子 And they are eating little children. 一定要把军队加进去 And be sure to put some army in it.

     还把我也加到梦里去 Be sure you add a little of me. 对 Right. 你把自己加进去了吗 Did you add yourself? 女王的梦 女王的梦 女王的梦 女王会梦到 The Queen will dream that 一个小女孩坐在她的窗台前 a little girl is sitting on her windowsill. 然后她醒来

     我就在那里 Then, she wakes up and I am there. 我们在那里 We are there. 然后呢 Uh, then what happens? 然后一位好心眼巨人走上前 Well, then a Big Friendly Giant steps forward 鞠着躬

     说道 and bows and says, 女王陛下

     我是您的仆人 "Your Majesty, I am your humble servant." 她真的要看到我吗 You mean she actually sees me? 不行


     姑娘 No. Not in a month of Mondays, girl. 好心眼巨人


     我快摔下去了 BFG, stop! You are going to knock me off. 我只是想听听男豆子 Just trying to listen to the 和女豆子的气息有什么不同 different breathing of manly bean and lady bean. 不 No. 不

     不... No, no. No, no it"s not... 太可怕了


     拦住他们 It"s horrible. Don"t. Stop them. 拦住他们

     让他们停下 Make them stop. Make "em stop! 巨人


     Giants? Giants. 真可怕 Horrible. 吃人...吃人的巨人

     不要 Man... Man-eating giants, no. 不


     不要 No, no, stop. No! No, no, no! 不要 No! 女王陛下 Your Majesty. 怎么了 What is it? 玛丽 Oh, Mary. 我做了个最可怕的噩梦 I had the most horrible dream. 只是个梦而已

     陛下 Well, only a dream, ma"am, hmm? 我给您沏茶 Let me get your tea. 我梦见了寄宿学校的孩子们 I dreamt that girls and boys 在自己的床上被抓走 were being snatched out of their beds in boarding schools 还被最可怕的巨人吃掉 and were being eaten by the most ghastly giants. 有好多巨人 There was so many of them. 有... There was the... 有食肉者 The Fleshlumpeater 侍女杀手 and the Gizzardgulper 还有钻肉者 and the Meatdripper. 还有... And the, uh... 屠夫小子 Butcher Boy? 屠夫小子 Butcher Boy. 抱歉

     Oh. I"m sorry. 巨人们从窗户伸进手来 The giants put their hands in through the windows 用手指把孩子们拽走 and pluck the children out with their fingers. 太血腥


     太真实了 It was so bloody, so vivid, so real. 太真实了

     玛丽 So real, Mary. 孩子们就那么消失了 The children just disappeared. 天哪 Oh, my. 怎么了


     脸色这么惨白 What"s the matter, dear? You"re white as a sheet. -坐下


     -好 - Sit down, Mary. Sit. - Yes. 你在发抖

     怎么了 You"re trembling. What is it? 太奇怪了

     陛下 Well, it"s just, uh, so odd, ma"am. 实在太奇怪了 So very odd. 您还没看报纸吗 You haven"t seen the papers? 我还没看 No, I haven"t seen them yet. 您看 Well, here. Look. 这就是您做的梦 It"s the very dream you had. 孩子们在晚上失踪 Children have disappeared in the night. 不见了

     被抓走了 Gone. Taken. 但是

     不是巨人们干的 But, not by giants. 不是


     陛下 Well, no, it couldn"t be could it, ma"am? 把窗帘拉开 Draw the curtains. 是

     陛下 Yes, ma"am. 难以置信

     I don"t believe it. 有个小姑娘站在窗台上 There"s a small girl standing on the window sill. 有没有

     提布斯先生 Is there not, Mr Tibbs? 确实有

     陛下 There is indeed, ma"am. 她就站在那儿

     陛下 She is standing right there, ma"am. 不是您在做梦 You didn"t dream it. 但我确实梦到了 But I did dream it. 你是怎么到这儿来的 How in the world did you get there? -我...


     陛下 - Well... - Let me take care of this, ma"am. -来




     别 - Here. Come down. Come with me. - No, no, don"t do that. 一个巨人把你放在这儿的 A giant put you there. 是的

     陛下 Yes, he did, ma"am. 他此刻正在花♥园♥等着 He"s waiting in the garden now. 是吗 Is he? 是吗 Is he? 他是我最好的朋友 He"s my best friend. 他创造了您的梦境 He made your dream. -是吗

     -是吗 - Did he? - Did he? 是吗 Did he? 女王的花♥园♥


     请来人 Queen"s garden, rear window, please. 你和你的巨人为什么要来找我 Why have you and your giant come to see me? 我想您应该会记得的

     女王陛下 I... I think you would remember that, Your Majesty, 如果配方没错的话

     if the mixing went well. 是的

     我记得 Yes, I remember. 你有个计划

     你需要我 You have a plan. You need me. 是的没错

     现在可以叫他过来吗 Yes, we do. Should we call for him now? 我想可以 I suppose we should. 您保证不伤害他吗

     陛下 You promise you won"t hurt him, ma"am? 后花♥园♥


     请来人 Rear garden, rear garden, please. 我准备好了 I"m ready. 好心眼巨人 BFG! 好心眼巨人

     女王很想见你 BFG, the Queen would really like to meet you. 您不会把他关起来吧 You won"t put him in the bunkumhouse? 下来吧

     孩子 Come down from there, child. 玛丽

     带她下楼去吃点早餐 Mary, take her downstairs and get her some breakfast. 提布斯先生

     查查她从哪来的 Mr Tibbs, find out where she comes from. 来吧

     亲爱的 Come on, dear. Come on. 不不不

     他只是害怕 No! No! No, he"s just afraid. 他这一生还没有经历过这样的事情 He"s never done anything like this in his whole life before. 好心眼巨人

     勇敢点 BFG, be brave! 您答应了不会伤害他的 You promised you wouldn"t hurt him. 提布斯先生

     让警卫们待命 Mr Tibbs, tell the guards to stand down. 提布斯先生 Mr Tibbs? 待命


     请待命 Stand down, gentlemen, please. Stand down. 亲爱的


     Dear, come here. 女王陛下

     我是您忠实的仆人 Your Majesty, I am your humble servant. 女王"鼻"下

     我是您忠"四"的仆人 Your Majester, I is your humbug servant. 很高兴认识你 I"m so pleased to make your acquaintance. 女王"鼻"下

     我亲爱的 Oh, Majester. Oh, Monacher. 直线的... Oh, ruler of 统治者 straight lines. 我与我的小朋友苏菲一同前来 I"s come, with my little friend Sophie 给您... to give you a... 给我什么 To give me what? 帮助 A sistance. 谢谢你 Thank you. 我相信你

     但让我先换下晨衣 I"m sure you have, but not in my dressing-gown. 巨人


     吃人的巨人 Giants, Boris. Man-eating giants. 有人失踪吗 Have people been disappearing? 我们有可靠情报 We have verifiable intelligence. 可能需要隔离空域

     再联♥系♥ We might need air clearance. I"ll get back to you. 南希

     罗尼在吗 Nancy, is Ronnie there? 叫醒他 Well, wake him. 女王陛下 Her Majesty the Queen. 这边


     跟我来 This way, sir. Just follow me. 跟我来 Follow me. 没错


     That"s it, sir. 慢慢前进


     慢慢前进 Slow ahead. Careful. Slow ahead. 停下 And full stop. 往左边

     先生 To port side, sir. Oh! 小心这些古董

     先生 Careful of the antiques, sir. 起身 And up. Up. 小心


     没错 Careful, up, up. That"s it. 往左往左 Hard to port. 慢慢往前 And slow ahead. 稳当... Steady... 是

     先生 Yes, sir. 我的老天爷

     这是什么 Bogswinkles! What was that? 路易十四 That was Louis Quatorze. 实在太抱歉了

     女王陛下 I"m so, so sorry, Your Majesty. 他之前从未进过房♥子 He"...

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