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    来源:雨月范文网 时间:2020-07-31 点击:

     Sicario 这个词来自耶路撒冷狂热份子 是形容追杀入侵家园的罗马人的那些人 在墨西哥

     Sicario 的意思是

     杀手 亚利桑那州

     钱德勒 趴下

     趴下 Get down! Get down! 不许动 Don"t move! 联邦警♥察♥

     不许动 FBI! Don"t move! 趴下

     趴下 Get down! Get down! 人♥质♥在哪儿

     人♥质♥在哪儿 Where are the hostages? Where are the hostages? -联邦警♥察♥



     -趴下别动 -FBI, police! Don"t move! -Down! Stay down! 脚♥交♥叉上

     手举起来 Cross your legs! Cross your legs and put your hands in the air! 警♥察♥



     不许动 Police! Don"t move! Police! Don"t move! 趴下

     趴下 Get down! Get down! -安全



     不许动 -Clear! -Police! Search warrant. Don"t move! -出来了


     不许动 -Steppin" out! -Police, don"t move! 警♥察♥


     这是搜查证 Police, don"t move! Search warrant! 联邦警♥察♥ FBI! 打着你了吗 Are you hit? 我没事 I"m good. 妈的 Fuck! 客厅安全 Front, you"re clear! 队长

     情况报告 Team leader! Status? -客厅安全


     长官 -Front clear! -We"re clear, ma"am! 抓到两名嫌犯 Two suspects in custody!



     -没事 -You okay, macer? -Yeah. 他干嘛开枪

     这儿也没别人 Why"d he shoot? There"s no one here. 哇 Whoa... 什么鬼东西 What the fuck? 天呐 Jesus! 这些不是我们要找的人♥质♥ Those weren"t our hostages. 不

     这完全是另一回事 No. That was somethin" else. -梅瑟

     -怎么 -Macer? -Yeah? 司法部长问我们情况

     你想让我怎么说 U.S. attorney wants a statement. What do you want me to say to her? 照实说 The truth. 像是索诺拉集团... Looks like sonora. 是的 Yeah. 一共有多少 How many, total? 这个走道有十五个

     后面卧室有大概二十个 We"ve got 15 in this hall here, about 20 in the back bedroom. 阁楼和地板下面还没看 We haven"t even checked the attic or under the crawl space. 给司法部打电♥话♥

     告诉他们我们的发现 Call DOJ, let "em know what we have. 这是曼纽尔·迪亚兹的房♥子吗 This one of the houses owned by Manuel Diaz? 没法把线索联♥系♥到他

     但是这是他的房♥产 No way to connect him, but he owns it. 我的天 Jesus Christ. 雷吉


     没事 Reg, step out. It"s okay. 维克斯

     我们需要断线钳 Vickers! I need bolt cutters! 维克斯 Vickers!

     警方有发现 Pd found something. 放松 Relax. 放松 Relax. 在凤♥凰♥城附近发现如此大量的尸体 Such a heavy body count this close to Phoenix, 钱德勒恐怖的房♥子 无疑是毒品集团动作的全面升级 is without a doubt a major escalation for the cartels 华盛顿方面一定会要求地方解释 there will be pressure in Washington to explain how such a dramatic outrage 为何这种事件会发生在美国腹地深处 could happen so deep inside the American heartland. 这些可能是帮派火拼的受害者 We may be talking about the victims of a turf wan 或者是被勒索赎金的非法移♥民♥ or maybe some illegal immigrants who are tied to a ransom, 但是要辨认受害者的身份

      but it will be some weeks before

     还需要几周的时间 we have a clearer picture on who the victims... 什么情况 What"s goin" on? 我不知道 I have no idea. 这三年她是我们绑♥架♥案应对小组的队长 Sne"s been leading our kidnap response team for three years. 她一来我们就让她投入了现场工作

     她都没二话 Put her through the grinder since she got here, and she hasn"t blinked. 她一直是一线人员 She"s in the front line. 抓住这些人

     没有人会比凯特更开心 Nobody"s gonna be happier than Kate to see these guys go down. 所以她是干活的 So, she"s a thumper. 今天是她第五次涉及警员的枪击案 Today was her fifth O.I.S. 五次都全身而退

     新人来说不错 5-and-0, not bad for a rookie. 她从来没调查过案子 She never worked cases? 从一开始就是行动人员

     Been kicking doors since day one. 我已经喜欢她了


     出过很多现场吗 I like her already. What about the partner? He seen any action? 他才来了一年半 He"s only been with us 18 months. 他什么背景 What"s his background? 挺聪明的 He"s a sharp kid. 马里兰大学的预备役军官训练团奖学金 ROTC scholarship to Maryland, 在伊♥拉♥克♥服役过

     后来在北卡拿了法学学位 did a tour in Iraq, got his law degree from unc. 他是新人

     但是很不错 He"s green, but he"s good. 我们不要律师

     姑娘来就成 No lawyers on this train. Just give me the girl. 咱们都是按规章办的对不对 We did this by the book, right? 当然的 Come on, of course. -天呐

     -怎么 -Jesus. -What? 妈的 Oh, shit. 进来一下好吗

     凯特 Would you step in here, Kate? 今天这可是大发现

     尽管牺牲了两位警员 Quite a find today, the loss of two officers notwithstanding. 是的

     长官 Yes, sir. 你对于曼纽尔·迪亚兹的团伙有多熟悉 How familiar are you with Manuel Diaz"s operation? 他的公♥司♥


     大概有八十多处贷款回收的房♥产 His company, sun oasis, has 80 or so foreclosure properties. 他还有其他正经生意... He has other legitimate businesses. 但是有流言说他和墨西哥毒品集团有联♥系♥ But he"s rumored to be linked with one of the Mexican cartels... 曼纽尔·迪亚兹是索诺拉集团的 Manuel Diaz works for the sonora cartel. 他很可能是他们在美国的高级别成员 He"s most likely their senior member in the United States. 你对他兄弟有什么了解

     What do you know about his brother? 我不知道他有兄弟 I wasn"t aware he had one. 吉列尔莫

     他兄弟叫吉列尔莫 Guillermo. His brother"s name is guillermo. 那他的表兄弟呢 Do you know anything about his cousin? 我也不知道他有表兄弟

     这些都不在他的案卷里 I didn"t know he had one of those either. None of that is in his file. 他的表兄弟是福斯托·阿♥拉♥尔孔 His cousin is fausto alarcon... 我不知道那是谁 I don"t know who that is. 没人知道

     他藏得很深 No one does. He"s off the grid. 他是索诺拉集团的三号♥人物 He"s number three in the sonora cartel. 长官

     这个不归我管 This is not my department, sir. 我刚才也说了

     梅瑟探员不管毒品案 Like I said, agent macer doesn"t work narcotics. 她带领的是绑♥架♥案应对小组 She runs a kidnap response team. 你结婚了吗 Are you married? 我结婚了吗 Am I married? 你有老公吗 Do you have a husband? 离了 Divorced. 有孩子吗 Kids? 没有 No. 还有别的问题吗 Anything else? 没了



     请你在外面等一下 No. Thanks, Kate. If you could wait outside, please. -如何

     -一头雾水 -Well? -I have no clue. 这都什么人

     你认识吗 Who are those people? You know? 不认识

     No idea. 谢谢你们来 Thanks for coming in, guys. 再进来一下好吗

     凯特 Will you come back in, Kate? 司法部希望有专管毒品集团的顾问

     参与抓捕迪亚兹先生 DOJ wants advisors that focus on cartels involved in pursuing Mr. Diaz. 这位是马特·格拉弗

     他会带领这个团队 This is Matt graver... he"ll be leading the team. 这不是归凤♥凰♥城凶案组管吗 Isn"t this Phoenix homicide now? 不

     我们扩大了调查范围 No, we"re expanding the scope of the investigation a bit. 你会作为联络人 You"ll act as a liaison. 这是什么意思 What does that mean? 他们需要有战术经验的探员

     比如你这样的 They need an agent with tactical experience, like you. 国♥务♥院♥还从前线调来了 State department is pulling an agent from the field 应对毒品集团活动升级的专家 that specializes in responding to escalated cartel activity. 你会作为团队的一员 You"ll be part of the team. 你明天会在卢克见到他们 You"ll meet up with them at Luke tomorrow? 是后天

     一早 Day after. Early. 卢克空军基地 Air force base? 对

     我们要去见吉列尔莫 Yeah, we"re gonna go see guillermo. 迪亚兹的兄弟 Diaz"s brother? 就是那位 That"s the one. 他在哪儿 Where is he? 呃

     他在艾尔帕索附近[美国德州城市] He"s in the ei Paso area. 我们的行动目标是什么 What"s our objective? 是要明显反应过激

     To dramatically overreact... 凯特

     夸机构的行动小队需要你自愿参加 Kate, you must volunteer for an inter-agency task force. 你想想好再回复 Think very hard before you respond. 你想成为一份子吗 You wanna be a part of this? 我们有机会抓住该为今天的事负责的人吗 Do we get an opportunity at the men responsible for today? 对

     真正要为今天的事负责的人 The men who were really responsible for today, yeah. 我自愿参加 I"ll volunteer. 墨西哥

     诺加利斯 爸爸 Papa 起床了 该送我去足球赛了 你踢足球啊 是啊 si 你确定 确定 Si. 不起 No. 起来


     我们必须去 好吧

     走吧 妈妈


     做♥鸡♥蛋 好的

     好的 你小心那个穿凉拖的老油条 You keep an eye on that doughy prick with the flip-flops. 别相信他 Don"t trust him. 长官

     你好吗 How you doin", sir? 证件 I.D."s? 她在名单里

     你不在 She"s on the list, but you"re not. 那她怎么办 Well, what"s she supposed to do? 你得调头回去 I need you to turn this around for me.


     没问题 It"s fine. It"s good. 我们回来了我给你打电♥话♥ I"ll call you when we"re headed back. 好的 Au right. -早上好


     我来晚了吗 -Morning. -Morning. Am I late? 没有没有



     这边 No, no, no. Wejust landed. Come on, this way. 那位是我的猎鸟犬亚历桑德罗 My bird dog over there, Alejandro. 坐这个飞机吗 We"re taking this? 对

     给您都是一流配置 Yeah. Only the best for you. 国防部都给你们配私人飞机啊 Dod flies you around in private jets now? 对

     你们没有吗 Yeah. You guys don"t have one of these? 没有 Right. 飞机上有吃的吗 Is there any food on this flight? 后面有些花生米什么的

     想吃的话自己拿 Some bitchin" peanuts in the back. But it"s kind of a self-serve deal. 我叫凯特·梅瑟 Kate macer 你以前去过华雷斯吗[墨西哥城市

     与艾尔帕索接壤] have you been to juérez before? 没有

     我们不是去艾尔帕索吗 No, I... we"re goin" to ei Paso, right? 是的


     好的 Yeah, amazing. Okay. 你还好吗 Are you okay? 嗯

     我没事 Yeah. I"m fine. 那个... So... 这是你的擅长 So, this is your specialty? 对付墨西哥毒品集团是你的擅长 The cartels in Mexico are your specialty?


     对 Yeah. Yeah. 有什么我应该知道的吗 Is there anything I should know? 你是在问我钟表是什么原理 You"re asking me how a watch works. 现在还是先看好时间吧 For now, just keep an eye on the time. 好 Okay. 你们好吗 How you doin"? 你好

     你最近如何 Howdy! How you been? 挺好的伙计

     你呢 Good, buddy. How you feelin"? 一撒尿就疼 Well, when I pee, it burns. 可能是淋病啊 Maybe it"s gonorrhea. 什么颜色的尿 What color is it? 黄的

     有红色斑点 Yellow with red specks. 是红色斑点还是血啊 Red specks or blood? 我想让国防部给我

     调查斐济下邪恶阴谋的机会 I"m tryin" to get dod to let me look into this conspiracy to sink Fiji. -斐济

     -是的 -Fiji? -Yeah. 别管斐济了

     你这个恐♥怖♥分♥子♥ Leave Fiji alone, terrorists! 可不是


     就什么都好了吧 Exactly. I figure a month or two over there, we"ll get it all worked out. 今天都谁过去 So, who"s goin" over there today? 执行官


     马特 Marshals, DEA... I pulled a team for you, Matt. 你一说团队我就激动

     听着这么暖洋洋的 Oh, man, I love it when you say "a team." It makes me all warm and fuzzy. 而且他们都很干练的

     都刚从阿富汗回来 They"re a crack bunch, too. Just rotated back from Afghanistan. 大家都在哪儿呢 Where"s everybody linkin" up?

     中情局 A.I.C. 好的

     好的 Good, good, good. 墨西哥联邦警♥察♥会在边境接你们 Mexican federal police will meet you at the border, 然后送你们去法♥院♥大楼

     在这儿 and proceed with you to the courthouse, located here. 华雷斯 墨西哥联邦大楼 这是高级别目标 This is a high-level target. 敌人可能出手的地方是交接处 The most likely spots for an attempt will be at the exchange, 还有回来的时候的边检站 and at the border crossing on the return. 法♥院♥执行官们会进去... The marshals will enter... 基思


     起立一下 Kevin, Keith, you wanna stand up? 执行官们的接应小组在拉雷多 Now, the iviarshals" response team is in Laredo... 爱死德州人了 Love texans. 我们三角洲特种部队的朋友们

     也自愿加入我们 So our friends from delta have volunteered to come along, 他们会在交接的时候保护执行官们 and will escort the marshals on the exchange. 接下来是焦点人物了 And here"s the man of the hour. 你跟我们一起还是在这儿等 You comin" with or waitin" here? 我们一起走

     给我们几杆枪 We"ll take the tour with you. Loan us a couple pop guns. 好的

     咱可是全明星阵容了 All right, this is turnin" into an all-star affair! 基思

     你还要人帮忙交接过程不 Keith, you want another hand on the exchange? 你清醒吗 You sober? 等我们到了那儿就差不多了 Will be by the time we get there. 我车里有一瓶

     想喝了就给你 Got a bottle in the truck in case your hands get shaky.


     基思 I know I could always count on you, Keith. 好的

     我们这边好了就给你们装备 All right, we"ll gear you up as soon as we"re done here. 现在



      Now, Matt, you can be the tip of the spear,

     这样我们就不用抢三角洲的人 and we don"t have to rob a guy from delta. 调头回来的时候小心 Now, be careful on the turnaround. 他们的枪手

     就会在调头回来的时候动手 If the federale"s a shooter, it"s gonna happen on the turnaround. 三角洲的一队打头 Delta"s team one will be the lead vehicle. 二队可以分在犯人的车还有压后的车里

      We can divide team two between the carry car and the trail vehicle.

     行不行 That okay? 好的


     你们举个手 Good. Now, delta, if you can identify yourselves, 这样大家都知道出事儿了躲在谁身后 so everyone knows who to hide behind if shit hits the fan. 最可能出事的地方就是边境还有调头出 The most likely spot for a hit will be at the border crossing on the return. 路上任何时候

     任何现在不在这个屋里的人都可能是枪手 Anywhere along the way, anyone not in this room is a potential shooter. 我们不回到这个屋子

     行动就没有结束 The op isn"t over until we get back here. 明白了 Okay? 提高警惕


     出发 Be alert. Be vigilant. And be aware. Let"s go. 什么 What? 嘿...我以为你在牢里呢 Hey! I thought you were in prison. 他们把我放出来了 They took me out. 他们需要人办这个案子 They needed somebody for this job. 是因为好的表现还是坏的表现 For good behavior or bad behavior? 你去过那边吗 Have you ever been over there?

     我在华雷斯工作过 I worked in juérez. 给禁毒局干 For the DEA? 不是 No. 那是给谁 For who? 墨西哥 For Mexico. 我是个检察官 I was a prosecutor. 你不是美国人啊 You"re not American? 不是 No. 那你现在给谁干 Who do you work for now? 让我去哪儿我就去哪儿 I go where I"m sent. 那你从哪儿来 Where were you sent from? 卡塔赫纳 Cartagena. 哥伦比亚啊 Colombia. 听好... Listen... 我说什么你这双美国耳朵也是不会懂的 Nothing will make sense to your American ears. 我们要做的事

     你也都会怀疑 And you will doubt everything that we do. 但是最终

     你还是可以理解 But in the end, you will understand. 给


     看合不合适 Here, try this on. See if it fits. 他是中情局的吗

     你是吗 Is he CIA? Are you? 他是国防部的顾问

     我也是 He"s a dod advisor, just like me. 不

     他不是 No, he"s not. 留意亚历桑德罗就行了

     他让你干嘛你就干嘛 Just pay attention to Alejandro. If he says to do somethin", just do it.

     我没有被授权要听亚历桑德罗的命令 I"m not authorized to follow orders from Alejandro! 尤其是在墨西哥 Especially in Mexico! 那好

     你留在这儿 Fine. Then stay here. 但你不想的对不对 But you don"t want to, do you? 我只是想知道我要面临什么 I just wanna know what I"m getting into. 凯特

     你自愿加入我们因为你知道 Kate, you volunteered to get on this train because you know 你在凤♥凰♥城什么也解决不了 you"re doing nothing in Phoenix. 你只是个擦屁♥股♥的 You"re just sweeping up a fucking mess. 再过六个月

     你扫荡的每个房♥子都会有炸♥弹♥ In six months, every single house you raid will be rigged with explosives. 你想不想找到该负责人的人

     想不想 Do you want to find the guys responsible? Yes or no? 想 Yss. -想

     -是的 -Yes? -Yes! 我们就从这里开始 This is where we start. 试试 Try it on. 看到了 There she is. 野兽 The beast. 华雷斯 Juérez 悄知道 you know, 上个世纪初

     塔夫脱总统来会见迪亚兹总统 1900s, president taft went to visit president Diaz. 带了四千个人 Took 4, 000 men with him. 差点就取消了行程 And it almost was called off. 有人有把手♥枪♥ Some guy had a pistol.

     他就想走到塔夫脱身边崩了他 Was gonna walk right up to taft and just blow his brains out. 但是还是避开了

     四千人啊 But it was avoided. 4, 000 troops! 你说他觉得安全么 Think he felt safe? 墨西哥

     华雷斯 欢迎来到华雷斯 Welcome to juérez... 他们干得真不赖 it"s brilliant what they do. 这样毁坏尸体 When they mutilate a body like that, 让别人觉得这些人肯定有牵连 they make people think they must have been involved, 死这么惨肯定是罪有应得 they must have deserved such a death "cause they did something. 他们干得真不赖 It"s brilliant what they do. 你听到了吗 You hear that? 这可不是放鞭炮 Those aren"t firecrackers... 墨西哥方面要改动我们的路线 Mexicans are adjusting our route. 前方有情况


     大家坐好 There"s activity ahead, we need to go around. Everyone hold on. 这里不会有事的 Nothing will happen here. 要动手也是在边境 They try anything, it will be at the border. 留意地方警♥察♥ Keep an eye out for the state police. 他们不总是好人 They"re not always the good guys. 左边有盯梢的

     左边 Spotter vehicle, left lane. Left lane! 九点钟方向有盯梢的车 Spotter vehicle, nine o"clock. 我都要硬了 I"m gettin" a boner. 是我们的人吗 Is that one of ours? 注意右边


     Watch the right, watch the right. 不

     只是一个人而已 No, that"s a lone wolf 小心路边的房♥顶 eyes on rooftops. 安全 Nothing. 屋顶安全 Rooftops clean 马上到大桥了 Bridge is one klick out. 前方路面安全

     各位赶紧 Road is clear. Hotfoot it, gentlemen. 大家都跟紧

     我们的人员在边境加快放人 Everyone stay in this lane-our agents at the border are 让我们能赶紧过去 wa ving trafhc through to get us over as quickly as they can. 大家保持警惕 Everyone stay frosty. 好了


     我们现在怎么办 Okay it"s a fuck-up. What are we gonna do now? 是这样

     前面有辆车坏了 Here"s the deal. A car broke down up ahead. 正在解决


     稍等 It"s being sorted out, but it"s gonna take a while. Stand by. 把你的配枪拿出来 Get your service weapon out. 左边两道的红色羚羊

     我的十点钟方向 Red impala, two lanes over, on my ten. 收到

     左边两道的红色羚羊 Copy that. Red impala, two lanes left. 收到 Roger that. 左边三道七点钟方向的绿色思域 Three lanes left. Seven o"clock. Green civic... 把车窗打开 bring your window down. 有枪 Gun. 有枪

     左边有枪 Gun! Gun left! 作战规则是什么 What are the rules here? 他们先动手我们才能动手

     We must be engaged to engage. 请求下车进行巡视 Permission to get out of the vehicle and set a perimeter? 在车里别动 Stay in your vehicle. 他们先动你们才能动


     你们就下车 You can do what they do. If they get out, you get out. 做好准备

     他们能看到我们这道要畅通了 Get ready. They can see our lane clearing. 要动手就是现在了 If it"s coming, it"s coming now. 行动 Move! 等等


     等等 Wait, wait, wait! 下车 Get outta the car. 我的天 Jesus Christ! 别动

     冷静 Don"t move! 不不不 No, no, no, no! 冷静

     冷静 把枪放下 放下 你想死吗 我们他妈是在干嘛 What the fuck are we doing? 见鬼 Fuck! 路通了

     路通了 Lane"s clear! The lane"s clear! 别看我 Don"t look at me! 手放在头后面


     手放在头后面 Put your hands behind your head! Go! Hands behind your head! -安全

     -我没问题 -All clear! -I got this! 走了走了 Go, go, go! 撤撤撤 Move, move, move! 这肯定要上全国所有报纸的头条

     This is gonna be on the front page of every newspaper in America. 不会

     艾尔帕索当地报纸都不会报 No, it won"t. It won"t even make the papers in ei Paso. 安全 Clear! 有点疯狂吧 Got a little nutty, huh? 疯狂


     你们他妈那是犯法的 Nutty? Yeah, that was fucking illegal. 你想开战吗

     你这个魔鬼 You wanna start a war? You"re a fucking spook! 还有他

     他他妈是什么人 And him! I mean, who the fuck is that? 跟你说了你可以不去的 Told you, you could stay here. 我的天

     你们搞得枪林弹雨的... Jesus Christ. You just spray bullets at... 是啊

     不过就是些平民在现场嘛 Yeah, sure, there"s just fucking civilians everywhere. 我不是战士

     这不是我的工作 I"m not a soldier! This is not what I do! 你可别这么瞧不起自己行吗 Whoa! Don"t sell yourself short, all right? 不让雷吉来就是因为我知道他没准备好 The reason Reggie"s home is I know he wasn"t ready for this. 但是他最好赶紧做好准备


     凯特 But he better get ready real quick because this is the future, Kate! 他们要进来


     就这么简单 Juérez is what happens when they dig in. This is it! 让我来是干嘛的 What am I doing here? 你来这儿

     是给我们机会 What you"re doing here is you"re giving us the opportunity 制♥造♥混乱


     这是这个行动的意义 to shake the tree and create chaos. That"s what this is! 同时

     你看到什么都学着点 In the meantime, just sponge everything up you see. 学习

     这是你来这儿的目的 Learn! That"s why you"re here. 吉列尔莫... Guillermo... 你给他灌了一肚子水了

     你这个恶魔 You"re giving him a belly full of water, you devil. 你以为我们没法把你运过来的对吧

     You didn"t think we"d get you here, did you? 我不会说英语 No hablo inglés. 你不会说英语 No hablo inglés? 他们说不会英语的时候我最高兴了 I love it when they no hablo inglés. 我带了个你的老朋友来 You know, I brought an old buddy of yours. 我猜你肯定跟他说 I bet you hablo to him. Yeah. 我不知道鬼还会渴呢 I didn"t know ghosts got thirsty. 我知道有人帮我们保住了他的命 I know someone kept him alive for us. 我猜肯定不容易 I doubt it was easy. 这年头什么容易 What"s easy these days? 回来的路上的事情真是遗憾 I"m sorry about what happened on the return. 我只管我能控制的 I control only what I can. 不是你的错 It"s not your fault. 你老婆还好吗 挺好的

     我们有两个儿子 一个六岁一个八岁 在华雷斯吗 没

     在蒙特雷 好多了 安全多了 对 Si. 有流言说有个地道 There"s rumors of a tunnel. 是进入亚利桑那的主要途径 Fausto"s main road into Arizona. 如果你来的目的和我想的一样

     那里是最容易过境的 If you"re doing what I think you"re doing, that"s the best place to cross. 如果你能找到的话

     但是你时间很紧了 If you can find it. But time is against you. 三天之内

     所有人就都要转移了 In three days, nobody will be where they are today.

     来吧 Shall we? 不


     屋子里要发生的事 No, it"s better if you don"t. Something happens in that room, 你还是最好不要在场目击 it"s easier to say you didn"t see anything. 看到你还在斗争真是太好了 你的事我很遗憾 保重 哦


     我觉得他记得你 Well, Alejandro, I think he remembers you. 我出去了 I"m gonna step out. 蒂米 Timmy. 你现在就要知道美国的地狱是什么样了 不

     麦德林 你老看我♥干♥嘛 What do you keep lookin" at me for? 不是不会说英语吗 No hablo ingles, remember? 不会 No, no. 能给我一支吗 Can I have one of those? 谢谢 Thank you. -喜欢看烟花吗

     -啊 -You like fireworks? -Huh? 要看点带劲的吗 Wanna see something cool? 来 Come on. 你看 Here we go. 那边看 Look right there. 难以置信 Unbelievable. 群龙无首就是这个效果 That"s what happens when you chop the head off a chicken. 是啊 Yeah. 我懂了

     I can see. 能不能都集中到一个地方 Can you get "em all in one place? 我们刚在凤♥凰♥城落地


     不能等 We just landed back in Phoenix. I"m on the clock, I can"t wait. 好的


     让他把人集中到站台 All right, look, contact Bob fisks. Have him hold "em in the staging area. 好

     去图森要多长时间 How long does it take to get to Tucson? 从这儿过去要两个多小时 From here, it"s a little over two hours. 好的

     我们大概两点到 All right. We"ll be there around 2:00. Yeah. 我们要去图森吗 Are we going to Tucson? 对

     你得学学怎么在飞机上睡觉 Yeah, you gotta learn how to sleep on a plane. 需要人开车他们就让我进基地了 They let me on the base when you need a ride, don"t they? 你还好吗 You okay? -她没事

     -我没问你 -She"s fine. -I didn"t ask you. 那我也回答了 And yet I answered. 凯特 Kate, 那是谁 who"s that? 我们要去图森 We"re goin" to Tucson. 怎么回事啊


     干嘛拦我的车队 What"s the deal, Matt? Why you holdin" up my transport? 别担心


     我们很快就好 Don"t worry, Bob. We"ll be quick. 八千块支票付多米诺披萨

     你觉得审计师会怎么想 How"s the auditor gonna react to an $8, 000 check to fuckin" domino"s pizza? 别这么夸张好吗


     梅瑟 Don"t be so dramatic, okay? This is Kate macer with the FBI. 这位是他的搭档


     咱都听她的 This is her partner, what"s-his-name. It was her call. 对


     你还有烟吗 It wasn"t my call. Have you got another one of those? 抽完了再过去

     Finish it before you get up there. 没问题 No problem. 嘿

     凯特 Hey, Kate. 告诉我艾尔帕索发生了什么 Tell me what happened in ei Paso. 我们不在艾尔帕索

     我们在墨西哥 We weren"t in ei Paso. We were in Mexico. 我看我们是不按规章做事了 I guess we"re not following any procedures. 你想怎样 What do you wanna do? 我们要找诺加利斯附近上车的人 We want to talk to the people caught around the Nogales area. 哦

     那一堆 Okay. That group. 那一堆

     还有那一堆 This group here. And that group. 好


     其他人可以走了 Okay. They stay and the rest can go. 约瑟夫 Josef! 诺加利斯来的



     E 三组 A


     E 三组 留下别动 其他人上车 马上 上车了

     快点 On the bus. Andale. 我们找什么呢 What are we looking for? 看着就是了 Just keep watching. 这一组的 你们谁以前来过美国 借过 去过哪儿 -在亚利桑那

     -亚利桑那 -In Arizona. -Arizona? 你结婚了吗 结了 有孩子吗 有

     在哪儿 在奇瓦瓦 让我看看你的手 你有纹身吗 没有 没有 你叫什么名字 亚历杭德罗 全名呢 亚历杭德罗·罗德里格斯 你去过哪儿 德州 你去过哪儿 -亚利桑那

     -亚利桑那... -Arizona. -Arizona.. 跟我说说

     这是干嘛呢 Talk to me. What are we doing? 我也没有答案 I don"t have any answers for you. 那我们就问问 Let"s get some, then. 你觉得我没问过吗 Do you think I haven"t asked these questions? 你觉得你就能问出来了 Do you think you can do better? -是的

     -那你问吧 -Yeah. -Go ahead. 马特

     能不能聊两句 Matt, can we talk for a minute? 怎么了 What"s up? 都还好吗 Everything okay? 你看着好严肃 You look very serious. 把人蒙在鼓里是一回事

     你对我们的态度就是另一回事了 There"s "in the dark" and there"s the way you"re treating us. 我要知道我们的行动目标

     不然我就不参加了 I want to know the objective or I walk, pehod 那走吧


     是她让你来的 then go. I didn"t ask you to be here. She did. 我也走 I walk, too. -你想知道什么


     -What do you wanna know? -Everything. 律师啊 Fuckin" lawyers. 好吧 Au right. 吉列尔莫 Guillermo 跟我们说了诺加利斯东边的地道

     撒撒贝附近 told us about a tunnel east of Nogales, near sasabe. 我们想知道过境的人都避开哪些区域 Now we"re tryin" to find out what areas near there migrants avoid, 这样我们就能找到地道了 so we can find the tunnel. 清楚了吗 That better? 那吉列尔莫... And guillermo is... 吉列尔莫就这么告诉你

     运毒品的地道在哪儿 Guillermo, he just told you where the drug tunnel is? 就这么说了 He just told you? 吉列尔莫没有别的选择 Guillermo didn"t have any other options. 我们要是送他回去

     他就死定了 We send him back across the border, he"s a dead man. 现在他可以在美国的大牢里

     度过接下来三十年了 Now he gets to spend the next 30 years in an American prison, 相对安全些 in relative safety. 跟我们说实话 Just tell us the truth, man. 我们要制♥造♥足够的混乱 We are gonna make enough noise 这样曼纽尔·迪亚兹

     就会被召回墨西哥见他老大 that Manuel Diaz is called back to Mexico to see his boss. 这是事实 That"s the truth. 然后呢 And then? 然后我们就知道他老大在哪儿了 And then we know where his boss is. 他叫福斯托·阿♥拉♥尔孔

     绰号♥行刑者 His name is fausto alarcon el verdugo 每天国境以南

     every day across that border, 都有人因为他

     被绑♥架♥或者被杀害 people are kidnapped or killed by his hand or with his blessing. 找到他就像发现了一种疫苗 To find him would be like discovering a vaccine. 你们能理解这里的价值吧 You understand the value of that. 好的


     别把我们蒙在鼓里就是了 All right, we"re good. Just don"t keep us in the dark. 好的 Great! 还怕黑啊 You afraid of the dark? 嘿 Hey! 今天够热闹了


     睡一觉 It"s been a humdinger of a day. Go home. Get some rest. 我们自己找车回去

     明天见 We"ll find our own ride. We"ll see you tomorrow! 我他妈刚开了一百多公里 I just drove a hundred fucking miles. 摊上他可他妈是福气

     相信我 It"s a fucking blessing, trust me. 让你又开始抽烟了 Got you smokin" again? 是的 Yeah. 他妈吉列尔莫是谁啊 Who the fuck"s guillermo? 过来吃饭

     准备去上学 爸爸呢 他在上班 他什么时候回来 不知道 女人啊你该买♥♥个新胸罩了 Gotta get you a new bra, woman. 我需要的一堆东西之一 The list of things I need. 只是说说

     买♥♥点好看的蕾丝的 I"m just saying. Some nice Lacy somethin". 好长时间没有你之外的人看我穿胸罩了 It"s been a while since someone"s seen me in a bra, except you. 天啦别这么看着我

     我不想你可怜我 Oh, god, don"t look at me like that. I don"t want your pity.

     前两天见了伊万什么感想 How was seeing Evan the other day? 我不知道... I don"t know... -想他了

     -问点别的吧 -Miss him? -Ask me something else. 我以前在伊♥拉♥克♥见过马特这种人 I used to see guys like Matt in Iraq. 在这些人身边要小心 Gotta be careful around these people. 中情局不应该在国内活动的 CIA"s not supposed to work this side of the fence. 他是国防部的顾问 He"s a dod advisor. 你真的相信吗 You really believe that? 你得有人照应

     我跟你保证他们不会管你死活 You need somebody watching your six, "cause I promise you they aren"t. 你知道 You know, 我们之前在做的连皮毛都抓不到 we"re not even scratching the surface doing what we"re doing. 他们能深入敌后 And they are. 他们可是挑了个大混♥蛋♥给我们展示呢 Well, you sure picked the motherfuckers to show us. 暗号♥是什么 What"s the password? 傻♥逼♥ Moron. 各位

     这儿能过境吗 可以 但是那儿的蛇头不好 女人都过不来 这是我们的目标 This is our spot. 不行

     不不 No way! No, no. 这是毒枭的地盘 只有运毒的能从这儿过 边防都不管 有地道的地方都不能过 这片你了解 以前这里是最好过境的地方

     走着就能到 86 号♥公路 有水有阴凉 -你都听懂了

     -嗯 -Are you getting this? -Mmm 能不能标一下去地道的路 他们用一辆旧车挡着入口... 就这儿 对 Si. 我们从这儿过去 That"s our way across. 看来吉列尔莫说了实话 So, guillermo was tellin" the truth? 会是个好日子的 It"s gonna be a good day. 凯特

     凤♥凰♥城特警有认识人吗 Hey, Kate. Got any friends at Phoenix SWAT? 有

     我们行动常借他们的人 Yeah, we use them in breaches all the time. 好的

     我们需要他们的帮助 Good, "cause we"re gonna need their help. 干什么 What for? 我们要动动曼纽尔·迪亚兹的钱包 We are gonna fuck with Manuel Diaz"s wallet. 这是洗钱的人了

     金发背白包那个 This is our smurf, guys. Blonde hair, white purse. -会海姆立克急救吗

     -会 -You know the heimlich? -Oh, yeah. 她要敢把回条吃了

      She tries to eat that deposit receipt,

     你们就给她挤出来 you heimlich it right out of her, hear me? 好的 Copy that. 她出来了


     抓住她 There she goes. All right, go get "em, tiger. 抓住她 Take "em. 趴下 Get down. 别动

     别动 Hold still! Hold still! 你们需要银行的电脑当证据吗

     You want bank computers for evidence? 不不


     但是冻结他所有账户 No, no. Just the money. But freeze all his accounts, everything. 就算是他的狗名下的账户也给我冻结 Even if his dog opened an account, I want you to freeze it. 有什么发现 Who you got? 移♥动♥洗钱的人 Got a mobile money launderer. 都包好 Pack it up. 快起来

     起来 Come on. Come on. 你来吗 You coming? 不

     别去银行里 No, don"t go in the bank. 这是我们真正可以立案的 This is something we can actually build a case on. 别去银行里

     凯特 Don"t go in the bank, Kate! 你看

     她就进去了 There you go, and she"s goin" in the bank. 这些都是曼纽尔·迪亚兹的账户 These are all Manuel Diaz"s accounts? 是的

     每天存九千块现金 Yeah. Cash deposits made daily in $9, 000 increments. -这样就不用上报

     -是的 -So, it doesn"t have to be reported. -That"s right. 你能查封这些 And you can seize that? 已经查封了

     我还会查这些转账的账号♥ I already have. And I"ll go through these wire transfer numbers and 一并冻结 freeze all these accounts as well. 给 Here you go. -我天


     -怎么 -Damn, that"s smart. -What? 这是银行借款 This is a bank line of credit. 你转账用来还款 See, you make payments over what you owe, 这样就不显示现金


     and it doesn"t show up as cash, it shows up as a negative ioan balance. 这样就不用上报给税务局和禁毒局... It"s never reported to anyone. IRS, DEA... 这钱就追查不到 This money is invisible. 他有多少 How much does he have? 你看 Take a look. 我的天 Oh, my god. 查封了一千七百万 They just seized $17 million. -这个案子没用


     -什么 -It"s a bogus bust, Kate. -What? 不能起诉的

     谁也没法控制别人往账户里存钱 You can"t prosecute it. No one controls who deposits money in an account. 他的律师几个月就能把钱要回来了 An attorney will have that money back in a few months, 但是那之前会死很多人 but a lot of heads will roll before that. 但是我们可以先逮捕曼纽尔

      But we can arrest Manuel for now.

     至少让他不要在外面是个祸害 We can get him off the street. 我们得让曼纽尔被召回墨西哥

     这才是行动目标 We gotta get Manuel called back to Mexico. That"s the objective... 我们在墨西哥没有执法权 We have no jurisdiction in Mexico. 我们什么都没有

     现在就应该有所作为 We have nothing. We need to do something now. 不能逮捕他 Can"t arrest him. 什么 What? 什么时候 When? 等等 Wait a minute. 每天都有九千块现金存进这个账户 $9, 000 is deposited into this account every day in cash, 连续五年 for five years. 这也不犯法啊



     That"s not illegal. It"s suspect, but it isn"t illegal. 我认为税务局会觉得犯法的 I think the IRS might think it"s illegal. 你想怎样啊


     你希望我们做什么 What do you want, Kate? What would you like done here? 我...

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