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    [长沙一本大学排名] 湖南所有一本大学

    来源:雨月范文网 时间:2019-10-18 点击:


    序号 学校名称 主管部门 所在城市 层次

    1 白城医学高等专科学校 吉林省 白城市 专科

    2 长春汽车工业高等专科学校 吉林省 长春市 专科

    3 吉林粮食高等专科学校 吉林省 长春市 专科

    4 长春医学高等专科学校 吉林省 长春市 专科

    5 吉林财税高等专科学校 吉林省 长春市 专科

    6 长春金融高等专科学校 吉林省 长春市 专科

    7 吉林商业高等专科学校 吉林省 长春市 专科

    8 吉林公安高等专科学校 吉林省 长春市 专科

    9 吉林对外经贸职业学院 吉林省教育厅 长春市 专科

    10 长春东方职业学院 吉林省教育厅 长春市 专科

    11 四平职业大学 吉林省 四平市 专科

    12 吉林交通职业技术学院 吉林省 长春市 专科

    13 辽源职业技术学院 吉林省 辽源市 专科

    14 长春职业技术学院 吉林省 长春市 专科

    15 吉林工业职业技术学院 吉林省 吉林市 专科

    16 吉林电子信息职业技术学院 吉林省 吉林市 专科

    17 长春信息技术职业学院 吉林省教育厅 长春市 专科

    18 吉林农业工程职业技术学院 吉林省 公主岭市 专科

    19 吉林司法警官职业学院 吉林省 长春市 专科

    20 松原职业技术学院 吉林省 松原市 专科



    长春汽车工业高等专科学校 师资力量雄厚,拥有一支精干、高效、敬业的教师队伍,现有专任教师200多人,其中正副教授57人,讲师126人。学校教学设备日臻完善,拥有闭路电视系统,多功能投影教室,多功能、多媒体教室,计算机网络实验室和计算机硬件实验室等36个实验室,各类实验仪器1100多台件,并建立了大量的教学实训基地。






    33.7%。专任教师中博士11名、硕士138名,具有硕士及以上学位的教师占专任教师总数的48.7%。专任教师平均年龄39岁,其中高级职称专任教师平均年龄49岁。40岁以下教师占教师总数的59.8%,35岁以下教师占教师总数的46.5%。双师素质教师193名,占专任教师总数的65.2%。现有省级以上教学名师5名,校级教学名师7名、专业带头人7名、学科带头人4名、中青年骨干教师7名。 学院根据各专业学生规模及各专业课程特点对全校各必修课程的师资力量配置进行了合理规划。全校各公共基础课程和专业基础课程均配置有两名以上副教授以上职称教师,各专业必修课程均配置有一名以上副教授以上职称教师。学院各专业均有一名以上教授职称教师。各专业的课程均形成了职称、学历、年龄结构合理,教学、科研能力较强的教学团队,为学院课程教育教学工作开展提供了教师资源上的有力保证。
































































            学校现有20个教学院部,50个本科专业,涵盖经济学、法学、教育学、文学、理学、工学、农学、医学、管理学、艺术学十大学科门类。全日制在校学生 15455人。学校综合办学条件优良,基本设施齐备。目前,学校固定资产总值5.54亿元;图书馆是吉林省先进图书馆,纸质藏书141万册;校舍建筑面积 42万平方米,教学行政用房面积21万平方米;学校体育运动场馆总面积5.35万平方米。




























































                  长安大学直属国家教育部,是教育部和交通运输部、国土资源部、住房和城乡建设部、陕西省人民政府共建的国家“211工程”重点建设大学,是国家“985工程” 优势学科创新平台建设高校,学校设有22个教学院(系),有5个国家级重点学科,26个部省级重点学科,8个博士后科研流动站,8个一级学科博士点,50个二级学科博士点,26个一级学科硕士点,116个二级学科硕士点,78个本科专业;有公共管理、工商管理等7个硕士专业学位授权类别,16个工程硕士招生领域,具有卓越工程师、自主招生、艺术特长生、高水平运动员、保送生、港澳台招生资格。


                  地质工程 道路桥梁与渡河工程

                  交通运输 机械电子工程

                  资源勘查工程 土木工程

                  水文与水资源工程 交通工程


                  车辆工程 自动化





                  机械电子工程 交通工程

                  车辆工程 交通运输 自动化

                  资源勘查工程 土木工程






















                    长安大学(Changan University)是中华人民共和国教育部直属的全国重点大学,由教育部和交通运输部、国土资源部、住房和城乡建设部、陕西省人民政府“四部一省”共建,是国家首批“211工程”、“985工程优势学科创新平台”、“111计划”、国家建设高水平大学公派研究生项目”和“卓越工程师教育培养计划”重点建设高校。是最早招收留学生和首批招收港、澳、台学生的高校之一,拥有全国高校唯一的汽车综合试验场。














                    长江大学是部省共建重点高校,国家“中西部高校基础能力建设工程”重点建设高校[1-4] ,湖北省第一批重点本科高校,教育部卓越工程师教育培养计划、卓越农林人才教育培养计划、卓越医生教育培养计划改革试点高校 ,同时是湖北省人民政府与中国石油天然气集团公司、中国石油化工集团公司、中国海洋石油总公司共建高校。下面YJBYS小编整理了长江大学全国排名情况,欢迎阅读。















































































































                  长沙市楚才高级中学 长沙市田家炳实验中学 长沙市第三十一中学

                  长沙市第二十九中学 长沙市第十二中学 长沙市第十六中学

                  长沙市芙蓉区马王堆中学 长沙第六中学 长沙铁路一中学

                  长沙田家炳实验中学(东校) 长沙市南雅中学 韶光子弟学校

                  湖南农业大学子弟中学 黎拖中学二七中学 镸沙市农科院子弟中学

                  贺石桥中学 浏阳市第一中学 长沙市六中 宁乡五中



                  湖南中加国际学校 铁道学院子弟学校 长沙市三十中学

                  长沙市三十五中学 长沙市天心区大托镇披塘中学

                  长沙市天心区大托镇解放垸中学 长沙市建业学校 长沙市湘郡中学

                  长沙市第九中学 长沙市第二十二中学 长沙市第二十四中学

                  长沙市第四十二中学 长沙市长郡中学 长郡中学南大桥学校

                  长沙第十五中学 长沙市南雅中学 长沙市长征学校

                  长沙市天心区第一中学 长沙市长征中学 长沙市培粹实验中学

                  长沙市十六中 长沙第九中 长沙市天心区一中


                  中南大学附属中学 湖南大学附属中学 湖南师范大学附属中学

                  湖南广益实验中学 长沙市培粹实验中学 长沙市岳麓区延风中学

                  长沙市岳麓区望岳中学 长沙市岳麓区清水塘中学 长沙市岳麓区湘仪学校

                  长沙市第二十中学 长沙市第二十八中学 长沙市第十九中学

                  长沙市银桥中学 麓山国际实验学校 湖南航天子弟学校

                  长沙航天学校 中南村300厂子弟学校 长沙市岳麓实验中学



                  湖南省长沙市开福区国防科技附属中学 湖南省长沙市第一中学

                  湖南省长沙湘一实验中学 长沙市二十五中 长沙市周南中学

                  长沙市开福区捞刀河镇沙坪中学 长沙市开福区捞刀河镇源丰中学

                  长沙市开福区捞刀河镇白霞中学 长沙市开福区植基中学

                  长沙市明德中学 长沙市田家炳实验中学 长沙市第七中学

                  长沙市第八中学 长沙市第十三中学 长沙市黑石渡中学

                  长沙铁路第二中学 湘雅中学国防科大附中 长沙市三十二中学

                  开福区沅丰坝中学 湖南医科大学湘雅中学 长沙青竹湖湘一外国语学校


                  中建五局中学 井湾子中学 同升湖国际实验学校 湖南省地质中学

                  长沙外国语学校 长沙市曙光学校 长沙市湖橡学校 长沙市稻田中学

                  长沙市第三十七中学 长沙市第二十一中学 长沙市第二十六中学

                  长沙市第十一中学 长沙市第十五中学 长沙市第四十一中学

                  长沙市耀华中学 长沙市芙蓉路学校 长沙市雅礼中学

                  长沙市雨花区燕子岭学校 长沙市雨花区黎托中学 雨花区洞井中学

                  雨花外国语 学校南雅中学 金海中学 长沙同升湖国际试验学校

                  长沙市南雅中学 长沙市二十一中学 湖南广益实验中学第二十七中














                  ( 株洲市):湖南工业大学,中南林业科技大学(南区),湖南农业大学(株洲校区)












                  专科类:1 怀化医学高等专科学校 --怀化市

                  2 湖南中医药高等专科学校 --长沙

                  3 益阳医学高等专科学校 益阳市

                  4 邵阳医学高等专科学校 邵阳市

                  5 株洲师范高等专科学校 株洲市

                  6 长沙师范学校 长沙市

                  7 湖南税务高等专科学校 长沙市

                  8 湖南财经高等专科学校 湖南省 长沙市 专科

                  9 湖南公安高等专科学校 湖南省 长沙市 专科

                  10长沙航空职业技术学院 总装备部 长沙市 专科

                  11 永州职业技术学院 湖南省 永州市 专科

                  12 湖南女子职业大学 湖南省 长沙市 专科

                  13 湖南环境生物职业技术学院 湖南省 衡阳市 专科

                  14 湖南信息职业技术学院 湖南省 长沙市 专科

                  15长沙民政职业技术学院 湖南省 长沙市 专科

                  16 湖南冶金职业技术学院 湖南省 株洲市 专科

                  17 湖南大众传媒职业技术学院 湖南省 长沙市 专科

                  18湖南工业职业技术学院 湖南省 长沙市 专科

                  19湖南铁道职业技术学院 湖南省 株洲市 专科

                  20 湖南工程职业技术学院 湖南省 长沙市 专科

                  21 湖南城建职业技术学院 湖南省  

                  22湖南都市职业学院 湖南省教育厅  

                  23 长沙环境保护职业技术学院 湖南省 长沙市 专科

                  24 长沙职业技术学院 湖南省  

                  25 湖南艺术职业学院 湖南省 长沙市 专科

                  26 湖

                  南生物机电职业技术学院 湖南省  

                  27 湘西民族职业技术学院 湖南省  

                  28湖南体育职业学院 湖南省 长沙市 专科

                  29 衡阳财经工业职业技术学院 湖南省  

                  30 益阳职业技术学院 湖南省 益阳市 专科

                  31 湖南同德职业学院 湖南省教育厅  

                  32 湖南民族职业学院 湖南省  

                  33 湖南电子科技职业学院 湖南省教育厅  

                  34 湖南现代物流职业技术学院 湖南省  

                  35 长沙南方职业学院 湖南省教育厅 长沙市 专科

                  36 常德职业技术学院 湖南省  

                  37岳阳职业技术学院 湖南省  

                  38 怀化职业技术学院 湖南省  

                  39潇湘职业学院 湖南省教育厅 娄底市 专科

                  40湖南化工职业技术学院 湖南省  

                  41 湖南九嶷职业技术学院 湖南省教育厅  

                  42湖南交通工程职业技术学院 湖南省  

                  43 湖南机电职业技术学院 湖南省 长沙市 专科

                  44 长沙社会安全职业技术学院 湖南省教育厅 长沙市 专科

                  45 湖南水利水电职业技术学院 湖南省  

                  46 长沙电力职业技术学院 湖南省  

                  47 株洲职业技术学院 湖南省  

                  48 湖南司法警官职业学院 湖南省  

                  49 湖南网络工程职业学院 湖南省  

                  50 长沙商贸旅游职业技术学院 湖南省  

                  51 邵阳职业技术学院 湖南省  

                  52 湖南对外经济贸易职业学院 湖南省  

                  53 湖南石油化工职业技术学院 湖南省  

                  54 湖南商务职业技术学院 湖南省 长沙市 专科

                  55湖南交通职业技术学院 湖南省 长沙市 专科

                  56 保险职业学院 湖南省  

                  57 娄底职业技术学院 湖南省 娄底市 专科

                  58长沙通信职业技术学院 湖南省 长沙市 专科

                  59 湘潭职业技术学院 湖南省 湘潭市 专科

                  60 郴州职业技术学院 湖南省 郴州市 专科

                  61 湖南科技职业学院 湖南省 长沙市 专科

                  62 湖南科技工业职业技术学院 湖南省  

                  63 湖南电气职业技术学院  

                  64 张家界航空工业职业技术学院 湖南省 张家界市 专科

                  65 湖南外国语职业学院 湖南省教育厅  

                  66 湖南工艺美术职业学院 湖南省  



                  那空沙旺皇家大学设有师范学院,人文与社会科学学院,科技学院,管理学院,工学院,农学院以及研究生院等7个学院。那空沙旺黄家大学开设有40多个本科专业,如行政教育管理、工业技术、物理、化学、生物、数学、环境科学学、公共卫生学、微生物学、计算机、信息技术、新闻学、英语、泰语、社会学、体育学、音乐教育、学前教育、电力工程学、旅游管理和酒店管理、人力资源管理、法学、音乐等。 那空沙旺皇家大学全球院校排名

                  韦伯麦特里克斯网全球院校1月份排名 2013年1月 3482

                  韦伯麦特里克斯网全球院校2012年7月份排名 2012年7月 3416

                  韦伯麦特里克斯网全球院校1月份排名 2012年1月 2723

                  韦伯麦特里克斯网全球院校12000强7月份排名 2011年7月 3103

                  韦伯麦特里克斯网全球院校12000强1月份排名 2011年1月 3793


                  Education Policy

                  May 2013

                  Studies in

                  Report Card on Alberta’s

                  High Schools


                  by Peter Cowley and Stephen Easton




                  Introduction / 3

                  Key academic indicators of school performance / 5Other indicators of school performance / 10Notes / 12

                  Detailed school reports / 13How does your school stack up? / 35

                  Appendix: Calculating the Overall rating out of 10 / 38

                  About the Authors / 41Publishing information / 42Supporting the Fraser Institute / 43Purpose, funding & independence / 44About the Fraser Institute / 45Editorial Board / 46



                  The Report Card on Alberta’s High Schools 2013 (hereafter, Report Card) collects a variety of relevant, objective indicators of school performance into one, easily accessible public document so that anyone can analyze and compare the performance of individual schools. By doing so, the Report Card assists parents when they choose a school for their children and encourages and assists all those seeking to improve their schools.

                  detailed picture of each school that is not easily avail-able elsewhere.

                  The Report Card aids school improvement

                  Certainly, the act of publicly rating and ranking schools attracts attention. Schools that perform well or show consistent improvement are applauded. The results of poorly performing schools and those whose performance is deteriorating generate con-cern. This attention, in itself, provides an incentive for all those connected with a school to redouble their efforts to improve student results. However, the Report Card offers more than just incentive: it includes a variety of indicators, each of which reports results for an aspect of school performance that might be improved. School administrators who are dedicated to improvement accept the Report Card as another source of evidence that their schools can do a better job.

                  The Report Card helps parents choose

                  Where parents can choose among several schools for their children, the Report Card provides a valu-able tool for making a decision. Because it makes comparisons easy, the Report Card alerts parents to those nearby schools that appear to have more effec-tive academic programs. Parents can also determine whether schools of interest are improving over time. By first studying the Report Card, parents are better prepared to ask relevant questions when they inter-view the principal and teachers at the schools under consideration.

                  Of course, the choice of a school should not be made solely on the basis of any one source of infor-mation. Families choosing a school for their students should seek more information by visiting the school and interviewing teachers and school administrators. The web sites of Alberta Education, local school dis-tricts, and individual schools can also be sources of useful information. And, a sound academic program should be complemented by effective programs in areas of school activity not measured by the Report Card. Nevertheless, the Report Card provides a


                  Some schools do better than others

                  In order to improve a school, one must believe that improvement is achievable. The Report Card on Alberta’s High Schools, like all the other editions, provides evidence about what can be accomplished. It demonstrates clearly that even when we take into account factors such as the students’ family back-ground, which some believe dictates the degree of academic success that students will have in school, some schools do better than others. This finding con-firms research results from other countries.1 Indeed, it will come as no great surprise to experienced parents and educators that the data consistently suggest that

                  4Report Card on Alberta’s High Schools 2013

                  what goes on in the schools makes a difference to student success and that some schools make more of a difference than others.

                  Comparisons are at the heart of the improvement process

                  Many school authorities in Alberta use student report cards that include both the student’s result and the median mark for each subject in which the student is enrolled. The report cards also show any marks award-ed to the student earlier in the year. Historical and relative data like this enable students and parents to see a clearer picture of the individual student’s progress. Likewise, by comparing a school’s latest results with those of earlier years, we can see if the school is improv-ing. By comparing a school’s results with those of neighbouring schools, or of schools with similar school and student characteristics, we can identify more suc-cessful schools and learn from them. Reference to

                  overall provincial results places an individual school’s level of achievement in a poader context.

                  There is great benefit in identifying schools that are particularly effective. By studying the proven techniques used in schools where students are suc-cessful, less effective schools may find ways to improve. Comparisons are at the heart of improve-ment and making comparisons among schools is made simpler and more meaningful by the Report Card’s indicators, ratings, and rankings.

                  You can contribute to the

                  development of the Report Card

                  The Report Card program benefits from the input of interested parties. We welcome your suggestions, comments, and criticisms. Please contact co-author Peter Cowley at peter.cowley@fraserinstitute.org.

                  Key academic indicators of school performance

                  The foundation of the Report Card is an overall rat-ing of each school’s academic performance. Building on data about student results provided by Alberta Education (the provincial ministry of education) we rate each school on a scale from zero to 10. We base our overall rating of each school’s academic perfor-mance on eight indicators:

                  (1) average diploma examination mark;(2) percentage of diploma examinations failed;(3) difference between the school mark and examination mark in diploma courses;(4) difference between male and female students in the average value of their exam marks in English 30-1;(5) difference between male and female students in the average value of their exam marks in Pure Mathematics 30;(6) diploma courses taken per student;(7) diploma completion rate;(8) delayed advancement rate.

                  We have selected this set of indicators because they provide systematic insight into a school’s performance. Because they are based on annually generated data, we can assess not only each school’s performance in a year but also its improvement or deterioration over time.


                  Three indicators of effective teaching

                  1 Average diploma examination mark

                  This indicator (in the tables Average exam mark) is the average percentage achieved by a school’s regular day students on the uniform final examinations in all of the diploma courses. For each school, the indica-tor is the average of the mean scores achieved by the school’s students in each of the diploma examinations at all sittings during the year, weighted by the relative number of students who completed the course.

                  Examinations are designed to achieve a distribu-tion of results reflecting the differences in students’ mastery of the course work. Differences among students in interests, abilities, motivation, and work-habits will inevitably have some impact upon the final results. There are, however, recognizable differences from school to school within a district in the average results on the diploma examinations. There is also variation within schools in the results obtained in different subject areas. Such differences in outcomes cannot be wholly explained by the individual and family characteristics of the school’s students. It seems reasonable, therefore, to include the average examina-tion mark for each school as one indicator of effective teaching.

                  2 Percentage of diploma examinations failed

                  For each school, this indicator (in the tables Percentage of exams failed) provides the rate of failure (as a per-centage) in the diploma examinations. It was derived by dividing the sum, for each school, of all diploma examinations written by regular day students where

                  a failing grade was awarded, by the total number of such examinations written by those students. In part, effective teaching can be measured by the ability of the students to pass any uniform examination that is a requirement for successful completion of a course. Schools have the responsibility of preparing their stu-dents to pass these final examinations.

                  There is good reason to have confidence in this indicator as a measure of effective teaching. A stu-dent need only successfully complete two diploma courses in order to graduate. Such a student’s course of study may not include the prerequisites for all post-secondary educational options but it will be sufficient for graduation from high school. Thus, students enroll in the diploma courses, in large mea-sure, because they want to take them. Further, their success in grade 12 reflects to a certain extent how well students have been prepared in the lower grades. All of the diploma courses have prerequisite courses. Indeed, depending on the school, admission to some of the grade-12 courses may require that the student have received a prescribed minimum grade in the pre-requisite lower-level course. Since the decision to take diploma courses is, for the most part, voluntary and requires demonstrated success in previous courses, it seems reasonable to use the percentage of examina-tions failed in these courses as an additional indicator of the effectiveness of the teaching in high schools.

                  3 Difference between school mark and examination mark

                  For each school, this indicator (in the tables School vs exam mark difference) gives the average amount (for all of the diploma courses) by which the “school” mark—the assessment of each student’s learning that is made by the school—exceeds the exam mark in that course.2

                  Effective teaching includes regular testing so that students may be aware of their progress. For such assessment to be useful, it must reflect the student’s understanding of the course accurately. As a systemat-ic policy, inflation of the grades awarded by the school will be counterproductive. Students who believe they are already successful when they are not will be less

                  likely to invest the extra effort needed to master the course material. In the end, they will be poorer for not having achieved the level of understanding that they could have through additional study.

                  The effectiveness of school-based assessments can be determined by a comparison to external assessments of the students. For each diploma course, Alberta Education, the authority that designed the course, administers its uniform examination. This examina-tion will test the students’ knowledge of the material contained in the course. If the mark assigned by the school is a reasonably accurate reflection of students’ understanding, it should be roughly the same as the mark gained on the diploma examination. Thus, if a school has accurately assessed a student as consistently working at a C+ level, the student’s examination result will be at a similar level. If, however, a school is consistently granting marks substantially higher or lower than those achieved by its students on the final examinations, then the school is not providing an accurate indicator of the extent to which knowledge of the course material is being acquired.

                  An indication of consistency in teaching and assessment

                  The Gender gap indicators

                  Research3 has shown that, in British Columbia’s secondary schools, there are systematic differences between the academic results achieved by boys and those achieved by girls. These differences are particu-larly apparent where the local school makes the assess-ments. These findings are supported by data from Alberta Education. However, the same research found that “there appears to be no compelling evidence that girls and boys should, given effective teaching and counselling, experience differential rates of success.” 4 Further, “[t]he differences described by each indicator vary from school to school over a considerable range of values.” 5

                  The Gender gap indicators measure the difference, if any, between the average exam marks in English 30-1 and Pure Mathematics 30 for boys and girls.

                  The indicator reports the size of the difference and the more successful sex.Three indicators of practical, well-informed counselling

                  While they are attending high school, students must make a number of decisions of considerable signifi-cance about their education. They will, for instance, annually decide whether to begin or continue learn-ing a second language. In grade 10, they are required to choose between different streams in several core subject areas. In all the senior high-school years, they will face the choice of completing high school or abandoning it in favour of full-time work.

                  Will these young people make good decisions? It is unrealistic to presume that they can do so without advice. What practical, well-informed counselling can they call upon? While parents, in the main, are willing to help, many lack the information they need to be able to provide good advice. It falls, therefore, to the schools to shoulder some responsibility for advising students and their parents about educational choices.

                  The final three indicators used in the calculation of the Overall rating out of 10 assess the counsel given by the schools by measuring the quality of the deci-sions taken by the students about their education. Of course, wise students will seek guidance not only from the counsellors designated by the schools but also from teachers and administrators, parents, and other relatives. Where students have strong support from family and community, the school’s responsibil-ity for counselling may be lighter; where students do not have such strong support, the school’s role may be more challenging. These indicators measure the school’s success in using the tools at its disposal to help students make good decisions about their education.There are two very important decisions that senior students must make. First, they must decide whether or not to remain in school, do the work, and graduate with their class. Second, they must decide whether or not to take a number of academically challenging

                  diploma courses. Effective counselling will encourage students to make appropriate choices.

                  1 Delayed advancement rate

                  This indicator measures the extent to which schools keep their students in school and progressing in a timely manner toward completion of their diploma program. It uses data that report the educational status of students one year after they have enrolled in a given grade at any school in Alberta. For example, we can determine from these data how many of a school’s grade-10 students re-enroll in the following year in grade 11; are enrolled in grade 10 for a second time; or fail to re-enroll. With these raw data, following a tech-nique that we introduced to Canada in the Report Card on Quebec’s Secondary Schools, 2001 Edition,6 we calcu-late a statistic that will answer the question, “Based on this single year’s school results, what is the likelihood that a student entering grade 10 at the school will graduate in the normal three-year period?”

                  The indicator is calculated as follows. For each school for each of grades 8, 10, 11, and 12, a rate of successful transition is determined by first summing the number of students who either receive a diploma in the current school year or re-enroll in a higher grade in the following year and then dividing that sum by the number of students enrolled in the grade in the current year. Then, for each grade, an unsuc-cessful transition rate is determined by subtracting the rate of successful transition from 1. The unsuc-cessful transition rates for grades 10, 11, and 12 are then reduced by the grade-8 unsuccessful transition rate at the school in order to produce a net unsuccess-ful transition rate for each grade of senior high school. We have adopted the grade-8 unsuccessful transition rate as an estimate of the effect on student transition of such events as emigration or death that lead to the disappearance of students from the school system.The Delayed advancement rate indicator can now be calculated. The complements of the net unsuccess-ful transition rates (1 – net unsuccessful transition rate) for grades 10 through 12 are determined and their product is calculated. This three-year composite successful transition rate is then subtracted from 1 to

                  produce the Delayed advancement rate indicator that appears in the detailed tables.

                  Where a school does not enroll grade-8 students, the net dropout rate is calculated using the weighted average grade-8 dropout rate for all the schools in the relevant school district or division. Where a school does not enroll students in any of grade 10, 11, or 12, no Delayed advancement rate can be calculated.

                  2 Diploma completion rate

                  This indicator, related to the Delayed advancement rate, reports the percentage of first-time grade-12 stu-dents who received a diploma in the reported school year. It is derived from data provided by Alberta Education. Graduation from high school retains considerable value since it increases options for post-secondary education. Further, graduates from high school who decide to enter the work force immedi-ately will, on average, find more job opportunities than those who have not graduated.

                  By completing the 11 years of schooling in prepa-ration for the final high-school year, students have already demonstrated a reasonable ability to handle the basic courses offered by the school. Moreover, for the majority of students, the minimum requirements for graduation are not onerous. The chance that stu-dents will not graduate solely because they are unable to meet the intellectual demands of the curriculum is, therefore, relatively small.

                  Nevertheless, the graduation rate varies quite widely from school to school throughout the prov-ince. While there are factors not related to educa-tion—emigration from the province, sickness, death, and the like—that can affect the data, there is no reason to expect these factors to influence particular schools systematically. Accordingly, we take varia-tions in the graduation rate to be an indicator of the extent to which students are being well coached in their educational choices.

                  3 Diploma courses taken per student

                  This indicator (in the tables Courses taken per student) measures the average number of diploma courses completed by those students at the school who

                  completed their third year of high school during the reported year. It is derived by summing each school’s diploma course participation rates provided by Alberta Education.

                  In their senior years, students have freedom to choose from a considerable variety of courses. Their choices will have an impact upon their literacy, numeracy, and analytical skills upon graduation. Their choices also affect the post-secondary options open to them.

                  Diploma courses offer study at the senior level in a variety of core disciplines: English language arts (or French for francophone students), Mathematics, the sciences, and the humanities. Alberta Education has developed courses in each discipline that reflect the post-secondary ambitions of different groups of stu-dents and, far from being courses only for a univer-sity-bound elite, these courses teach skills and knowl-edge that will benefit students, no matter what they plan to do after graduation. Further, it is the marks obtained in these courses that are commonly used by post-secondary institutions—institutes of technology and community colleges as well as universities—to assess the applicant’s readiness for further study and for admission to programs with limited enrollment. Thus, for most students a decision to take advan-tage of these courses is a good one and a school that is successful in encouraging students to take these courses shows that it offers practical, well-informed counselling.

                  In general, how is the school doing academically?

                  The Overall rating out of 10

                  While each of the indicators is important, it is almost always the case that any school does better on some indicators than on others. So, just as a teacher must make a decision about a student’s overall performance, we need an overall indicator of school performance (in the tables Overall rating out of 10). Just as teachers combine test scores, portfolio assessment, and class participation to rate a student, we have combined all

                  the indicators to produce an overall school rating. The Overall rating is not an absolute measure. That is, if a school scores a 10 out of 10 that does not mean that it has achieved perfection. It simply means that when all the indicators were taken into account, that school performed better than all the other schools in the Report Card. Thus, the overall rating of school performance answers the question, “In general, how is the school doing, academically compared to other schools in the Report Card?”

                  To derive this rating, the results for each of the indicators, for each school year were first stan-dardized. Standardization is a statistical procedure whereby sets of raw data with different characteristics are converted into sets of values with “standard” sta-tistical properties. Standardized values can readily be combined and compared.

                  The standardized data were then combined as required to produce eight standardized scores—one for each indicator—for each school, for each year. The eight standardized scores were weighted and combined to produce an overall standardized score. Finally, this score was converted into an overall rat-ing. It is from this Overall rating out of 10 that the school’s provincial rank is determined.

                  For schools where either of the Gender gap indica-tors could not be calculated, Gender gap results were not used in the calculation of the Overall rating. In such cases the Overall rating was derived using the remaining six indicators. (See Appendix 1 for an explanation of the calculation of the Overall rating out of 10.)

                  Finally, note that the Overall rating out of 10, based as it is on standardized scores, is a relative rat-ing. That is, in order for a school to show improve-ment in its overall rating, it must improve more than the average. If it improves, but at a rate less than the average, it will show a decline in its rating.

                  Other indicators of school performance

                  Since the first edition of the Report Card, we have added other indicators that, while they are not used to derive the Overall rating out of 10, add more informa-tion on the school’s effectiveness.

                  should take into account the abilities, interests, and backgrounds of their students when they design les-son plans and teach the curriculum. By doing so, they can overcome disadvantages that their students may have. The socioeconomic indicator enables us to identify schools that are roughly similar to each other with respect to at least one important aspect of the home background of their students so that the schools’ results can more usefully be compared. The effective school will produce good results regardless of the family background of its students.

                  The socioeconomic indicator was derived as fol-lows. First, using data from Alberta Education that quantifies student enrollments by school, by census dissemination7 area, and socioeconomic data pro-vided by Statistics Canada,8 we established a profile of the student body’s family characteristics for each of the schools in the Report Card. We then used mul-tiple regression—a tool used in statistical analysis—to determine which of these family characteristics were most closely associated with variations in school per-formance as measured by the Overall rating out of 10. As a result of this analysis, we have adopted the average parental income from employment as the socioeco-nomic indicator for this edition of the Report Card.9

                  As a measure of the success with which each school took into account the socioeconomic characteristics of the student body, we used the formula derived from the regression analysis to predict the Overall rating for each school. We then reported the difference (in the tables Actual rating vs predicted rating based on parents’ avg. inc.) between the actual Overall rat-ing and this predicted value in each school’s results table. For example, during the 2011/2012 school year, School A achieved an Overall rating of 7.8 and yet, when the parental income of the student body


                  The Trend indicator

                  Is the school improving academically? For most schools, the Report Card includes several years of results. Unlike a simple snapshot of one year’s results, this historical record provides evidence of change (or lack thereof) over time.

                  In order to detect trends in the performance indi-cators, we developed the Trend indicator. This indi-cator uses statistical analysis to identify those dimen-sions of school performance in which there has been real change rather than a fluctuation in results caused by random occurrences. To calculate the trends, the standardized scores rather than raw data are used. Standardizing makes historical data more comparable and the trend measurement more reliable. Because calculation of trends is uncertain when only a small number of data points is available, a trend is indicated only in those circumstances where five years of data are available and where a trend is determined to be statistically significant. For this indicator we have defined the term “statistically significant” to mean that, nine times out of 10, the trend that is noted is real, that is, it did not happen just by chance.

                  The socioeconomic indicator

                  To what extent do socioeconomic factors affect the school’s Overall rating out of 10? Educators can and

                  Fraser Institute Studies in Education Policy11

                  was taken into account, the school was expected to achieve a rating of only about 6.7. The difference of 1.1 is reported in the tables. On the other hand, the actual Overall rating of School B was 6.0, although its predicted rating was 6.7. The reported difference for School B is -0.7. This measurement suggests that School A is more successful than School B in enabling all of its students to reach their potential.

                  This measure of the socioeconomic background of a school’s student body is presented with two impor-tant notes of caution. First, when all the schools in the Report Card are considered, only about 20% of the variation among schools in the Overall rating is associated with the parents’ average parental income from employment. Clearly, many other factors—including good teaching, counselling, and school administration—contribute to the effectiveness of schools. Second, these statistical measures describe past relationships between a socioeconomic character-istic and a measure of school effectiveness. It should not be inferred that these relationships will or should remain static. The more effectively schools enable all their students to succeed, the weaker will be the rela-tionship between the home characteristics of students and their academic success. Thus, this socioeconomic

                  indicator should not be used as an excuse or rationale for poor school performance.

                  Indicators of student

                  characteristics and programs

                  This edition includes three indicators that provide more information about the students that the school serves. The alternative French program indicator (in the tables Alt. French (%)) reports the proportion of the school’s students who are registered in French immersion or other alternative French languages programs. This indicator does not include core French or Francophone programs.

                  The English as a second language indicator (in the tables ESL (%)) reports the proportion of the school’s students who are registered in ESL programs. Finally, the special needs indicator (in the tables Special needs (%)) reports the proportion of the school’s students who have identified special needs. This indicator excludes gifted students.

                  These indicators provide useful information that readers can use to compare the results at schools serv-ing students with similar characteristics.


                  1 See, for instance, Michael Rutter et al.,

                  FifteenThousand Hours: Secondary Schools and Their Effects on Children (Campidge, MA: Harvard University Press, 1979) and Peter

                  Mortimore et al., School Matters: The Junior Years (Wells, Somerset: Open Books, 1988).2 For calculating the final mark, the school-award-ed mark and the diploma examination mark each count for 50%.3 Peter Cowley and Stephen Easton, Boys, Girls, and Grades: Academic Gender Balance in British Columbia’s Secondary Schools. Public Policy Sources 22 (Vancouver, BC: The Fraser Institute, 1999).4 Cowley and Easton, Boys, Girls, and Grades: page 7.5 Cowley and Easton, Boys, Girls, and Grades: page 17.6 A detailed discussion of the Transition Rate indicator will be found on page 8 of Richard Marceau and Peter Cowley, Bulletin des écoles

                  secondaires du Québec: Édition 2001 / Report Card on Quebec’s Secondary Schools: 2001 Edition (Montréal, QC and Vancouver, BC: Institut économique de Montréal and The Fraser

                  Institute, 2001), where it is called Promotion rate or Taux de promotion.

                  7 A Dissemination Area (DA) is a small geographic area comprising one or more neighbouring

                  blocks, with a population of 400 to 700 persons. The DA is the smallest standard geographic area for which all census data are disseminated. All of Canada is divided into dissemination areas.8 Census 2006 data for the custom geographies used in the development of the socioeconomic measures were provided by Statistics Canada.9 The results of the regression of the Overall rating of Alberta high schools on a number of student family characteristics are presented in detail in Appendix 2, page 102, of Peter Cowley and Stephen Easton, Second Annual Report Card on Alberta’s High Schools (Vancouver, BC: The Fraser Institute, 2000).


                  Detailed school reports

                  How to read the tables

                  Use the sample table and the explanation of each line below to help you interpret the detailed results for each school. Families choosing a school for their stu-dents should seek to confirm the Report Card’s find-ings by visiting the school and interviewing teachers and school administrators. More information regard-ing schools may be found on Alberta Education’s web site at and on the web sites of Alberta’s local school authorities and of individual schools. And, of course, a sound academic

                  A –C –D –E –F –G –H –I –J –K –L –M –

                  program should be complemented by effective pro-grams in areas of school activity not measured by the Report Card.

                  IMPORTANT: In order to get the most from the Report Card, readers should consult the complete table of results for each school of interest. By considering several years of results—rather than just a school’s rank in the most recent year—readers can get a better idea of how the school is likely to perform in the future.

                  GEOGRAPHICAL AREA

                  ESL (%): 0.0 Special needs (%): 4.3 Alt. French (%): 0.0Actual rating vs predicted based 2011-12 Last 5 Yearson parents’ avg. inc. of $196,600: 0.0 Rank: 26/279 26/241Average exam mark 71.4 70.5 66.3 66.0 67.5 —Percentage of exams failed 3.6 9.4 13.2 18.1 10.8 —School vs exam mark difference 7.2 7.3 8.9 9.9 10.3 qEnglish 30-1 gender gap M 4.0 F 13.0 M 5.3 n/a F 2.6 n/aPure Math 30 gender gap M 4.7 M 4.4 M 1.2 n/a M 2.4 n/aCourses taken per student 4.1 4.3 4.7 5.1 4.9 pDiploma completion rate 97.0 92.9 97.2 100.0 96.6 —– B

                  – N

                  A—Geographical area

                  Each of the schools in the Report Card has been assigned to a geographical area based on the city or town in which the school is located. Grouping schools in these geographical areas makes it easier to compare them. The Edmonton, Calgary, and Red Deer areas include only schools located in those cities; other areas may include schools in several cities or towns. To find the results of a school, find the city or town where it is located in the List of cities and geographical areas below and note the geographical area to which


                  it has been assigned. Geographical areas appear in the Detailed Tables in alphabetical order and the page number upon which the results for each area begin may be found in the Index of geographical areas below. Within each geographical area, the schools are listed in alphabetical order.

                  B—Gr 12 Enrollment

                  The number of regular day students enrolled in grade 12 as of September 30, 2011. Indicator results for small schools tend to be more variable than do those

                  for larger schools and caution should be used in inter-preting the results for smaller schools.

                  C—ESL (%); Special needs (%); Alt. French (%)

                  These statistics report the percentage of students enrolled in English-as-a-Second-Language programs; the percentage of students with special needs; and the percentage of students enrolled in French immersion or other alternative programs in French. This percent-age does not include those enrolled in Francophone programs or in regular French courses.

                  When you want to compare academic results, these statistics can be used to find other schools where the student body has similar characteristics.

                  D (left)—Actual rating vs predicted based on average parental employment income

                  This statistic compares the school’s actual Overall rating out of 10 with the rating that is predicted by the average parental employment income of the students’ families. Use this statistic to identify schools at which the students share similar family backgrounds.

                  D (right)—Overall academic ranking

                  The school’s overall academic rank in the province for the school year 2011/2012 and for the most recent five years. The rankings show how the school has done academically compared to the other schools in the Report Card. A high ranking over five years indicates consistently strong results at the school.

                  E—Average exam mark

                  The average mark (as a percentage) achieved by the students on all the school’s grade-12 diploma exami-nations. Note that all the indicators of academic performance (except the Courses taken per student and the Overall rating out of 10) are expressed as percent-age points.

                  F—Percentage of exams failed

                  The percentage of all the diploma examinations writ-ten by students at the school that received a grade below 50%.

                  G—School vs exam mark

                  The difference (in percentage points) between the marks received from the school for diploma courses and the corresponding examination marks. Where the exam marks are higher, the result is set to zero. Large differences usually indicate grade inflation by the school.

                  H—English 30-1 gender gap I—Pure Math 30 gender gap

                  The difference (in percentage points) between boys’ and girls’ average exam marks in English 30-1 and Pure Mathematics 30. Where the difference favours the girls, the value is preceded by an F; where boys are favoured, the value is preceded by an M. An E means that there is no difference between the girls and the boys on this measure. Smaller differences indicate that the school is doing a good job for all its students.

                  J—Courses taken per student

                  The average number of diploma courses completed by those students at the school who have completed their third year of high school. Taking more of these diploma courses provides students with greater post-secondary opportunities.

                  K—Diploma completion rate

                  The percentage of students, enrolled in grade 12 for the first time, who received a diploma in the same school year. Higher completion rates mean that the school is doing a good job of keeping students on track and focused on their work during their final year.

                  L—Delayed advancement rate

                  The percentage of the school’s grade-10 students who are not likely to complete grade 12 within three years. Low Delayed advancement rates indicate that the school’s students are likely to complete their high school program in the normal time.

                  M—Overall rating out of 10

                  The Overall rating out of 10 takes into account the school’s performance on all eight of these indicators

                  (F to M above) to answer the question, “In general, how is the school doing academically compared to other schools in the Report Card?”


                  In the Trend column, an upward-pointing arrow at the end of an indicator row means that the school is prob-ably improving on that indicator; a downward-point-ing arrow means that the school is probably getting worse. The researchers had to be at least 90% sure that the changes were not just random before indicating a trend. A dash (—) indicates that there is no significant change; “n/a” indicates that there were insufficient data available with which to calculate a trend. Note that for Percentage of exams failed, School vs exam mark, the two Gender gap indicators, and the Delayed advance-ment rate, a statistically significant downward trend in the data will lead to an upward-pointing arrow in the trend column. For example, a decreasing percentage of examinations failed indicates improvement and so an upward-pointing arrow is displayed.

                  Other notes

                  Note 1

                  Not all of the province’s high schools are included in the tables or the ranking. Of all the schools in the province at which any diploma examination results were gener-ated, 276 are included in this Report Card. Excluded are schools at which fewer than 15 regular day students were enrolled in grade 12 and schools that did not generate a sufficiently large set of student data to enable the calcula-tion of an Overall rating out of 10. Also excluded from the ratings and rankings are centres for adult education and continuing education; some home-schooling sup-port centres, and certain alternative schools that do not offer a full program of courses.

                  The exclusion of a school from the Report Card should not be considered to be a judgement of the school’s effectiveness.

                  Note 2

                  Due to continuing improvements in methodology some historical values for indicators and overall rat-ings are different than those previously reported.

                  Note 3

                  In accordance with its regulations regarding the pri-vacy of personal information, where school results involved less than six students, Alberta Education provided no data.

                  Note 4

                  Where there were insufficient data available with which to calculate an indicator or where a school was not in operation during a specific year, “n/a” appears in the tables.

                  Note 5

                  You can compare a school’s results with the all-schools average results shown below.

                  Average Gr 12 Enrollment: 148

                  Average Parents’ Income: $86,500Average exam mark Percentage of exams failed 65.6 64.3 64.3 63.8 64.3 -School vs exam mark difference 15.8 English 30-1 gender gap * 6.0 18.1 17.4 18.7 17.7 -Pure Math 30 gender gap * 3.4 7.0 Courses taken per student 4.2 2.9 7.6 8.1 7.6 q4.4 2.7 4.0 2.7 4.2 2.9 -Diploma completion rate 3.8 3.8 3.8 3.9 4.5 3.9 -80.2 80.6 81.1 82.4 82.7 pp* These results reflect the average size of the gender gaps. The English gender gap favoured females at 68.7% of schools, males at 30.8% of schools, and were even at 0.5% of schools. The Math gender gap favoured females at 42.3% of schools, males at 56.0% of schools, and were even at 1.7%.

                  Note 6

                  If you have questions about the Report Card, contact Peter Cowley, Director, School Performance Studies at peter.cowley@fraserinstitute.org.

                  List of cities and school districtsSchool city Acme Airdrie Andrew Ardrossan Athabasca Banff Barrhead Bashaw Bassano Bawlf Beaumont Beaverlodge Beiseker Bentley

                  Black Diamond Bonnyville Bow Island Bowden Boyle Breton Brooks Calgary Calmar Camrose Canmore Cardston Caroline Carstairs Castor

                  Chestermere Claresholm Coaldale Coalhurst Cochrane Cold Lake Coleman Condor Consort Coronation Cremona Crossfield Daysland Delburne Devon Didsbury Donnelly Drayton Valley Drumheller Duchess Dunmore Eckville Edmonton

                  Geographical areaAcme AreaAirdrie Area

                  Vegreville/Fort Saskatchewan AreaVegreville/Fort Saskatchewan AreaAthabasca/Smoky Lake Area Banff Area

                  Barrhead/Westlock Area Stettler AreaBrooks AreaCamrose AreaLeduc Area

                  Grande Prairie AreaAcme Area

                  Rocky Mountain House AreaOkotoks Area

                  St. Paul/Bonnyville AreaTaber/Medicine Hat AreaOlds/Didsbury Area

                  Athabasca/Smoky Lake Area Wetaskiwin/Drayton Valley AreaBrooks AreaCalgaryLeduc AreaCamrose AreaBanff Area

                  Lethpidge Area

                  Rocky Mountain House AreaAcme AreaStettler AreaStrathmore AreaPicture Butte AreaLethpidge AreaLethpidge Area

                  Cochrane/Bragg Creek AreaSt. Paul/Bonnyville AreaPicture Butte Area

                  Rocky Mountain House AreaStettler AreaStettler Area

                  Olds/Didsbury AreaAirdrie AreaCamrose AreaStettler AreaLeduc Area

                  Olds/Didsbury AreaPeace River Area

                  Wetaskiwin/Drayton Valley AreaDrumheller/Three Hills AreaBrooks Area

                  Taber/Medicine Hat AreaRocky Mountain House AreaEdmonton

                  School city Edson Elk Point Evansburg Fairview Falun Forestburg Fort Macleod Fort McMurray Fort Saskatchewan Glendon Grande Cache Grande Prairie Grimshaw Hanna Hay Lakes High Level High Prairie High River Hines Creek Hinton Hughenden Innisfail Jasper Kitscoty La Crete Lac La Biche Lacombe Lamont Leduc Lethpidge Lundpeck Magrath Mallaig Manning Mannville Marwayne Mayerthorpe Medicine Hat Milk River Morinville Namao Nanton

                  New Norway New Sarepta Okotoks Olds Onoway Oyen

                  Peace River Picture Butte Pincher Creek Plamondon

                  Geographical area

                  Edson/Whitecourt AreaSt. Paul/Bonnyville AreaSt. Albert/Stony Plain AreaPeace River Area

                  Wetaskiwin/Drayton Valley AreaStettler Area

                  Fort MacLeod AreaFort McMurray Area

                  Vegreville/Fort Saskatchewan AreaSt. Paul/Bonnyville AreaJasper/Hinton AreaGrande Prairie AreaPeace River Area

                  Drumheller/Three Hills AreaCamrose Area

                  High Level/Fort Vermilion AreaGrande Prairie AreaHigh River Area Peace River AreaJasper/Hinton Area

                  Wainwright/Vermilion AreaOlds/Didsbury AreaJasper/Hinton Area

                  Wainwright/Vermilion AreaHigh Level/Fort Vermilion AreaAthabasca/Smoky Lake Area Lacombe/Ponoka Area

                  Vegreville/Fort Saskatchewan AreaLeduc AreaLethpidge AreaFort MacLeod AreaLethpidge Area

                  St. Paul/Bonnyville Area

                  High Level/Fort Vermilion AreaWainwright/Vermilion AreaWainwright/Vermilion AreaEdson/Whitecourt AreaTaber/Medicine Hat AreaLethpidge Area

                  Barrhead/Westlock Area Barrhead/Westlock Area High River Area Camrose Area

                  Sherwood Park Area Okotoks Area

                  Olds/Didsbury Area

                  St. Albert/Stony Plain AreaDrumheller/Three Hills AreaPeace River AreaPicture Butte AreaFort MacLeod Area

                  Athabasca/Smoky Lake Area

                  List of cities and school districtsSchool city Ponoka Provost Raymond Red Deer Redwater Rimbey

                  Rocky Mountain House Rosemary Ryley Sedgewick Sexsmith

                  Sherwood Park Slave Lake Smoky Lake Spirit River Spruce Grove Spruce View St. Albert St. Paul Standard Stettler Stirling Stony Plain

                  Geographical areaLacombe/Ponoka AreaWainwright/Vermilion AreaLethpidge AreaRed Deer

                  Vegreville/Fort Saskatchewan AreaLacombe/Ponoka Area

                  Rocky Mountain House AreaBrooks AreaCamrose Area

                  Wainwright/Vermilion AreaGrande Prairie AreaSherwood Park Area

                  Athabasca/Smoky Lake Area Athabasca/Smoky Lake Area Grande Prairie Area

                  St. Albert/Stony Plain AreaOlds/Didsbury Area

                  St. Albert/Stony Plain AreaSt. Paul/Bonnyville AreaStrathmore AreaStettler AreaLethpidge Area

                  St. Albert/Stony Plain Area

                  School city Strathmore Sundre Sylvan Lake Taber Thorhild Thorsby Three Hills Tofield Trochu Two Hills Valleyview Vauxhall Vegreville Vermilion Viking Vulcan Wabasca Wainwright Warburg Westlock Wetaskiwin Whitecourt Worsley

                  Geographical area

                  Strathmore AreaOlds/Didsbury Area

                  Rocky Mountain House AreaTaber/Medicine Hat AreaAthabasca/Smoky Lake Area Leduc Area

                  Drumheller/Three Hills AreaSherwood Park Area

                  Drumheller/Three Hills Area

                  Vegreville/Fort Saskatchewan AreaGrande Prairie AreaTaber/Medicine Hat Area

                  Vegreville/Fort Saskatchewan AreaWainwright/Vermilion AreaWainwright/Vermilion AreaHigh River Area

                  Athabasca/Smoky Lake Area Wainwright/Vermilion AreaWetaskiwin/Drayton Valley AreaBarrhead/Westlock Area

                  Wetaskiwin/Drayton Valley AreaEdson/Whitecourt AreaPeace River Area

                  Index of geographical areasGeographical area

                  PageAcme Area . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 19Airdrie Area . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .19Athabasca/Smoky Lake Area . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 19Banff Area . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .19Barrhead/Westlock Area . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20Brooks Area . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .20Calgary . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20Camrose Area . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .22Cochrane/Bragg Creek Area . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 23Drumheller/Three Hills Area . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 23Edmonton . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .23Edson/Whitecourt Area. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 25Fort Macleod Area . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 25Fort Mcmurray Area . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 25Grande Prairie Area . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 26High Level/Fort Vermilion Area . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 26High River Area . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 26Jasper/Hinton Area . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 27

                  Geographical area Page

                  Lacombe/Ponoka Area . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 27Leduc Area . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 27Lethpidge Area . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 27Okotoks Area . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 28Olds/Didsbury Area . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 29Peace River Area . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 29Picture Butte Area . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 29Red Deer . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 30Rocky Mountain House Area . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 30Sherwood Park Area . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 30St. Albert/Stony Plain Area . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .31St. Paul/Bonnyville Area . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 31Stettler Area . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 32Strathmore Area . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 32Taber/Medicine Hat Area . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 32Vegreville/Fort Saskatchewan Area . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 33Wainwright/Vermilion Area . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 33Wetaskiwin/Drayton Valley Area . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .34

                  ACmE AREA

                  Acme [Public] Acme Gr 12 Enrollment: 20ESL (%): 0.0 Special needs (%): 12.6 Alt. French (%): 0.0Actual rating vs predicted based 2011-12 Last 5 Yearson parents’ avg. inc. of $74,600: 2.1 Rank: 31/279 75/241Average exam mark 69.3 64.0 64.5 66.5 73.1 —Percentage of exams failed 8.4 16.0 10.6 15.7 8.1 —School vs exam mark difference 3.6 5.5 6.3 7.1 6.3 —English 30-1 gender gap M 5.8 F 7.5 F 4.5 n/a F 13.3 n/aPure Math 30 gender gap M 13.6 F 3.1 M 6.7 n/a M 3.2 n/aCourses taken per student 4.4 3.8 4.2 4.1 4.7 —Diploma completion rate 76.5 82.1 79.4 81.8 89.5 —Delayed advancement rate 19.4 22.4 25.0 21.0 8.3 —Beiseker [Public] Beiseker Gr 12 Enrollment: 36ESL (%): 0.0 Special needs (%): 17.9 Alt. French (%): 0.0Actual rating vs predicted based 2011-12 Last 5 Yearson parents’ avg. inc. of $52,400: 0.7 Rank: 137/279 164/241Average exam mark 62.9 62.3 61.8 58.8 62.7 —Percentage of exams failed 17.2 20.9 18.8 23.6 18.6 —School vs exam mark difference 2.9 4.9 7.3 6.7 6.0 —English 30-1 gender gap n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/aPure Math 30 gender gap n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/aCourses taken per student 3.6 3.4 2.7 3.1 3.6 —Diploma completion rate 94.1 100.0 67.9 74.1 84.8 —Delayed advancement rate 6.0 12.6 35.5 28.2 11.8 —Hugh Sutherland [Public] Carstairs Gr 12 Enrollment: 39ESL (%): n/a Special needs (%): 10.3 Alt. French (%): 0.0Actual rating vs predicted based 2011-12 Last 5 Yearson parents’ avg. inc. of $53,600: 2.8 Rank: 20/279 67/241Average exam mark 65.0 69.1 66.5 64.8 71.0 —Percentage of exams failed 12.8 9.6 12.0 14.6 5.8 —School vs exam mark difference 7.6 5.1 6.7 4.1 5.9 —English 30-1 gender gap F 9.5 M 1.8 F 2.8 M 1.9 n/a n/aPure Math 30 gender gap n/a M 7.2 F 7.3 M 4.0 n/a n/aCourses taken per student 3.6 4.0 3.3 3.5 4.2 —Diploma completion rate 86.6 96.0 91.8 92.2 92.1 —Delayed advancement rate 18.3 21.2 14.0 18.6 11.7 —AIRdRIE AREA

                  Airdrie Learning Connection [Public] Airdrie Gr 12 Enrollment: 266

                  ESL (%): n/a Special needs (%): 5.9 Alt. French (%): 0.0Actual rating vs predicted based 2011-12 Last 5 Yearson parents’ avg. inc. of $104,500: -2.2 Rank: 246/279 n/aAverage exam mark n/a n/a n/a n/a 61.4 n/aPercentage of exams failed n/a n/a n/a n/a 20.4 n/aSchool vs exam mark difference n/a n/a n/a n/a 4.8 n/aEnglish 30-1 gender gap n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/aPure Math 30 gender gap n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/aCourses taken per student n/a n/a n/a n/a 2.9 n/aDiploma completion rate n/a n/a n/a n/a 63.6 n/aDelayed advancement rate n/a n/a n/a n/a 50.9 n/aBert Church [Public] Airdrie Gr 12 Enrollment: 171ESL (%): 2.2 Special needs (%): 12.4 Alt. French (%): 0.0Actual rating vs predicted based 2011-12 Last 5 Yearson parents’ avg. inc. of $84,100: -0.1 Rank: 153/279 164/241Average exam mark 65.6 63.9 63.3 66.9 63.6 —Percentage of exams failed 14.8 16.5 17.5 11.5 16.8 —School vs exam mark difference 2.0 3.4 4.0 3.6 4.7 —English 30-1 gender gap F 4.1 F 1.9 F 5.7 F 3.5 F 1.5 —Pure Math 30 gender gap F 2.0 M 0.9 F 6.1 F 1.0 M 3.8 —Courses taken per student 3.2 3.3 3.1 3.2 3.5 —Diploma completion rate 63.8 74.5 72.7 76.6 78.8 —Delayed advancement rate 39.9 38.2 32.0 27.7 25.9 pGeorge McDougall [Public] Airdrie Gr 12 Enrollment: 240ESL (%): 3.9 Special needs (%): 10.1 Alt. French (%): 10.8Actual rating vs predicted based 2011-12 Last 5 Yearson parents’ avg. inc. of $92,200: 0.7 Rank: 92/279 67/241Average exam mark 67.8 66.9 67.1 66.9 65.8 —Percentage of exams failed 9.2 13.0 12.1 12.4 12.4 —School vs exam mark difference 1.2 3.6 2.8 4.1 4.4 —English 30-1 gender gap M 1.5 M 1.3 M 3.0 F 1.4 F 1.4 —Pure Math 30 gender gap F 0.1 M 7.8 M 5.5 M 3.7 M 5.1 —Courses taken per student 3.4 3.7 3.8 4.1 3.8 —Diploma completion rate 81.2 87.4 86.7 87.8 83.3 —Delayed advancement rate 25.1 19.2 13.3 12.4 17.8 —St. Martin De Porres [Separate] Airdrie Gr 12 Enrollment: 82

                  ESL (%): 5.9 Special needs (%): 12.4 Alt. French (%): 0.0Actual rating vs predicted based 2011-12 Last 5 Yearson parents’ avg. inc. of $90,300: 0.6 Rank: 98/279 52/241Average exam mark 69.1 69.1 68.7 65.7 68.7 —Percentage of exams failed 8.3 7.4 8.5 12.7 9.1 —School vs exam mark difference 2.2 1.9 2.4 5.5 4.9 —English 30-1 gender gap M 0.4 F 6.1 F 3.0 E M 0.1 —Pure Math 30 gender gap F 6.7 F 5.2 M 0.7 M 4.6 M 25.3 —Courses taken per student 3.3 3.4 3.7 3.5 3.5 —Diploma completion rate 91.2 90.8 93.0 93.5 87.8 —Delayed advancement rate 12.3 3.3 5.4 4.1 15.3 —W. G. Murdoch [Public] Crossfield Gr 12 Enrollment: 28ESL (%): 4.1 Special needs (%): 10.0 Alt. French (%): 0.0Actual rating vs predicted based 2011-12 Last 5 Yearson parents’ avg. inc. of $69,700: -0.4 Rank: 193/279 164/241Average exam mark 63.8 64.7 61.3 58.6 60.6 qPercentage of exams failed 15.1 18.6 21.3 23.5 19.8 qSchool vs exam mark difference 6.2 4.6 8.1 14.1 8.8 —English 30-1 gender gap n/a F 10.5 n/a n/a n/a n/aPure Math 30 gender gap n/a M 6.2 n/a n/a n/a n/aCourses taken per student 3.4 3.5 3.7 4.5 3.8 —Diploma completion rate 84.2 81.0 88.9 93.1 81.5 —Delayed advancement rate 19.4 26.4 15.9 9.3 24.9 —AtHAbAsCA/smOky LAkE AREA

                  Boyle [Public] Boyle Gr 12 Enrollment: 20

                  ESL (%): 0.0 Special needs (%): 10.1 Alt. French (%): 0.0Actual rating vs predicted based 2011-12 Last 5 Yearson parents’ avg. inc. of $59,200: -1.0 Rank: 230/279 n/aAverage exam mark 60.5 n/a n/a 60.4 60.3 n/aPercentage of exams failed 24.1 n/a n/a 29.6 27.0 n/aSchool vs exam mark difference 6.2 n/a n/a 9.7 13.0 n/aEnglish 30-1 gender gap n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/aPure Math 30 gender gap n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/aCourses taken per student 2.9 n/a n/a 3.3 3.7 n/aDiploma completion rate 76.9 n/a n/a 69.2 90.0 n/aDelayed advancement rate 48.8 n/a n/a 41.0 20.5 n/aEdwin Parr [Public] Athabasca Gr 12 Enrollment: 144ESL (%): n/a Special needs (%): 8.3 Alt. French (%): 5.3Actual rating vs predicted based 2011-12 Last 5 Yearson parents’ avg. inc. of $68,800: -1.0 Rank: 218/279 199/241Average exam mark 63.3 63.3 60.5 60.6 62.6 —Percentage of exams failed 13.3 20.3 22.0 23.9 22.7 qSchool vs exam mark difference 5.8 6.0 8.0 10.1 7.7 —English 30-1 gender gap F 3.8 M 4.1 E M 0.8 M 4.7 —Pure Math 30 gender gap F 0.5 F 1.1 F 1.3 M 3.0 M 7.4 qCourses taken per student 3.3 3.2 3.2 3.5 3.3 —Diploma completion rate 69.2 78.1 69.8 71.2 77.5 —Delayed advancement rate 33.7 35.2 33.3 28.3 30.7 —H. A. Kostash [Public] Smoky Lake Gr 12 Enrollment: 22ESL (%): 0.0 Special needs (%): 13.1 Alt. French (%): 0.0Actual rating vs predicted based 2011-12 Last 5 Yearson parents’ avg. inc. of $39,200: -0.8 Rank: 240/279 151/241Average exam mark 64.2 60.5 67.8 61.1 58.2 —Percentage of exams failed 18.8 27.1 10.6 20.5 23.0 —School vs exam mark difference 9.5 13.4 9.0 13.4 13.6 —English 30-1 gender gap M 6.7 F 8.4 F 8.6 n/a n/a n/aPure Math 30 gender gap M 5.3 F 7.1 E n/a n/a n/aCourses taken per student 4.5 4.5 4.4 3.9 3.8 qDiploma completion rate 100.0 94.7 93.5 95.0 81.8 qDelayed advancement rate 0.5 15.4 18.3 7.5 19.8 —J A Williams [Public] Lac La Biche Gr 12 Enrollment: 128ESL (%): 0.0 Special needs (%): 17.5 Alt. French (%): 0.0Actual rating vs predicted based 2011-12 Last 5 Yearson parents’ avg. inc. of $77,300: -3.0 Rank: 264/279 237/241Average exam mark 59.2 54.6 54.4 55.4 55.7 —Percentage of exams failed 28.9 37.6 36.7 35.8 33.5 —School vs exam mark difference 9.6 14.0 11.9 11.4 11.8 —English 30-1 gender gap F 3.9 E F 5.0 F 9.3 F 4.0 —Pure Math 30 gender gap F 2.5 M 10.3 M 6.1 F 6.4 M 6.5 —Courses taken per student 3.0 3.3 3.0 3.3 3.2 —Diploma completion rate 62.7 60.2 61.7 63.3 66.7 —Delayed advancement rate 47.8 48.1 42.3 38.3 40.2 —Mistassiny [Public] Wabasca Gr 12 Enrollment: 52

                  ESL (%): 79.8 Special needs (%): 20.7 Alt. French (%): 0.0Actual rating vs predicted based 2011-12 Last 5 Yearson parents’ avg. inc. of $30,600: -5.0 Rank: 279/279 241/241Average exam mark 50.1 46.3 44.3 44.5 47.8 —Percentage of exams failed 46.7 57.1 71.2 69.2 51.5 —School vs exam mark difference 3.1 14.5 11.8 11.8 4.9 —English 30-1 gender gap n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/aPure Math 30 gender gap n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/aCourses taken per student 1.2 0.5 1.2 1.0 0.8 —Diploma completion rate 30.0 35.3 41.4 29.4 17.5 —Delayed advancement rate 91.4 91.8 85.8 66.8 81.7 —Plamondon [Public] Plamondon Gr 12 Enrollment: 42ESL (%): 8.0 Special needs (%): 14.0 Alt. French (%): 5.3Actual rating vs predicted based 2011-12 Last 5 Yearson parents’ avg. inc. of $82,900: -3.1 Rank: 264/279 222/241Average exam mark 62.3 61.0 56.9 58.2 54.4 qPercentage of exams failed 23.1 30.0 30.7 26.0 37.8 —School vs exam mark difference 4.4 7.8 10.8 8.9 13.6 qEnglish 30-1 gender gap M 3.1 n/a F 3.2 F 12.6 M 0.1 n/aPure Math 30 gender gap n/a n/a M 4.3 M 10.6 M 7.8 n/aCourses taken per student 3.3 3.1 4.3 3.3 3.2 —Diploma completion rate 92.9 96.6 80.6 82.8 77.5 qDelayed advancement rate 17.0 6.2 32.5 20.4 23.9 —Roland Michener [Public] Slave Lake Gr 12 Enrollment: 96ESL (%): n/a Special needs (%): 14.8 Alt. French (%): 0.0Actual rating vs predicted based 2011-12 Last 5 Yearson parents’ avg. inc. of $100,400: -2.3 Rank: 251/279 221/241Average exam mark 58.9 57.8 58.4 59.5 56.5 —Percentage of exams failed 30.5 31.9 26.3 15.1 29.6 —School vs exam mark difference 9.9 13.1 9.3 11.2 11.5 —English 30-1 gender gap M 7.1 F 1.6 F 7.8 F 11.0 M 3.8 —Pure Math 30 gender gap M 9.1 F 4.0 M 5.5 M 14.3 M 4.9 —Courses taken per student 3.4 3.5 3.4 3.6 3.5 —Diploma completion rate 80.6 84.8 79.2 83.0 76.1 —Delayed advancement rate 19.0 18.3 15.0 12.3 23.8 —Thorhild Central [Public] Thorhild Gr 12 Enrollment: 30ESL (%): n/a Special needs (%): 17.7 Alt. French (%): 0.0Actual rating vs predicted based 2011-12 Last 5 Yearson parents’ avg. inc. of $50,000: -0.4 Rank: 213/279 n/aAverage exam mark 53.2 58.5 n/a 55.4 58.4 n/aPercentage of exams failed 37.3 25.7 n/a 35.7 25.4 n/aSchool vs exam mark difference 15.4 15.6 n/a 14.6 6.6 n/aEnglish 30-1 gender gap F 5.8 F 9.2 n/a n/a n/a n/aPure Math 30 gender gap M 4.7 M 2.8 n/a n/a n/a n/aCourses taken per student 4.0 4.5 n/a 3.3 3.6 n/aDiploma completion rate 79.3 93.9 n/a 75.9 78.6 n/aDelayed advancement rate 26.1 7.3 n/a 21.2 22.4 n/abAnff AREA

                  Banff [Public] Banff Gr 12 Enrollment: 52

                  ESL (%): 23.6 Special needs (%): 8.5 Alt. French (%): 0.0Actual rating vs predicted based 2011-12 Last 5 Yearson parents’ avg. inc. of $64,900: 0.0 Rank: 173/279 96/241Average exam mark 68.3 68.2 64.8 65.1 61.3 qPercentage of exams failed 10.2 12.9 14.7 13.2 20.8 —School vs exam mark difference 3.7 5.7 7.2 9.0 9.9 qEnglish 30-1 gender gap F 6.9 F 8.2 F 2.0 F 2.0 F 2.1 —Pure Math 30 gender gap M 0.3 F 23.6 F 1.0 M 1.0 F 4.2 —Courses taken per student 3.8 4.4 3.8 4.1 4.0 —Diploma completion rate 86.1 94.7 83.9 85.7 84.3 —Delayed advancement rate 31.0 12.1 29.4 11.2 20.7 —Canmore Collegiate [Public] Canmore Gr 12 Enrollment: 101ESL (%): 6.0 Special needs (%): 14.5 Alt. French (%): 6.2Actual rating vs predicted based 2011-12 Last 5 Yearson parents’ avg. inc. of $80,900: 0.9 Rank: 92/279 58/241Average exam mark 70.1 66.8 69.0 71.1 68.1 —Percentage of exams failed 8.9 12.0 10.0 9.4 10.3 —School vs exam mark difference 1.8 5.5 5.2 3.6 5.7 —English 30-1 gender gap F 3.9 F 3.4 F 3.4 F 4.4 F 3.3 —Pure Math 30 gender gap F 4.0 M 2.2 F 1.0 F 6.1 M 3.7 —Courses taken per student 3.9 3.9 4.0 3.9 3.9 —Diploma completion rate 70.8 85.6 91.1 81.0 82.8 —Delayed advancement rate 26.8 8.9 12.6 22.9 24.6 —

                  bARRHEAd/WEstLOCk AREA

                  Barrhead [Public] Barrhead Gr 12 Enrollment: 169ESL (%): 0.9 Special needs (%): 12.9 Alt. French (%): 2.0Actual rating vs predicted based 2011-12 Last 5 Yearson parents’ avg. inc. of $69,700: -0.2 Rank: 181/279 120/241Average exam mark 65.9 65.6 64.6 66.3 64.0 —Percentage of exams failed 13.5 15.3 15.7 13.0 17.3 —School vs exam mark difference 7.1 9.1 11.3 8.4 9.1 —English 30-1 gender gap F 3.6 M 1.4 F 2.9 M 1.2 M 0.7 —Pure Math 30 gender gap F 0.4 M 3.1 M 7.7 M 2.3 M 16.6 —Courses taken per student 3.4 4.0 3.8 4.1 3.7 —Diploma completion rate 79.3 86.8 84.4 90.9 83.8 —Delayed advancement rate 25.2 16.5 19.9 13.3 18.2 —Morinville [Public] Morinville Gr 12 Enrollment: 125ESL (%): n/a Special needs (%): 16.5 Alt. French (%): 3.7Actual rating vs predicted based 2011-12 Last 5 Yearson parents’ avg. inc. of $78,500: 0.4 Rank: 130/279 n/aAverage exam mark 65.1 n/a 65.1 67.7 64.4 n/aPercentage of exams failed 15.0 n/a 14.1 11.2 14.9 n/aSchool vs exam mark difference 4.5 n/a 3.6 4.0 4.3 n/aEnglish 30-1 gender gap F 8.4 n/a M 0.7 M 0.3 F 2.2 n/aPure Math 30 gender gap F 5.4 n/a M 9.1 M 0.8 F 1.5 n/aCourses taken per student 3.0 n/a 3.5 3.7 3.3 n/aDiploma completion rate 71.8 n/a 89.9 87.8 82.2 n/aDelayed advancement rate 33.8 n/a 21.0 11.9 19.9 n/aRichard F Staples [Public] Westlock Gr 12 Enrollment: 151ESL (%): 0.8 Special needs (%): 18.6 Alt. French (%): 5.1Actual rating vs predicted based 2011-12 Last 5 Yearson parents’ avg. inc. of $67,300: -1.6 Rank: 250/279 208/241Average exam mark 64.3 62.4 60.6 63.7 59.5 —Percentage of exams failed 17.6 22.0 25.2 19.2 24.9 —School vs exam mark difference 8.9 10.6 8.5 8.9 9.2 —English 30-1 gender gap F 1.2 F 2.9 M 3.3 M 3.8 M 1.1 —Pure Math 30 gender gap M 5.3 F 5.2 M 9.8 F 2.2 M 8.1 —Courses taken per student 3.6 3.4 3.2 3.6 3.4 —Diploma completion rate 74.5 71.6 71.9 78.5 65.9 —Delayed advancement rate 29.0 33.5 37.6 27.6 37.5 —St. Mary [Separate] Westlock Gr 12 Enrollment: 16ESL (%): 0.0 Special needs (%): 5.9 Alt. French (%): 0.0Actual rating vs predicted based 2011-12 Last 5 Yearson parents’ avg. inc. of $66,200: -1.8 Rank: 254/279 205/241Average exam mark 64.5 60.7 58.9 57.0 52.9 qPercentage of exams failed 21.4 14.3 30.0 41.0 40.0 qSchool vs exam mark difference 1.3 9.5 10.0 10.9 12.4 qEnglish 30-1 gender gap n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/aPure Math 30 gender gap n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/aCourses taken per student 4.5 2.7 4.4 4.9 4.6 —Diploma completion rate 80.0 47.1 82.4 81.3 87.5 —Delayed advancement rate 28.4 53.9 19.8 31.3 27.3 —Sturgeon [Public] Namao Gr 12 Enrollment: 297ESL (%): 1.7 Special needs (%): 14.5 Alt. French (%): 0.0Actual rating vs predicted based 2011-12 Last 5 Yearson parents’ avg. inc. of $89,200: 0.1 Rank: 137/279 151/241Average exam mark 66.8 64.2 61.6 63.8 65.2 —Percentage of exams failed 11.4 17.6 18.9 17.6 14.4 —School vs exam mark difference 2.7 4.3 7.1 5.9 6.5 —English 30-1 gender gap F 3.2 F 1.5 F 1.7 F 0.7 F 2.7 —Pure Math 30 gender gap F 4.9 M 2.8 M 1.7 M 1.7 F 1.2 pCourses taken per student 3.2 3.6 3.3 3.1 3.4 —Diploma completion rate 82.8 79.7 76.4 77.7 85.4 —Delayed advancement rate 29.7 35.3 33.0 35.5 24.2 —bROOks AREA

                  Bassano [Public] Bassano Gr 12 Enrollment: 25

                  ESL (%): n/a Special needs (%): 14.4 Alt. French (%): 0.0Actual rating vs predicted based 2011-12 Last 5 Yearson parents’ avg. inc. of $46,100: 1.7 Rank: 79/279 191/241Average exam mark 55.1 56.2 60.6 62.5 66.9 pPercentage of exams failed 35.5 29.9 23.1 15.5 9.6 pSchool vs exam mark difference 9.5 11.0 5.6 6.0 3.3 pEnglish 30-1 gender gap n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/aPure Math 30 gender gap n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/aCourses taken per student 2.5 4.1 3.3 3.4 3.2 —Diploma completion rate 81.3 91.7 84.6 100.0 80.0 —Delayed advancement rate 31.3 25.4 33.3 9.5 21.6 —Brooks [Public] Brooks Gr 12 Enrollment: 186

                  ESL (%): 6.2 Special needs (%): 18.1 Alt. French (%): 0.0Actual rating vs predicted based 2011-12 Last 5 Yearson parents’ avg. inc. of $84,300: -1.6 Rank: 236/279 208/241Average exam mark 64.6 59.8 60.5 61.1 60.9 —Percentage of exams failed 19.8 27.7 24.1 22.0 23.8 —School vs exam mark difference 6.0 8.6 8.1 6.7 6.9 —English 30-1 gender gap M 1.0 F 0.1 M 2.0 F 4.2 M 0.5 —Pure Math 30 gender gap M 5.0 M 10.4 M 7.8 F 5.6 F 6.5 —Courses taken per student 3.5 3.7 3.4 3.2 3.2 qDiploma completion rate 69.8 77.8 75.2 71.8 70.6 —Delayed advancement rate 35.9 21.4 25.1 28.6 32.8 —Duchess [Public] Duchess Gr 12 Enrollment: 24ESL (%): 1.5 Special needs (%): 17.2 Alt. French (%): 0.0Actual rating vs predicted based 2011-12 Last 5 Yearson parents’ avg. inc. of $72,600: -3.1 Rank: 267/279 226/241Average exam mark 64.9 56.2 59.1 59.9 54.6 —Percentage of exams failed 18.8 33.8 24.1 28.6 41.4 —School vs exam mark difference 11.9 11.4 12.5 12.9 13.7 —English 30-1 gender gap F 2.1 n/a F 1.1 n/a n/a n/aPure Math 30 gender gap M 7.2 n/a M 10.8 n/a n/a n/aCourses taken per student 3.7 3.5 3.8 3.6 3.2 —Diploma completion rate 73.1 66.7 76.3 77.1 85.0 —Delayed advancement rate 30.2 33.1 25.7 23.1 21.4 pRosemary [Public] Rosemary Gr 12 Enrollment: 16ESL (%): 12.4 免费留学:那空沙旺皇家大排名





                  韦伯麦特里克斯网全球院校1月份排名 2013年1月 3482

                  韦伯麦特里克斯网全球院校2012年7月份排名 2012年7月 3416

                  韦伯麦特里克斯网全球院校1月份排名 2012年1月 2723

                  韦伯麦特里克斯网全球院校12000强7月份排名 2011年7月 3103

                  韦伯麦特里克斯网全球院校12000强1月份排名 2011年1月 3793





                  望城县茶亭镇郭亮中学 望城县茶亭镇梅园中学 望城县含浦镇学士中学 望城县含浦镇含浦中学

                  望城县 望城县 望城县 望城县

                  初中 初中 初中 初中


                  望城县靖港镇靖港中学 望城县雷锋镇推山学校 望城县东城镇东城中学 望城县白箬铺镇友仁中学 望城县白箬铺镇白箬中学 望城县新康乡新康中学 望城县乔口镇乔口中学 望城县格塘乡山塘中学 望城县新康乡新塘中学 望城县坪塘镇白泉学校 望城县坪塘镇太平中学 望城县坪塘镇坪塘中学 望城县星城镇大湖中学


                  望城县 望城县 望城县 望城县 望城县 望城县 望城县 望城县 望城县 望城县 望城县 望城县 望城县


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                  宁乡县瓦子坪中学 宁乡县沙田乡沙田初级中学 宁乡县道林镇道林中学 宁乡县喻家坳初级中学 宁乡县大成桥中学 偕乐桥镇杉山冲初级中学 菁华铺乡邓安堂九年制学校 宁乡县涌泉山初级中学 宁乡县资福中学 宁乡县资珊瑚中学 夏铎铺中学 夏铎铺镇九年制学校 宁乡县沩山乡中心 宁乡县流沙河中学 宁乡县流沙河镇中心学校 宁乡县东湖塘中学 宁乡县东湖塘镇西冲山中学 宁乡县东湖塘镇麻山中学 宁乡县南田坪乡停钟中学 宁乡县枫木桥乡洞庭桥中学 宁乡县

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                  宁乡县大成桥乡成功塘中学 桃林桥初级中学

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                  1 北京大学 100 京1 2 清华大学 99.9 京2

                  3 中国科学技术大学 97.2 皖1 4 外交学院 97.1 京3 5 复旦大学 96.5 沪1 6 中国人民大学 96.1 京4 7 南京大学 95.6 苏1 8 浙江大学 94.7 浙1 9 北京师范大学 94.2 京5 10 南开大学 94.1 津1 10 上海交通大学 94.1 沪2 10 北京外国语大学 94.1 京6 13 中国政法大学 93.1 京7 13 对外经济贸易大学 93.1 京7 15 北京航空航天大学 93 京8 15 西安交通大学 93 陕1 17 武汉大学 92.5 鄂1 17 上海财经大学 92.5 沪3 19 东南大学 92.4 苏2 19 北京邮电大学 92.4 京9 19 中央财经大学 92.4 京10

                  22 天津大学 92.1 津2 23 华中科技大学 92 鄂2 24 华东师范大学 91.9 沪4 25 北京理工大学 91.8 京11 26 同济大学 91.7 沪5 27 山东大学 91.5 鲁1

                  28 上海外国语大学 91.4 沪6 29 中国青年政治学院 91 京12 30 大连理工大学 90.5 辽1 31 中国海洋大学 90.4 鲁2 32 国际关系学院 90.3 京13 33 厦门大学 90 闽1

                  34 南京航空航天大学 89.8 35 南京理工大学 89.7 36 哈尔滨工业大学 89.6 37 山东师范大学 89.6 38 北京科技大学 89.5 39 北京交通大学 89.4 40 西北工业大学 89.3

                  40 北京信息科技大学 89.3 42 北京语言大学 89.2 43 电子科技大学 89.1

                  44 华东政法学院 89 44 青岛大学 89 46 四川大学 88.8

                  47 中南财经政法大学 88.7 48 华东理工大学 88.6 48 苏州大学 88.6 50 南京师范大学 88.5























                  被录取并入学的学生在高中毕业班的年级前10%的数量是学生选择性排名的重要因素。加州大学系统(University of California)8个分校录取前10%学生的比例全美大学最高,加州大学伯克利全美第一,99%的学生是年级前10%的学生。加州人口众多,单是录取加州高中的前4%的学生,已经能基本满足加州大学系统的需要。麻省理工有97%,全美第二,哈佛、耶鲁大学并列第三,为95%。另外,哈佛学生的SAT分数最高,SAT 中间分是1 390~1 590。耶鲁大学和哈佛大学的录取率最低,并列9%。







                  排名 大学名称 升降 综合得分 声誉得分 学术资源得分 学术成果得分 学生情况得分 教师资源得分

                  1 清华大学

                  2 北京大学

                  3 浙江大学 物资资源得分 ↔ 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 99.9 100.0 100.0 ↔ 95.0 99.8 90.2 72.2 94.7 95.8 93.3 ↑ 2 88.0 90.6 64.7 95.9 83.2 72.0 98.3

                  4 中国科学技术大学 ↑ 2 85.0 89.0 93.4 83.8 100.0 63.7 49.1

                  5 南京大学 ↓ 2 82.0 89.9 79.2 69.6 93.0 77.9 56.9

                  6 复旦大学 ↓ 3 81.0 92.3 84.3 62.6 86.3 71.3 67.7

                  7 上海交通大学 ↔ 79.0 88.2 63.8 81.6 84.5 64.1 71.7

                  8 北京师范大学 ↔ 74.0 82.2 68.2 79.9 77.2 60.2 50.0

                  9 哈尔滨工业大学 ↑ 3 73.0 81.9 40.2 73.9 89.2 62.9 86.0

                  10 南开大学 ↔ 68.0 85.1 59.6 49.9 89.0 64.2 53.4

                  中国人民大学 ↓ 1 68.0 83.0 72.5 37.7 86.9 48.5 78.1

                  12 北京航空航天大学 ↑ 5 66.0 79.6 51.3 41.9 92.0 55.2 81.6

                  西安交通大学 ↔ 66.0 81.4 48.7 49.4 89.8 54.6 72.8

                  华中科技大学 ↑ 4 66.0 79.8 61.9 41.8 84.5 58.2 64.7

                  15 天津大学 ↓ 1 65.0 79.6 55.3 58.8 84.0 53.8 47.1

                  武汉大学 ↓ 1 65.0 83.4 55.6 39.5 82.3 55.8 71.7

                  17 四川大学 ↑ 2 61.0 77.5 55.4 30.5 80.2 50.1 74.7

                  18 中山大学 ↓ 8 60.0 80.1 57.4 31.7 77.4 52.7 62.3

                  19 大连理工大学 ↓ 1 59.0 70.2 51.9 51.4 88.3 49.6 33.3

                  东南大学 ↑ 3 59.0 75.9 48.5 29.9 86.1 48.9 72.0

                  西北工业大学 ↑ 9 59.0 70.6 29.7 46.9 87.5 45.9 81.3

                  22 吉林大学 ↓ 1 58.0 75.9 49.4 33.9 81.4 50.3 60.5

                  厦门大学 ↓ 3 58.0 78.3 62.1 26.2 84.5 49.7 43.5

                  24 中南大学 ↑ 4 56.0 71.5 45.0 33.7 79.8 52.1 57.3

                  山东大学 ↑ 1 56.0 75.4 44.0 35.8 70.1 50.3 60.2

                  华东师范大学 ↑ 1 56.0 73.8 57.6 28.0 79.5 42.8 55.9

                  27 北京理工大学 ↓ 3 55.0 71.1 30.8 37.9 81.7 45.8 69.2

                  28 中国农业大学 ↑ 2 53.0 71.1 46.1 22.3 69.9 56.5 50.5

                  同济大学 ↓ 3 53.0 82.5 32.8 24.0 81.7 47.0 57.2

                  北京交通大学 ↑ 10 53.0 62.6 48.4 32.9 80.6 43.5 46.3

                  31 东北大学 ↓ 1 52.0 66.7 47.2 24.9 81.5 42.3 57.4

                  32 北京科技大学 ↓ 10 51.0 67.6 40.0 29.6 83.0 50.4 37.3

                  33 华南理工大学 ↓ 1 49.0 68.3 33.4 28.5 74.4 42.4 53.9

                  湖南大学 ↑ 1 49.0 67.6 37.1 26.4 81.9 46.1 35.8

                  35 南京航空航天大学 ↓ 2 47.0 67.7 34.6 30.3 78.2 37.2 38.3

                  36 兰州大学 ↓ 2 46.0 72.0 27.0 29.1 74.9 41.1 37.7

                  37 电子科技大学 ↑ 13 45.0 67.3 20.0 33.0 81.1 38.4 39.5

                  华中师范大学 ↓ 3 45.0 62.8 39.8 18.3 72.2 42.3 39.8

                  华东理工大学 ↓ 3 45.0 65.5 27.4 27.2 71.4 42.7 36.6

                  东北师范大学 ↑ 4 45.0 62.8 34.8 18.7 78.5 41.9 37.1

                  41 重庆大学 ↑ 4 44.0 68.3 26.6 14.3 76.5 40.4 49.5

                  42 中国政法大学 ↑ 3 43.0 66.1 49.9 6.7 72.4 42.4 23.8

                  中央音乐学院 ↓ 4 43.0 68.0 42.0 4.7 70.3 48.8 26.7

                  中国海洋大学 ↓ 1 43.0 65.6 25.1 21.4 77.3 41.5 30.4

                  45 南京理工大学 ↓ 4 42.0 63.4 22.0 22.5 68.2 40.0 44.8

                  中国医科大学 ↔ 42.0 60.8 52.5 2.7 77.1 40.1 23.8

                  上海财经大学 ↓ 5 42.0 62.3 28.9 15.3 74.7 37.6 43.4

                  西安电子科技大学 ↔ 42.0 61.7 20.5 24.6 77.5 34.9 41.3

                  西北大学 ↓ 4 42.0 64.1 30.0 14.0 74.2 39.4 37.1

                  50 北京邮电大学 ↔ 41.0 65.9 14.7 23.4 83.3 41.1 28.1

                  51 北京工业大学 ↓ 1 40.0 58.0 21.2 20.3 67.5 43.8 36.4

                  北京化工大学 ↑ 2 40.0 56.0 20.3 28.9 67.8 38.1 31.9

                  暨南大学 ↓ 6 40.0 60.7 22.6 12.9 70.0 42.1 42.9

                  天津医科大学 ↑ 16 40.0 56.2 48.7 1.4 61.5 50.3 19.8

                  北京中医药大学 ↑ 16 40.0 53.3 62.3 1.1 66.3 41.3 10.6

                  西南交通大学 ↑ 9 40.0 62.9 29.4 14.2 69.8 33.4 36.3

                  57 南京农业大学 ↓ 4 39.0 57.4 30.9 11.0 71.7 35.5 40.3

                  中国矿业大学 ↓ 4 39.0 60.7 23.3 13.5 67.6 35.8 45.1

                  武汉理工大学 ↑ 3 39.0 56.9 21.4 10.4 68.5 41.0 48.1

                  中国地质大学 ↓ 4 39.0 64.0 20.8 9.1 71.0 43.7 35.0

                  首都医科大学 ↑ 10 39.0 57.8 55.6 5.1 68.1 30.7 14.2

                  哈尔滨工程大学 ↑ 3 39.0 61.1 15.3 11.6 80.3 39.7 38.5

                  63 南京师范大学 ↓ 3 38.0 56.8 27.7 12.3 65.4 38.1 38.1

                  河海大学 ↑ 4 38.0 56.0 27.9 8.7 73.6 32.5 44.5

                  中国石油大学 ↓ 10 38.0 60.7 20.4 10.5 67.0 37.6 43.6

                  上海大学 ↓ 10 38.0 54.2 19.7 18.4 62.3 36.2 44.4

                  郑州大学 ↑ 4 38.0 56.9 25.0 9.0 55.7 34.6 56.6

                  68 南方医科大学 ↑ 6 37.0 49.5 43.7 3.3 68.6 39.0 24.1

                  陕西师范大学 ↑ 6 37.0 53.0 26.4 13.2 68.4 38.4 31.1

                  苏州大学 ↑ 6 37.0 56.9 16.1 14.2 66.7 38.3 42.5

                  西南财经大学 ↓ 8 37.0 55.9 31.1 11.2 70.8 29.3 33.0

                  首都师范大学 ↑ 17 37.0 53.4 23.5 13.8 60.5 38.4 39.4

                  湖南师范大学 ↓ 1 37.0 54.2 22.5 13.2 63.2 40.5 35.2

                  华中农业大学 ↓ 8 37.0 54.5 33.5 9.5 66.5 36.4 24.3

                  哈尔滨医科大学 ↑ 6 37.0 54.5 43.7 1.9 64.9 36.5 21.9

                  76 广州中医药大学 ↑ 6 36.0 45.9 46.1 0.3 59.3 41.9 27.4

                  东华大学 ↓ 2 36.0 51.9 19.7 16.8 70.3 36.3 30.8

                  中南财经政法大学 ↑ 6 36.0 54.3 24.8 8.0 66.5 36.9 38.1

                  南京医科大学 ↓ 2 36.0 51.9 50.5 8.1 59.5 29.2 15.2

                  东北财经大学 ↓ 2 36.0 55.7 27.8 5.7 73.3 35.6 27.9

                  云南大学 ↑ 9 36.0 56.9 22.3 12.4 61.5 37.0 32.1

                  82 西北农林科技大学 ↓ 8 35.0 52.4 33.6 2.7 66.8 31.5 37.3

                  西南大学 ↑ 25 35.0 52.8 18.5 10.2 60.0 34.8 49.7

                  山西大学 ↓ 29 35.0 55.6 22.6 11.2 56.3 30.1 47.6

                  中国药科大学 ↑ 13 35.0 54.9 41.6 13.7 58.3 26.5 14.7

                  86 华南师范大学 ↓ 26 34.0 54.0 21.9 13.5 51.5 31.6 40.6

                  对外经济贸易大学 ↓ 19 34.0 60.8 18.3 4.8 64.5 40.8 25.2

                  中央财经大学 ↑ 5 34.0 62.5 20.1 5.6 69.3 36.0 21.4

                  外交学院 ↓ 4 34.0 59.3 14.5 4.8 74.9 39.0 25.7

                  福建师范大学 ↑ 13 34.0 48.8 19.1 14.6 55.5 34.3 38.0

                  南京工业大学 ↑ 21 34.0 48.9 13.4 16.9 60.7 32.6 40.3

                  北京林业大学 ↓ 1 34.0 56.3 24.4 3.5 65.2 40.2 19.2

                  大连海事大学 ↑ 13 34.0 52.8 10.6 9.1 68.2 45.6 23.9

                  合肥工业大学 ↓ 1 34.0 56.3 14.2 9.7 65.2 32.9 35.8

                  95 北京外国语大学 ↓ 10 33.0 67.6 17.5 3.0 65.8 36.1 20.8

                  96 江南大学 ↑ 8 32.0 48.6 11.9 13.8 60.9 36.9 31.0

                  福州大学 ↓ 5 32.0 57.5 18.6 14.1 57.1 26.4 28.0

                  安徽大学 ↓ 11 32.0 55.7 13.2 7.8 60.6 31.3 38.5

                  中央民族大学 ↓ 5 32.0 56.0 10.3 8.6 58.6 35.4 35.6

                  浙江工业大学 ↓ 1 32.0 57.1 8.1 12.5 53.3 32.5 37.7

                  福建医科大学 ↑ 8 32.0 44.9 35.5 1.1 58.9 38.8 11.8

                  102 辽宁大学 ↓ 7 31.0 51.5 17.8 4.5 63.0 35.6 27.2

                  南昌大学 ↑ 5 31.0 51.6 11.3 6.6 54.5 32.3 45.2

                  上海中医药大学 ↓ 7 31.0 49.4 35.3 1.1 65.2 24.1 16.1

                  105 天津中医药大学 ↓ 6 30.0 49.8 25.4 0.3 56.0 37.4 19.4

                  山东师范大学 ↑ 2 30.0 50.7 13.3 8.6 57.5 31.6 30.1

                  东北林业大学 ↑ 2 30.0 50.0 17.4 2.7 58.3 36.1 27.0

                  上海外国语大学 ↓ 6 30.0 61.7 16.2 3.5 62.0 28.8 18.9

                  汕头大学 ↓ 6 30.0 43.7 13.9 11.7 52.2 40.8 19.5

                  内蒙古大学 ↑ 2 30.0 50.3 13.3 4.2 60.7 33.8 27.3

                  江苏大学 ↑ 11 30.0 48.8 11.7 10.1 56.5 28.6 33.3

                  112 东北农业大学 ↓ 5 29.0 50.0 11.9 1.9 62.1 37.5 25.3

                  西南政法大学 ↑ 4 29.0 -- 19.1 10.1 67.1 29.1 34.0

                  河南大学 ↓ 21 29.0 50.9 14.5 7.3 55.7 24.7 36.3

                  燕山大学 ↑ 15 29.0 -- 15.0 11.0 63.5 35.4 31.8

                  重庆医科大学 ↓ 5 29.0 52.1 21.4 1.7 58.5 30.9 15.8

                  西北师范大学 ↑ 15 29.0 -- 16.8 21.3 55.9 30.7 21.2

                  118 南京中医药大学 ↓ 14 28.0 48.2 24.3 0.2 58.2 28.6 20.2

                  广西医科大学 ↓ 2 28.0 -- 33.1 2.9 59.8 36.1 12.6

                  沈阳药科大学 ↓ 2 28.0 -- 21.7 14.8 61.0 30.3 16.1

                  121 长安大学 ↑ 36 27.0 -- 14.0 2.3 60.3 36.1 39.0

                  西南石油大学 ↓ 14 27.0 47.4 11.0 0.9 54.1 33.2 29.6

                  河北医科大学 ↑ 13 27.0 -- 29.9 1.7 53.1 38.3 16.0

                  湘潭大学 ↓ 5 27.0 -- 10.7 12.9 60.7 30.9 31.6

                  华东政法大学 ↑ 13 27.0 -- 10.4 10.5 60.4 39.2 23.4

                  西安理工大学 ↑ 6 27.0 -- 14.7 7.5 65.5 30.4 30.7

                  黑龙江中医药大学 ↓ 5 27.0 -- 29.0 0.1 54.8 40.1 12.7

                  扬州大学 ↑ 13 27.0 -- 10.4 8.3 53.8 37.0 34.0

                  129 大连医科大学 ↓ 2 26.0 -- 27.7 1.1 59.8 37.0 10.4

                  中国传媒大学 ↓ 2 26.0 -- 16.0 4.7 69.1 33.7 17.2

                  西安建筑科技大学 ↑ 5 26.0 -- 12.2 2.3 65.3 32.4 32.9

                  华北电力大学 ↑ 18 26.0 -- 8.1 10.8 62.8 32.8 24.4

                  深圳大学 ↑ 5 26.0 -- 5.6 11.7 44.5 39.1 35.0

                  河北师范大学 ↑ 18 26.0 -- 11.1 6.0 51.9 37.1 32.1

                  135 山东农业大学 ↓ 1 25.0 -- 16.1 4.3 49.0 37.8 26.7

                  北京语言大学 ↓ 8 25.0 -- 21.2 2.8 50.0 27.4 36.2

                  河北大学 ↓ 1 25.0 -- 8.2 10.0 55.1 32.0 32.2

                  辽宁师范大学 ↓ 1 25.0 -- 12.0 7.7 55.7 38.2 18.7

                  上海师范大学 ↓ 1 25.0 -- 11.0 7.8 52.6 29.2 37.0

                  昆明理工大学 ↑ 22 25.0 -- 16.0 2.5 51.4 33.0 33.5

                  天津师范大学 ↑ 22 25.0 -- 15.2 8.2 48.7 32.1 27.9

                  广西大学 ↓ 8 25.0 -- 10.2 4.3 55.3 33.6 32.6

                  上海音乐学院 ↑ 64 25.0 -- 8.0 2.8 64.6 36.7 24.5

                  北京体育大学 ↓ 19 25.0 -- 12.5 3.7 58.1 35.0 24.2

                  南京林业大学 ↓ 19 25.0 -- 15.7 2.8 57.4 32.6 24.9

                  安徽医科大学 ↑ 22 25.0 -- 17.1 2.8 56.8 38.7 13.0

                  147 太原理工大学 ↔ 24.0 -- 11.9 5.5 54.3 32.0 29.4

                  西交利物浦大学 24.0 -- -- -- 45.4 57.9 26.4

                  黑龙江大学 ↓ 13 24.0 -- 10.9 6.3 49.6 31.0 34.2

                  中央美术学院 ↔ 24.0 -- 8.9 0.5 62.0 41.3 19.2

                  成都中医药大学 ↔ 24.0 -- 24.7 0.2 50.3 33.9 16.8




                  大庆石油学院 ↔ 24.0 -- 8.1 4.8 58.1 34.4 26.7 ↑ 10 24.0 -- 4.6 12.2 48.6 32.6 30.9 ↑ 30 24.0 -- 4.3 5.4 50.2 32.6 41.2 ↑ 10 24.0 -- 11.1 3.0 50.6 32.6 33.7

                  华南农业大学 ↓ 31 24.0 -- 13.4 4.3 50.6 30.0 30.4

                  北京电影学院 ↑ 52 24.0 -- 3.5 3.1 59.5 38.3 26.9

                  158 西北政法大学 ↓ 1 23.0 -- 3.9 2.1 56.3 38.2 30.7

                  湖南中医药大学 ↑ 41 23.0 -- 16.5 0.6 53.3 36.8 16.6

                  广州医学院 ↑202 23.0 -- 14.1 1.4 39.9 44.7 19.9

                  湖南农业大学 ↑ 19 23.0 -- 13.5 1.1 52.1 35.4 24.1

                  青岛科技大学 ↑ 19 23.0 -- 5.5 11.4 49.4 33.9 22.9

                  湖北大学 ↓ 24 23.0 -- 10.2 6.2 54.2 31.3 23.6

                  哈尔滨理工大学 ↑ 41 23.0 -- 9.0 2.8 51.7 36.6 25.7

                  河北工业大学 ↓ 11 23.0 -- 8.8 7.4 58.9 30.1 20.0

                  首都经济贸易大学 ↓ 1 23.0 -- 7.4 3.8 55.8 36.2 22.2

                  浙江中医药大学 ↑ 41 23.0 -- 8.9 0.3 61.0 41.0 12.8

                  山东科技大学 ↓ 1 23.0 -- 9.2 1.8 49.8 32.7 33.6

                  天津财经大学 ↓ 1 23.0 -- 9.8 3.8 54.5 35.4 19.9

                  沈阳农业大学 ↑ 19 23.0 -- 15.1 0.4 61.4 29.8 19.4

                  安徽师范大学 ↓ 1 23.0 -- 7.1 6.0 52.7 28.3 32.5

                  江西师范大学 ↓ 1 23.0 -- 8.0 4.9 49.1 29.6 34.0

                  南京财经大学 ↑ 19 23.0 -- 2.6 6.0 46.0 38.3 30.5

                  中国音乐学院 ↓ 11 23.0 -- 3.8 2.0 56.6 41.0 20.8

                  山西医科大学 ↓ 1 23.0 -- 24.1 0.6 52.3 26.4 16.0

                  青岛大学 ↓ 1 23.0 -- 7.5 2.3 51.6 32.3 31.7

                  178 上海体育学院 ↑ 21 22.0 -- 6.2 4.1 55.3 30.4 29.9

                  天津工业大学 ↑ 49 22.0 -- 6.3 7.3 46.8 29.4 33.7

                  新疆大学 ↓ 1 22.0 -- 7.5 3.4 52.6 33.6 26.0

                  宁波大学 ↓ 1 22.0 -- 4.0 8.2 49.3 33.4 26.5

                  山东中医药大学 ↓ 44 22.0 -- 17.4 0.1 54.3 33.1 14.6

                  成都理工大学 ↓ 31 22.0 -- 11.5 2.9 53.4 26.5 30.4

                  长沙理工大学 ↓ 21 22.0 -- 6.0 4.5 48.6 33.1 30.2

                  云南师范大学 ↓ 1 22.0 -- 5.3 4.1 50.4 36.2 25.0

                  河北农业大学 ↑ 21 22.0 -- 12.3 1.2 48.3 32.0 27.0

                  广东工业大学 ↑ 49 22.0 -- 5.6 4.4 42.0 31.4 39.3

                  长春中医药大学 ↑ 49 22.0 -- 9.2 0.0 48.5 43.7 15.5

                  中北大学 ↑ 49 22.0 -- 8.6 4.4 48.1 26.7 35.4

                  江西财经大学 ↑ 89 22.0 -- 6.4 5.2 51.4 30.0 29.0

                  内蒙古农业大学 ↑ 21 22.0 -- 13.9 0.5 48.9 33.6 21.9

                  哈尔滨师范大学 ↓ 21 22.0 -- 10.6 1.4 47.1 30.0 33.2

                  大连大学 ↑ 21 22.0 -- 3.3 1.5 41.8 45.2 26.0

                  福建农林大学 ↑ 21 22.0 -- 15.2 1.2 51.0 29.9 21.8

                  辽宁医学院 ↑ 21 22.0 -- 14.5 0.0 46.4 37.3 17.7

                  北京舞蹈学院 ↑135 22.0 -- 0.8 0.1 52.7 30.2 45.3

                  华侨大学 ↓ 31 22.0 -- 7.8 7.5 52.3 29.0 21.4

                  沈阳工业大学 ↓ 21 22.0 -- 10.8 3.1 50.2 32.1 21.4

                  河南师范大学 ↑ 21 22.0 -- 7.7 10.1 51.2 24.9 23.3

                  广东外语外贸大学 ↓ 1 22.0 -- 6.6 6.7 47.2 28.9 29.0

                  国际关系学院 ↓ 62 22.0 -- 3.6 0.7 59.5 37.7 18.5

                  202 中南民族大学 ↓ 25 21.0 -- 3.4 5.9 48.3 34.8 24.4

                  杭州电子科技大学 ↓ 45 21.0 -- 2.8 3.2 50.3 33.7 30.0

                  武汉体育学院 ↑ 65 21.0 -- 3.4 8.4 48.9 36.7 16.1

                  徐州师范大学 ↓ 25 21.0 -- 3.7 7.3 47.4 31.0 27.9

                  浙江警察学院 21.0 -- -- 0.4 44.2 34.8 43.9

                  贵州大学 ↓ 3 21.0 -- 6.6 2.0 50.5 30.3 30.8

                  河南农业大学 ↓ 3 21.0 -- 11.2 2.6 51.5 28.2 22.8

                  上海海关学院 21.0 -- -- -- 44.2 35.0 42.9

                  延边大学 ↓ 45 21.0 -- 6.5 1.2 52.6 33.3 23.8

                  天津商业大学 ↑ 65 21.0 -- 2.5 6.0 45.0 32.9 30.0

                  长春理工大学 ↑ 65 21.0 -- 7.4 3.2 56.0 29.8 20.8

                  徐州医学院 ↑ 25 21.0 -- 16.3 2.3 51.1 29.7 12.5

                  山西财经大学 ↓ 25 21.0 -- 5.0 3.1 49.8 31.2 28.4

                  武汉音乐学院 ↓ 3 21.0 -- 4.7 1.9 52.9 35.6 21.0

                  四川农业大学 ↓ 3 21.0 -- 10.1 1.3 53.6 28.8 22.9

                  中央戏剧学院 ↓ 25 21.0 -- 6.4 0.9 49.6 34.2 24.4

                  北京工商大学 ↑ 25 21.0 -- 3.0 2.2 50.7 36.1 23.6




                  杭州师范大学 ↓ 3 21.0 -- 3.8 6.2 47.4 34.1 21.1 ↓ 3 21.0 -- 2.5 3.9 46.7 33.7 28.6 ↑ 65 21.0 -- 1.7 3.4 47.5 36.6 25.5 ↑ 25 21.0 -- 3.5 3.0 46.0 38.3 21.7

                  西安外国语大学 ↑ 25 21.0 -- 2.6 0.4 48.5 39.4 23.8

                  辽宁中医药大学 ↓ 3 21.0 -- 8.4 -- 50.8 35.3 18.9

                  三峡大学 ↓ 3 21.0 -- 2.4 1.8 43.7 36.0 31.2

                  曲阜师范大学 ↑ 25 21.0 -- 6.1 7.6 49.7 24.6 26.4

                  上海海事大学 ↑ 25 21.0 -- 5.9 2.1 55.3 30.5 21.4

                  陕西科技大学 ↑ 65 21.0 -- 4.7 3.3 49.5 30.6 26.7

                  中国民航大学 ↑ 25 21.0 -- 3.8 3.2 49.3 31.1 27.9

                  昆明医学院 ↑ 25 21.0 -- 13.1 0.4 52.4 34.4 8.7

                  广州大学 ↑ 25 21.0 -- 3.1 3.5 37.5 31.6 39.3

                  武汉科技大学 ↓ 25 21.0 -- 6.0 3.5 49.0 28.6 27.4

                  天津科技大学 ↑ 25 21.0 -- 6.0 5.7 50.7 29.0 21.0

                  兰州理工大学 ↑ 65 21.0 -- 7.3 6.3 50.4 26.2 22.3

                  236 南华大学 ↓ 37 20.0 -- 5.3 1.4 46.9 34.8 24.2

                  河北科技大学 ↑124 20.0 -- 2.6 2.5 45.8 35.1 26.9

                  天津音乐学院 ↑ 31 20.0 -- 0.8 0.9 52.7 42.8 13.6

                  聊城大学 ↓ 59 20.0 -- 2.9 9.0 44.1 28.5 26.6

                  宁夏医学院 ↑ 31 20.0 -- 8.1 0.1 46.8 37.1 17.1

                  西安工程大学 ↓ 9 20.0 -- 2.5 0.4 46.1 38.2 24.8

                  烟台大学 ↓ 59 20.0 -- 4.8 4.7 45.1 32.5 22.4

                  湖南工业大学 ↓ 9 20.0 -- 4.5 5.1 41.9 32.9 24.6

                  四川师范大学 ↓ 59 20.0 -- 5.8 7.9 44.7 24.4 27.8

                  长沙医学院 ↑ 77 20.0 -- -- -- 37.4 48.9 20.6

                  安徽工程科技学院 ↑ 77 20.0 -- 2.2 0.5 41.6 40.6 24.5

                  重庆邮电大学 ↓ 59 20.0 -- 2.1 3.3 52.7 31.2 23.5

                  浙江理工大学 ↓102 20.0 -- 3.2 5.5 53.1 27.4 23.1

                  山西农业大学 ↑ 31 20.0 -- 4.9 2.5 49.2 30.3 25.0

                  中国人民公安大学 ↓ 37 20.0 -- 7.6 0.8 49.7 31.4 21.2

                  兰州交通大学 ↑ 77 20.0 -- 9.6 3.8 49.5 26.7 19.8

                  山西师范大学 ↓ 9 20.0 -- 5.9 3.6 47.0 25.4 30.5

                  温州大学 ↓ 9 20.0 -- 1.8 7.2 43.5 32.9 22.3

                  中南林业科技大学 ↓ 9 20.0 -- 6.9 3.4 47.6 29.1 22.7

                  哈尔滨商业大学 ↑ 31 20.0 -- 4.4 3.2 45.8 32.2 23.9

                  新疆医科大学 ↑ 77 20.0 -- 10.2 0.4 53.1 28.6 17.4

                  江苏科技大学 ↓ 9 20.0 -- 3.2 2.3 48.7 28.7 29.6

                  河南中医学院 ↓ 37 20.0 -- 6.7 0.1 51.0 30.4 22.7

                  云南财经大学 ↑ 31 20.0 -- 5.6 0.7 43.3 31.8 29.0

                  内蒙古医学院 ↑ 77 20.0 -- 4.1 0.0 45.7 40.1 17.2

                  海南大学 ↑ 31 20.0 -- 7.9 1.3 46.3 28.6 26.0

                  甘肃农业大学 ↓ 9 20.0 -- 9.3 0.5 56.3 28.8 14.6

                  山东理工大学 ↑ 31 20.0 -- 2.7 5.2 43.7 28.9 28.6

                  青岛理工大学 ↑ 31 20.0 -- 3.0 2.0 46.7 34.7 21.6

                  天津外国语学院 ↑124 20.0 -- 2.3 0.6 48.6 37.4 19.2

                  鲁东大学 ↑ 77 20.0 -- 2.5 6.1 44.0 31.3 23.2

                  内蒙古师范大学 ↓ 37 20.0 -- 5.7 1.5 44.5 33.2 22.5

                  贵阳中医学院 ↓ 9 20.0 -- 4.1 0.3 49.0 34.3 21.1

                  浙江林学院 ↑124 20.0 -- 1.3 1.7 44.1 38.9 20.3

                  沈阳化工学院 ↓ 37 20.0 -- 2.3 0.9 43.7 40.4 18.0

                  湖北中医学院 ↓ 9 20.0 -- 10.3 0.3 53.5 28.8 14.4

                  沈阳航空工业学院 ↑196 20.0 -- 1.7 7.3 41.3 33.9 19.9

                  274 沈阳大学 ↓ 7 19.0 -- 0.8 0.6 38.2 42.8 22.2

                  河北经贸大学 ↓ 7 19.0 -- 2.6 1.2 45.3 35.8 22.0

                  重庆交通大学 ↓ 7 19.0 -- 3.5 3.0 46.4 29.1 26.4

                  上海戏剧学院 ↓ 75 19.0 -- 5.0 1.2 50.4 32.8 17.4

                  贵阳医学院 ↓ 97 19.0 -- 5.9 0.3 53.3 31.5 16.4

                  济南大学 ↓ 7 19.0 -- 2.6 4.2 44.4 30.1 25.4

                  重庆师范大学 ↓ 47 19.0 -- 3.4 2.3 45.5 32.7 22.2

                  沈阳师范大学 ↓ 47 19.0 -- 2.5 5.0 43.0 34.5 18.4

                  北京建筑工程学院 ↑ 39 19.0 -- 3.3 0.9 46.5 39.8 12.7

                  南昌航空大学 ↓ 47 19.0 -- 3.0 1.8 44.3 30.7 27.8

                  西华师范大学 ↓ 47 19.0 -- 2.8 4.9 45.8 26.6 27.3

                  桂林电子科技大学 ↓ 47 19.0 -- 3.1 2.9 50.2 26.3 26.4

                  石家庄铁道学院 ↑ 86 19.0 -- 3.0 2.9 45.6 34.4 18.4

                  辽宁工程技术大学 ↓ 47 19.0 -- 4.7 1.8 50.2 29.8 20.2

                  北京第二外国语学院 ↑ 39 19.0 -- 2.7 1.3 51.2 26.7 27.9

                  天津理工大学 ↓ 7 19.0 -- 3.2 0.9 44.9 33.8 23.1

                  青海民族学院 ↑ 86 19.0 -- 2.1 0.9 44.4 35.9 22.0

                  湖南科技大学 ↑ 39 19.0 -- 2.7 3.7 43.9 28.8 27.5

                  西南民族大学 ↓ 7 19.0 -- 3.3 1.5 46.9 30.3 24.9

                  华北水利水电学院 ↑158 19.0 -- 2.6 0.6 47.6 37.3 15.9

                  北华大学 ↑ 86 19.0 -- 2.5 0.5 41.5 36.7 23.1

                  潍坊医学院 ↑ 39 19.0 -- 6.1 0.2 47.4 35.2 14.1

                  山东经济学院 ↑ 39 19.0 -- 2.3 3.4 46.2 29.7 24.3

                  山东轻工业学院 ↑ 39 19.0 -- 2.0 3.1 43.3 31.5 25.6

                  西南科技大学 ↓ 7 19.0 -- 2.2 3.0 46.2 28.2 27.3

                  河南理工大学 ↓ 47 19.0 -- 6.6 1.4 46.3 27.1 24.7

                  四川美术学院 ↓ 7 19.0 -- 2.0 0.4 51.0 33.3 19.6

                  南京信息工程大学 ↓ 47 19.0 -- 3.6 3.1 52.6 26.6 20.9

                  山东建筑大学 ↓ 7 19.0 -- 3.0 0.9 45.2 32.5 23.9

                  遵义医学院 ↓ 7 19.0 -- 4.6 0.3 48.9 34.6 15.3

                  西安科技大学 ↓ 7 19.0 -- 7.3 1.4 51.8 25.2 20.4

                  东华理工大学 ↓ 47 19.0 -- 2.5 0.6 42.4 31.1 29.9

                  云南农业大学 ↑ 39 19.0 -- 6.1 0.5 45.8 33.1 17.2




                  山东财政学院 ↑ 86 19.0 -- 2.0 1.0 48.1 35.3 17.2 ↑ 39 19.0 -- 2.3 4.7 44.4 30.0 22.1 ↓ 7 19.0 -- 2.0 1.3 41.7 39.8 15.8 ↓ 7 19.0 -- 2.4 0.9 45.4 32.4 23.7

                  华北煤炭医学院 ↑ 86 19.0 -- 5.6 0.2 45.7 37.2 11.5

                  北方工业大学 ↑ 86 19.0 -- 3.4 0.9 48.5 28.5 24.5

                  重庆工学院 ↑ 86 19.0 -- 1.7 2.1 40.2 36.3 20.7

                  宁夏大学 ↓ 7 19.0 -- 3.9 2.5 44.3 32.5 18.1

                  江苏工业学院 ↑158 19.0 -- 1.6 4.9 45.4 29.9 20.5

                  新疆农业大学 ↑ 86 19.0 -- 5.1 0.3 44.3 34.1 17.3

                  云南民族大学 ↑ 86 19.0 -- 3.8 3.0 46.7 31.1 16.6

                  西安音乐学院 ↑ 86 19.0 -- 0.8 0.7 48.8 32.2 21.8

                  西安石油大学 ↑ 39 19.0 -- 2.5 1.4 45.1 31.3 22.9

                  321 上海海洋大学 ↑ 39 18.0 -- 5.9 1.7 48.1 27.8 18.8

                  安徽财经大学 ↓ 8 18.0 -- 3.1 2.2 46.1 29.3 22.1

                  石河子大学 ↓ 8 18.0 -- 4.7 0.7 45.8 28.6 23.4

                  广西中医学院 ↓ 54 18.0 -- 6.4 0.3 45.0 34.4 13.0

                  北京警察学院 ↓ 8 18.0 -- -- -- 38.4 32.2 34.2

                  鲁迅美术学院 ↓ 8 18.0 -- 1.7 0.0 50.2 36.0 13.4

                  中国计量学院 ↑111 18.0 -- 1.4 5.0 44.0 28.5 22.9

                  海南师范大学 ↓ 8 18.0 -- 1.7 1.5 40.1 38.5 16.4

                  淮北煤炭师范学院 ↑ 39 18.0 -- 2.0 2.4 41.6 34.9 18.4

                  华东交通大学 ↓ 8 18.0 -- 3.8 1.9 44.2 27.2 25.8

                  湖北工业大学 ↓ 8 18.0 -- 3.1 0.5 46.6 30.3 22.2

                  河北传媒学院 18.0 -- -- -- 42.5 41.8 14.0

                  桂林工学院 ↑203 18.0 -- 2.8 4.2 45.1 31.0 16.2

                  上海对外贸易学院 ↑203 18.0 -- 1.4 1.7 54.1 27.4 19.7

                  南京艺术学院 ↓ 94 18.0 -- 3.7 1.1 47.2 31.5 17.4

                  东北电力大学 ↓164 18.0 -- 3.8 0.9 48.6 31.9 15.3

                  大连民族学院 ↓ 8 18.0 -- -- 4.9 39.5 35.9 17.1

                  长春税务学院 ↓ 8 18.0 -- 2.5 2.3 45.2 33.6 15.5

                  陕西国际商贸学院 18.0 -- -- -- 42.3 32.9 27.9

                  重庆工商大学 ↓ 8 18.0 -- 0.7 2.1 40.8 29.8 29.1

                  陕西中医学院 ↓ 54 18.0 -- 4.7 -- 50.2 30.0 16.6

                  河北理工大学 ↑ 39 18.0 -- 2.2 0.3 45.8 35.6 15.4

                  湖北美术学院 ↓ 8 18.0 -- 1.5 -- 54.1 32.4 13.9

                  辽宁科技大学 ↓ 8 18.0 -- 3.8 1.3 43.4 31.1 20.5

                  吉林师范大学 ↑ 39 18.0 -- 3.5 3.2 42.7 26.0 26.2

                  青海大学 ↑ 39 18.0 -- 1.5 0.1 40.9 36.7 19.7

                  广州体育学院 ↓ 54 18.0 -- 2.3 1.7 47.3 33.0 15.0

                  齐齐哈尔大学 ↑ 39 18.0 -- 2.1 1.3 41.5 33.5 20.5

                  江汉大学 ↓ 8 18.0 -- -- 1.1 40.9 35.0 22.6

                  安徽农业大学 ↓ 54 18.0 -- 6.1 0.8 46.8 27.3 19.0

                  中国劳动关系学院 ↓ 8 18.0 -- -- -- 40.5 28.4 35.1

                  中国青年政治学院 ↓ 94 18.0 -- 2.5 -- 48.2 32.6 16.6

                  河南科技大学 ↓ 54 18.0 -- 4.3 2.5 45.4 23.8 25.7

                  山东体育学院 ↓122 18.0 -- 1.5 0.2 43.9 31.1 24.4

                  长江大学 ↓ 54 18.0 -- 2.9 1.0 42.4 27.4 27.7

                  湖北经济学院 ↓ 8 18.0 -- -- 2.0 41.4 28.3 30.1

                  大连水产学院 ↑111 18.0 -- 2.0 0.3 45.1 37.5 11.5

                  武汉科技学院 ↓ 8 18.0 -- 1.9 0.7 43.3 29.7 25.1

                  江西农业大学 ↓ 8 18.0 -- 5.3 0.6 45.7 29.1 18.3

                  吉林农业大学 ↑ 39 18.0 -- 7.6 0.3 46.1 25.6 19.9

                  集美大学 ↓ 8 18.0 -- 1.4 1.7 42.7 31.1 22.2

                  江西中医学院 ↓ 8 18.0 -- 4.7 0.2 45.4 29.4 19.1

                  广西民族大学 ↓ 94 18.0 -- 3.1 2.6 45.1 31.1 14.8

                  洛阳理工学院 18.0 -- -- 0.2 41.8 28.9 31.1

                  河南工业大学 ↓ 54 18.0 -- 4.2 1.9 45.2 27.4 19.8

                  北京印刷学院 ↑203 18.0 -- 1.4 3.0 41.4 32.4 18.3

                  北京电子科技学院 ↓ 8 18.0 -- -- 1.0 41.9 36.8 16.8

                  长春工业大学 ↓ 8 18.0 -- 1.9 0.8 47.3 32.0 15.9

                  辽宁石油化工大学 ↓ 54 18.0 -- 2.5 4.1 43.9 28.8 17.1

                  大连工业大学 ↓144 18.0 -- 3.1 1.3 45.0 32.6 14.1

                  西北民族大学 ↑ 39 18.0 -- 2.8 1.0 44.1 29.3 21.2

                  信阳师范学院 ↑ 39 18.0 -- 1.7 2.4 44.3 29.1 20.7

                  安徽中医学院 ↓ 54 18.0 -- 5.2 0.3 45.9 29.6 15.9

                  内蒙古科技大学 ↑111 18.0 -- 1.4 0.9 40.3 33.5 20.8

                  天津工程师范学院 ↑ 39 18.0 -- 1.0 1.5 40.2 34.9 18.2

                  嘉兴学院 ↑111 18.0 -- -- 3.1 40.7 29.4 25.0

                  378 福建警察学院 17.0 -- -- -- 41.6 32.0 25.1

                  温州医学院 ↓201 17.0 -- 5.0 1.9 48.8 24.4 18.0

                  大连交通大学 ↓151 17.0 -- 2.7 1.8 46.2 30.1 15.5

                  四川外语学院 ↓111 17.0 -- 3.0 2.5 52.8 23.9 16.6

                  南京审计学院 ↑ 54 17.0 -- -- 4.6 43.2 27.0 22.6

                  渤海大学 ↓151 17.0 -- 2.5 1.5 41.6 32.8 16.0

                  山东警察学院 ↓111 17.0 -- -- 0.2 43.5 32.0 22.0

                  宁波诺丁汉大学 ↓262 17.0 -- 2.1 -- 43.7 27.5 25.7

                  西安工业大学 ↓ 65 17.0 -- 2.6 1.0 46.4 25.9 22.7

                  贵州财经学院 ↑146 17.0 -- 2.4 0.6 40.9 29.7 23.3

                  湘南学院 ↑ 54 17.0 -- -- 0.6 39.6 32.5 23.9

                  郑州轻工业学院 ↓ 18 17.0 -- 2.9 2.0 43.9 27.0 21.0

                  广东医学院 ↓ 18 17.0 -- 5.8 0.9 38.0 33.3 13.7

                  上海杉达学院 ↓ 65 17.0 -- -- 0.1 39.6 37.1 17.1

                  河南财经学院 ↑ 54 17.0 -- 3.8 2.0 47.6 27.8 14.1

                  吉首大学 ↑ 54 17.0 -- 1.7 2.7 41.7 30.4 17.9

                  天津美术学院 ↓ 18 17.0 -- 1.6 0.1 49.9 31.5 13.0

                  南通大学 ↓ 18 17.0 -- 2.3 2.7 45.4 26.4 19.5

                  佳木斯大学 ↓ 18 17.0 -- 2.3 0.1 42.3 30.3 21.1

                  湖北师范学院 ↓111 17.0 -- 0.4 2.1 40.7 30.6 21.5

                  安徽理工大学 ↓ 65 17.0 -- 4.5 1.7 44.2 22.5 24.6

                  牡丹江医学院 ↓ 18 17.0 -- 2.7 -- 38.7 35.6 15.4

                  三江学院 ↓ 18 17.0 -- -- -- 39.0 39.5 13.3

                  大连外国语学院 ↑ 54 17.0 -- 1.9 0.6 48.1 28.6 17.0

                  青岛农业大学 ↓ 18 17.0 -- 2.2 0.8 43.7 26.4 23.9

                  西华大学 ↓ 18 17.0 -- 1.8 1.2 44.4 26.1 23.3

                  太原科技大学 ↓ 65 17.0 -- 4.0 0.9 45.6 26.4 18.3

                  西安美术学院 ↑146 17.0 -- 3.8 0.2 45.4 29.6 14.9

                  福建中医学院 ↓151 17.0 -- 4.1 0.1 52.2 25.5 14.3

                  承德医学院 ↑ 54 17.0 -- 1.9 0.4 42.6 36.1 10.3

                  山西中医学院 ↑300 17.0 -- 0.9 0.1 41.1 30.6 22.6

                  广州美术学院 ↓111 17.0 -- 1.4 0.2 47.4 26.0 22.5

                  皖南医学院 ↑146 17.0 -- 5.7 0.2 43.4 32.2 9.3

                  绍兴文理学院 ↓ 18 17.0 -- -- 3.3 40.8 31.0 17.6

                  四川警察学院 ↓ 18 17.0 -- -- 0.2 39.5 31.9 23.0

                  黑龙江八一农垦大学 ↑ 54 17.0 -- 2.9 0.1 43.2 31.0 15.5

                  西安财经学院 ↑ 54 17.0 -- 0.7 1.0 40.2 28.7 24.3

                  北京石油化工学院 ↓ 18 17.0 -- -- 2.0 38.4 33.0 18.5

                  北京师范大学-香港浸会大学联合国际学院 ↓111 17.0 -- -- -- 36.6 27.4 32.9 新疆师范大学 ↓ 18 17.0 -- 4.5 0.7 44.9 28.2 14.7

                  内蒙古民族大学 ↑ 54 17.0 -- 1.8 0.7 40.1 32.8 16.4

                  西安邮电学院 ↑146 17.0 -- 1.3 0.8 42.2 31.4 17.0

                  泸州医学院 ↓ 18 17.0 -- 5.0 0.3 46.6 28.5 12.1

                  北京信息科技大学 ↑ 54 17.0 -- 2.1 1.7 44.1 30.0 14.4

                  佛山科学技术学院 ↓ 18 17.0 -- -- 2.5 35.0 34.2 18.5

                  淮海工学院 ↑146 17.0 -- -- 4.1 40.4 28.9 18.6

                  湖北民族学院 ↑146 17.0 -- 0.7 1.0 39.6 28.0 25.3

                  蚌埠医学院 ↑ 54 17.0 -- 5.9 0.2 44.2 27.9 13.8

                  景德镇陶瓷学院 ↓ 18 17.0 -- 2.4 0.9 44.8 26.1 20.3

                  武汉工业学院 ↑ 54 17.0 -- 2.0 1.0 42.7 29.5 17.3

                  上海政法学院 ↓ 18 17.0 -- 1.1 2.2 41.1 28.3 20.2

                  五邑大学 ↓ 18 17.0 -- 2.6 2.6 38.1 29.7 17.5

                  广西艺术学院 ↓ 18 17.0 -- 0.9 0.3 46.1 30.3 15.7

                  北方民族大学 ↑ 54 17.0 -- 0.9 1.3 40.6 32.1 16.2

                  苏州科技学院 ↑ 54 17.0 -- 0.9 2.5 44.1 29.1 15.3

                  山东艺术学院 ↓ 65 17.0 -- 1.7 0.4 44.6 29.7 16.3

                  新疆财经大学 ↑146 17.0 -- 1.9 0.3 43.4 31.2 15.0

                  沈阳体育学院 ↑ 54 17.0 -- 1.3 0.5 46.0 32.4 11.1

                  临沂师范学院 ↑146 17.0 -- -- 1.0 40.7 25.3 28.9

                  山东万杰医学院 17.0 -- -- -- 40.7 27.8 26.6

                  江西蓝天学院 ↑ 54 17.0 -- -- -- 37.5 30.9 24.9

                  广东商学院 ↓ 65 17.0 -- 0.9 5.0 39.4 28.3 16.3

                  山东政法学院 17.0 -- -- -- 40.7 30.6 21.8

                  浙江传媒学院 ↑ 54 17.0 -- -- 1.7 41.9 26.8 23.3

                  442 星海音乐学院 ↓ 82 16.0 -- 0.7 0.9 41.9 29.8 18.8

                  湖南理工学院 ↓ 82 16.0 -- -- 2.0 40.4 30.8 17.5

                  河北工程大学 ↓ 10 16.0 -- 1.6 0.5 42.6 27.8 20.1

                  辽东学院 ↓ 82 16.0 -- -- 0.1 36.2 34.0 19.7

                  中央司法警官学院 ↓ 82 16.0 -- -- -- 39.5 36.4 13.0

                  中国刑事警察学院 ↓ 82 16.0 -- 2.5 0.1 42.6 33.5 10.0

                  烟台南山学院 ↑176 16.0 -- -- -- 39.4 29.0 24.8

                  井冈山大学 ↑176 16.0 -- -- 1.9 39.2 32.1 16.4

                  赣南师范学院 ↓ 82 16.0 -- 1.3 1.4 40.6 26.1 23.1

                  韶关学院 ↓ 10 16.0 -- -- 1.2 34.4 32.4 21.8

                  山东工商学院 ↓ 82 16.0 -- -- 2.1 40.7 26.3 23.4

                  黑龙江东方学院 ↓ 82 16.0 -- -- -- 40.5 37.0 10.5

                  成都体育学院 ↓ 10 16.0 -- 1.9 2.2 45.7 27.4 13.1

                  中国戏曲学院 ↑ 82 16.0 -- 1.2 0.3 47.8 27.9 14.7

                  泰山医学院 ↓ 82 16.0 -- 2.2 1.7 43.2 24.4 20.4

                  长治医学院 ↓ 10 16.0 -- -- 0.1 39.9 36.3 11.6

                  西安体育学院 ↓ 10 16.0 -- 1.8 0.5 45.8 28.8 13.7

                  内蒙古财经学院 ↓ 82 16.0 -- 0.7 0.7 39.1 30.0 20.0

                  哈尔滨体育学院 ↓ 82 16.0 -- 2.0 0.5 39.7 32.2 14.1

                  湖南商学院 ↓ 10 16.0 -- -- 1.4 41.2 29.4 18.5

                  中原工学院 ↓ 82 16.0 -- 1.8 1.8 41.7 25.9 20.1

                  延安大学 ↓ 10 16.0 -- 2.4 0.7 41.0 25.3 22.6

                  潍坊学院 ↓ 10 16.0 -- -- 1.2 40.5 28.2 21.4

                  天津城市建设学院 ↑ 82 16.0 -- 1.4 0.1 40.7 34.3 10.9

                  哈尔滨学院 ↓ 82 16.0 -- -- 0.4 39.3 35.7 11.9

                  中国美术学院 ↓129 16.0 -- 2.2 0.3 39.3 30.9 16.1

                  北京服装学院 ↓ 82 16.0 -- 2.4 0.4 47.2 28.5 11.4

                  洛阳师范学院 ↓ 10 16.0 -- -- 4.6 41.9 24.6 19.0

                  北京物资学院 ↓ 82 16.0 -- 0.9 0.9 43.6 25.5 21.0

                  济宁学院 16.0 -- -- 0.4 40.2 28.1 22.8

                  安庆师范学院 ↓ 10 16.0 -- 0.4 2.5 40.4 27.1 19.4

                  北京联合大学 ↑ 82 16.0 -- 0.2 1.7 37.9 28.0 22.2

                  吉林建筑工程学院 ↓ 10 16.0 -- 1.6 0.2 42.2 32.0 12.1

                  湖北警官学院 ↓ 10 16.0 -- -- 0.4 39.8 29.1 21.2

                  太原师范学院 ↓ 82 16.0 -- -- 0.7 41.2 30.3 17.2

                  长春师范学院 ↓ 82 16.0 -- 0.6 0.2 36.4 31.5 19.7

                  长春大学 ↓ 10 16.0 -- -- 0.9 38.6 28.9 21.3

                  赤峰学院 ↓ 10 16.0 -- -- 0.6 36.4 36.1 12.8

                  贵州民族学院 ↓ 10 16.0 -- 0.7 1.2 39.1 32.2 14.0

                  滨州医学院 ↓ 10 16.0 -- 3.3 0.1 41.6 27.2 17.0

                  湖南人文科技学院 ↓ 10 16.0 -- -- 1.2 39.9 33.3 12.4

                  石家庄经济学院 ↓ 10 16.0 -- 1.0 0.8 41.8 27.7 18.3

                  山西大同大学 ↓ 10 16.0 -- -- 0.8 41.3 26.9 21.6

                  北京农学院 ↑ 82 16.0 -- 1.4 0.1 40.8 31.1 14.3

                  吉林医药学院 ↑ 82 16.0 -- 3.8 0.0 38.4 22.3 26.9

                  江西科技师范学院 ↓ 10 16.0 -- 0.6 5.0 40.1 26.9 14.0

                  邵阳学院 ↑ 82 16.0 -- -- 0.8 39.5 30.2 18.0

                  广西师范学院 ↓ 10 16.0 -- 3.0 0.4 43.2 27.7 13.7

                  吉林体育学院 ↓175 16.0 -- 4.1 0.3 38.9 27.3 17.2

                  西藏民族学院 ↓ 10 16.0 -- 0.8 0.9 38.6 28.9 19.3

                  河南科技学院 ↑ 82 16.0 -- 0.5 1.5 42.3 26.4 18.8

                  江西理工大学 ↓129 16.0 -- 2.8 0.9 43.1 25.1 17.2

                  甘肃中医学院 ↓ 10 16.0 -- 5.0 0.1 46.6 26.5 9.0

                  合肥师范学院 16.0 -- -- 0.4 39.9 28.4 20.5

                  牡丹江师范学院 ↓ 10 16.0 -- 0.6 0.4 39.0 32.1 14.6

                  德州学院 ↓ 10 16.0 -- -- 0.6 40.6 27.3 21.1

                  广东海洋大学 ↑ 82 16.0 -- 1.0 1.3 37.2 28.2 20.0

                  沈阳医学院 ↓129 16.0 -- -- 0.2 36.5 36.3 11.6

                  沈阳音乐学院 ↓ 10 16.0 -- 0.8 0.3 43.7 31.3 10.7

                  商洛学院 ↓ 10 16.0 -- -- 0.0 38.6 30.6 18.8

                  浙江树人学院 ↓ 10 16.0 -- -- 0.9 37.3 32.0 16.0

                  湖州师范学院 ↓ 10 16.0 -- -- 2.1 40.8 28.6 15.7




                  廊坊师范学院 ↓ 10 16.0 -- -- -- 34.0 28.7 26.2 ↓ 10 16.0 -- -- 0.6 39.9 30.0 17.1 ↓ 82 16.0 -- -- -- 38.2 33.3 14.5 ↑ 82 16.0 -- -- 1.4 41.7 27.9 17.0

                  桂林医学院 ↑ 82 16.0 -- 1.7 0.2 38.6 30.2 15.6

                  南京体育学院 ↓ 10 16.0 -- 2.0 0.2 43.1 26.9 15.8

                  湖南文理学院 ↓ 10 16.0 -- -- 1.9 39.7 28.4 17.0

                  石家庄学院 ↑ 82 16.0 -- -- 0.9 42.2 27.8 17.3

                  宝鸡文理学院 ↓ 10 16.0 -- -- 3.4 39.0 24.6 20.9

                  宁夏理工学院 ↓ 10 16.0 -- -- -- 36.8 37.0 9.4

                  陕西理工学院 ↑ 82 16.0 -- 0.3 1.4 38.9 26.4 20.9

                  吉林化工学院 ↓ 82 16.0 -- -- 0.6 38.5 31.9 14.5

                  沈阳理工大学 ↓ 82 16.0 -- 2.8 0.3 42.1 28.0 12.9

                  浙江海洋学院 ↓ 82 16.0 -- 0.2 0.9 41.1 25.1 21.6

                  衡阳师范学院 ↑ 82 16.0 -- -- 2.9 40.0 24.6 20.2

                  齐齐哈尔医学院 ↑176 16.0 -- -- 0.2 39.1 34.8 9.9

                  宁波工程学院 ↓ 10 16.0 -- -- 2.3 40.9 26.8 16.9

                  521 仰恩大学 ↓254 15.0 -- -- -- 38.3 25.0 26.3

                  兰州商学院 ↑ 3 15.0 -- 1.4 1.4 41.9 27.7 13.4

                  吉林艺术学院 ↓ 89 15.0 -- 1.4 0.1 42.8 28.0 14.6

                  湖南工程学院 ↑ 3 15.0 -- -- 0.6 39.7 29.0 17.2

                  忻州师范学院 ↑ 3 15.0 -- -- 0.9 40.3 27.3 18.7

                  山东工艺美术学院 ↓ 89 15.0 -- 0.4 0.2 39.5 27.5 19.8

                  江苏技术师范学院 ↑ 3 15.0 -- -- 1.3 39.7 28.6 16.4

                  沈阳工程学院 ↓ 89 15.0 -- -- 0.0 37.1 34.1 12.6

                  怀化学院 ↑ 3 15.0 -- -- 3.5 40.2 26.8 14.5

                  淮阴师范学院 ↓ 89 15.0 -- -- 3.2 40.2 24.7 18.3

                  南昌理工学院 ↑ 3 15.0 -- -- -- 37.3 28.4 21.2

                  渭南师范学院 ↓ 89 15.0 -- -- 0.5 39.2 25.5 23.1

                  南阳师范学院 ↑ 3 15.0 -- -- 1.2 42.1 25.5 18.8

                  黄淮学院 ↑ 97 15.0 -- -- 0.2 40.4 22.0 27.7

                  盐城工学院 ↑ 3 15.0 -- -- 1.3 40.5 28.6 15.2

                  九江学院 ↓ 89 15.0 -- -- 0.4 39.3 26.2 21.9

                  三明学院 ↓ 89 15.0 -- -- 0.3 38.7 30.9 14.8

                  丽水学院 ↑ 3 15.0 -- -- 4.4 40.7 25.9 13.2

                  中国民用航空飞行学院 ↓161 15.0 -- 0.7 0.1 37.5 22.5 28.5 河北建筑工程学院 ↑ 97 15.0 -- -- 0.1 41.7 32.3 9.4

                  台州学院 ↓ 89 15.0 -- -- 1.6 40.3 26.1 17.9

                  贵州师范大学 ↓ 89 15.0 -- 3.3 0.9 41.7 24.2 15.2

                  辽宁对外经贸学院 ↓ 89 15.0 -- -- 0.0 35.9 30.3 18.5

                  上海金融学院 ↑ 3 15.0 -- -- 1.1 41.9 25.7 17.7

                  吉林农业科技学院 ↓161 15.0 -- -- 0.0 37.8 29.2 18.3

                  广西工学院 ↓161 15.0 -- 0.5 1.1 37.6 26.8 19.2

                  大庆师范学院 ↓ 89 15.0 -- -- 0.3 38.7 29.9 15.4

                  上海工程技术大学 ↑ 3 15.0 -- 0.3 1.7 39.5 23.9 21.0

                  黑龙江科技学院 ↓ 89 15.0 -- 1.7 0.6 40.6 26.7 15.0

                  新乡医学院 ↓ 89 15.0 -- 4.1 0.4 45.1 22.1 13.9

                  襄樊学院 ↑ 97 15.0 -- -- 1.5 39.6 26.1 18.0

                  河北体育学院 ↑157 15.0 -- -- 0.2 42.0 28.9 13.5

                  广东警官学院 ↑ 3 15.0 -- -- 0.8 35.6 28.9 18.5

                  河北科技师范学院 ↑ 3 15.0 -- 0.4 0.5 40.4 29.9 11.8

                  济宁医学院 ↓ 89 15.0 -- -- 0.4 40.9 27.9 15.4

                  泰山学院 ↑ 3 15.0 -- -- 1.2 40.3 26.2 17.2

                  黑龙江工程学院 ↓ 89 15.0 -- -- 0.3 39.1 30.6 12.9

                  上海应用技术学院 ↓ 89 15.0 -- 0.1 0.6 39.3 26.9 17.6

                  泉州师范学院 ↑ 3 15.0 -- -- 1.3 40.0 24.8 19.2

                  盐城师范学院 ↓161 15.0 -- -- 1.5 40.1 25.2 18.1

                  漳州师范学院 ↑ 3 15.0 -- 1.2 3.4 40.6 23.5 14.5

                  中国人民武装警察部队学院 ↓ 89 15.0 -- 5.7 -- 41.5 24.3 11.2 黄河科技学院 ↓ 89 15.0 -- -- -- 39.4 29.9 13.7

                  成都学院 ↑ 3 15.0 -- -- 0.2 39.5 26.5 18.5

                  西藏大学 ↑ 97 15.0 -- 0.8 1.7 39.6 20.4 24.1

                  云南警官学院 ↑ 97 15.0 -- -- 0.0 38.3 29.4 15.4

                  池州学院 15.0 -- -- 0.7 38.8 26.2 18.8

                  河西学院 ↑ 97 15.0 -- -- 1.0 38.9 30.2 11.8

                  保定学院 15.0 -- -- 0.1 39.0 26.2 19.6

                  兰州城市学院 ↑ 3 15.0 -- -- 0.4 38.9 29.0 14.5

                  西安思源学院 15.0 -- -- -- 39.0 28.1 16.5

                  常熟理工学院 ↓ 89 15.0 -- -- 1.1 41.2 25.0 17.3

                  鞍山师范学院 ↓161 15.0 -- -- 1.1 36.9 31.1 11.8

                  成都信息工程学院 ↑ 3 15.0 -- 0.8 1.3 41.5 24.3 16.4

                  云南中医学院 ↑ 3 15.0 -- 3.2 0.1 43.6 27.6 7.0

                  蚌埠学院 15.0 -- -- 0.1 39.0 27.4 17.3

                  江苏警官学院 ↑ 3 15.0 -- -- 0.4 42.7 26.8 14.0

                  黄石理工学院 ↑ 3 15.0 -- -- 0.2 39.5 28.4 15.1

                  南京工程学院 ↑ 3 15.0 -- -- 1.3 40.6 21.8 22.0

                  宜春学院 ↑ 97 15.0 -- -- 0.5 39.2 26.1 18.2

                  宜宾学院 ↑ 97 15.0 -- -- 2.2 39.4 25.3 16.1

                  内江师范学院 ↑ 3 15.0 -- -- 1.0 39.6 26.7 16.0

                  上海电力学院 ↑ 97 15.0 -- 0.6 2.0 41.5 24.7 14.4

                  河北北方学院 ↓ 89 15.0 -- 0.4 0.2 41.4 29.1 10.9

                  长沙学院 ↓ 89 15.0 -- -- 1.3 40.1 27.0 14.1

                  安康学院 ↑ 3 15.0 -- -- 0.2 37.3 27.6 17.5

                  四川文理学院 ↑ 97 15.0 -- -- 0.2 39.6 27.7 15.3

                  四川理工学院 ↑ 3 15.0 -- 0.3 0.9 39.8 24.9 17.7

                  铜陵学院 ↑ 97 15.0 -- -- 0.7 40.5 26.5 15.1

                  东莞理工学院 ↑ 97 15.0 -- -- 2.6 35.8 28.0 14.0

                  天津农学院 ↓ 89 15.0 -- 0.5 0.7 38.0 29.2 12.5

                  商丘师范学院 ↑ 3 15.0 -- -- 1.4 41.1 23.5 18.2

                  上海商学院 ↑ 97 15.0 -- -- 0.7 40.5 27.0 14.3

                  肇庆学院 ↑ 3 15.0 -- -- 1.2 34.4 27.7 18.4

                  湛江师范学院 ↑ 3 15.0 -- -- 2.0 34.8 25.0 20.7

                  咸宁学院 ↑ 3 15.0 -- -- 0.6 39.1 26.0 17.3

                  滨州学院 ↑ 3 15.0 -- -- 0.7 40.1 23.8 19.7

                  孝感学院 ↑ 97 15.0 -- -- 1.1 39.5 24.7 17.5

                  湖南城市学院 ↑ 97 15.0 -- -- 0.5 40.0 26.1 15.9

                  安阳师范学院 ↑ 3 15.0 -- -- 0.4 42.2 22.5 19.5

                  上饶师范学院 ↓ 89 15.0 -- -- 0.8 38.8 27.2 14.6

                  皖西学院 ↑ 97 15.0 -- -- 0.5 40.0 25.6 16.6

                  陇东学院 ↑ 97 15.0 -- -- 1.6 38.8 27.6 12.6

                  邯郸学院 ↑ 97 15.0 -- -- 0.3 42.3 27.5 11.5

                  中华女子学院 ↑ 3 15.0 -- -- -- 41.6 30.8 7.4

                  郧阳医学院 ↑ 3 15.0 -- -- 0.7 39.0 28.9 11.7

                  上海立信会计学院 ↑ 3 15.0 -- -- 2.3 41.5 22.7 15.9

                  湖南第一师范学院 15.0 -- -- -- 38.5 25.3 19.1

                  新疆艺术学院 ↑ 3 15.0 -- -- 0.2 38.3 27.2 15.7

                  上海建桥学院 ↑157 15.0 -- -- -- 38.7 28.1 14.4

                  邢台学院 ↑ 3 15.0 -- -- 0.1 40.8 26.0 15.3

                  614 黄山学院 ↑ 4 14.0 -- -- 0.5 40.0 23.4 19.3

                  西昌学院 ↓ 90 14.0 -- -- 0.1 39.4 25.5 17.2

                  西安医学院 ↑ 87 14.0 -- -- -- 38.3 24.5 20.1

                  黑河学院 ↓387 14.0 -- -- -- 38.1 29.7 11.9

                  菏泽学院 ↓182 14.0 -- -- 0.5 40.7 25.3 15.2

                  唐山师范学院 ↑ 4 14.0 -- -- 0.4 42.1 28.8 8.4

                  武夷学院 14.0 -- -- 0.4 38.1 25.5 17.5

                  广东白云学院 ↑ 87 14.0 -- -- -- 34.5 29.3 15.8

                  西南林学院 ↓ 90 14.0 -- 2.2 0.3 43.9 24.7 9.2

                  南京晓庄学院 ↓ 90 14.0 -- -- 1.3 39.4 25.5 14.2

                  绵阳师范学院 ↑ 4 14.0 -- -- 0.4 39.5 27.2 13.0

                  重庆科技学院 ↑ 4 14.0 -- -- 0.3 37.6 26.0 17.0

                  许昌学院 ↑ 4 14.0 -- -- 1.1 41.6 23.2 16.0

                  安徽建筑工业学院 ↑ 4 14.0 -- 0.5 0.6 40.4 24.8 14.2

                  嘉应学院 ↑ 4 14.0 -- -- 1.2 34.2 24.6 20.6

                  白城师范学院 ↓182 14.0 -- -- 0.5 37.7 26.4 15.2

                  武汉生物工程学院 ↓ 90 14.0 -- -- -- 35.6 27.2 17.0

                  乐山师范学院 ↑ 4 14.0 -- -- 0.6 39.5 25.7 14.3

                  枣庄学院 ↑ 64 14.0 -- -- 0.4 40.7 24.2 15.8

                  衡水学院 ↓ 90 14.0 -- -- 0.3 39.9 27.8 11.0

                  浙江科技学院 ↓ 90 14.0 -- -- 0.3 41.7 24.4 14.5

                  滁州学院 ↑ 4 14.0 -- -- 0.5 40.0 24.8 15.2

                  琼州学院 ↑ 4 14.0 -- -- 0.2 38.5 26.4 14.4

                  天水师范学院 ↓ 90 14.0 -- -- 1.2 39.1 24.2 15.6

                  甘肃政法学院 ↓ 90 14.0 -- 0.9 1.3 39.2 22.9 15.6

                  北华航天工业学院 ↓ 90 14.0 -- -- 0.1 41.7 23.9 15.2

                  楚雄师范学院 ↓ 90 14.0 -- -- 0.5 38.0 26.9 13.6

                  辽宁科技学院 ↓182 14.0 -- -- -- 36.0 31.2 9.5

                  攀枝花学院 ↓ 90 14.0 -- -- 0.3 38.8 25.2 15.6

                  川北医学院 ↓182 14.0 -- 0.7 0.5 39.9 24.7 13.9

                  莆田学院 ↓ 90 14.0 -- -- 0.3 39.3 26.3 13.1

                  安阳工学院 ↑ 4 14.0 -- -- 0.5 40.6 24.4 14.5

                  晋中学院 ↓ 90 14.0 -- -- 0.1 41.0 24.5 14.6

                  昆明学院 14.0 -- -- 0.4 38.2 24.7 16.5

                  闽江学院 ↑ 4 14.0 -- -- 0.7 39.6 25.1 13.7

                  宁夏师范学院 ↓ 90 14.0 -- -- 0.6 37.3 27.9 11.6

                  长治学院 ↓ 90 14.0 -- -- 0.3 40.7 22.9 16.7

                  淮阴工学院 ↑ 87 14.0 -- -- 0.6 40.0 19.8 21.7

                  新乡学院 14.0 -- -- 0.2 37.6 21.5 22.4

                  曲靖师范学院 ↑ 64 14.0 -- -- 0.2 37.9 25.7 15.4

                  山东交通学院 ↓ 90 14.0 -- -- 0.4 40.5 25.1 13.1

                  龙岩学院 ↓182 14.0 -- -- 0.5 39.4 26.2 12.2

                  伊犁师范学院 ↑ 64 14.0 -- 0.5 0.3 35.8 25.2 17.0

                  长江师范学院 ↑ 4 14.0 -- -- 0.8 37.7 23.4 17.5

                  吉林工商学院 14.0 -- -- 0.3 37.3 26.2 14.3

                  浙江万里学院 ↓ 90 14.0 -- -- 1.1 37.4 24.4 15.6

                  常州工学院 ↓ 90 14.0 -- -- 0.3 40.0 24.8 13.7

                  茂名学院 ↑ 4 14.0 -- -- 0.7 34.6 27.0 14.9

                  百色学院 ↑ 87 14.0 -- -- 0.2 38.7 24.6 15.4

                  安顺学院 ↑ 4 14.0 -- -- 0.0 37.3 26.9 13.5

                  运城学院 ↓ 90 14.0 -- -- 0.3 39.8 23.0 16.3

                  广东药学院 ↓ 90 14.0 -- 1.2 0.4 36.2 23.5 16.9

                  钦州学院 ↑ 87 14.0 -- -- 0.0 38.8 25.6 13.7

                  西京学院 ↓387 14.0 -- -- -- 33.0 29.3 13.5

                  徐州工程学院 ↑ 4 14.0 -- -- -- 41.0 25.0 12.4

                  凯里学院 ↓182 14.0 -- -- 0.4 37.0 27.3 11.8

                  湖南科技学院 ↑ 4 14.0 -- -- 1.0 40.0 22.2 15.7

                  呼伦贝尔学院 ↓ 90 14.0 -- -- 0.1 37.0 27.5 11.6

                  阜阳师范学院 ↓ 90 14.0 -- -- 3.0 40.7 20.6 13.4

                  重庆文理学院 ↑ 4 14.0 -- -- 1.0 37.6 22.4 16.9

                  平顶山工学院 ↑ 4 14.0 -- -- 0.5 40.0 23.5 13.5

                  重庆三峡学院 ↓ 90 14.0 -- -- 1.1 37.6 24.4 13.2

                  大理学院 ↑ 64 14.0 -- 1.0 0.1 39.1 23.5 13.2

                  郑州航空工业管理学院 ↓ 90 14.0 -- -- 1.2 40.7 17.7 20.4 安徽新华学院 ↑ 4 14.0 -- -- 0.0 37.7 25.3 13.0

                  南阳理工学院 ↑ 4 14.0 -- -- 0.1 41.2 21.4 15.7

                  平顶山学院 ↑ 4 14.0 -- -- 0.1 40.4 23.7 12.8

                  合肥学院 ↓182 14.0 -- -- 0.3 40.2 24.0 12.1

                  咸阳师范学院 ↓ 6 13.0 -- -- 0.6 38.9 22.9 14.3 福建工程学院 ↓ 6 13.0 -- -- 0.4 40.1 23.6 12.3

                  广东技术师范学院 ↓160 13.0 -- 0.4 2.7 34.7 24.4 11.6 仲恺农业工程学院 ↓ 66 13.0 -- 0.4 1.1 35.0 25.8 12.0 上海第二工业大学 ↑ 17 13.0 -- -- 0.2 39.9 24.6 11.1 河北金融学院 13.0 -- -- 0.1 36.2 25.1 14.4

                  绥化学院 ↓ 66 13.0 -- -- -- 38.9 25.8 10.6

                  西安培华学院 ↓160 13.0 -- -- -- 33.9 27.0 13.8 荆楚理工学院 13.0 -- -- 0.3 36.0 21.3 20.1

                  湖北汽车工业学院 ↓252 13.0 -- -- 0.3 40.1 24.4 11.0 贺州学院 ↓ 66 13.0 -- -- 0.3 38.4 23.6 13.7

                  铜仁学院 ↓160 13.0 -- -- 0.0 36.8 24.5 14.2

                  海南医学院 ↓160 13.0 -- -- 0.5 37.0 24.3 13.3

                  赣南医学院 ↓ 66 13.0 -- -- 0.4 39.2 26.2 8.2

                  广东培正学院 ↓160 13.0 -- -- -- 34.7 25.8 14.0 成都医学院 ↑ 31 13.0 -- 2.7 0.6 39.4 19.7 13.2

                  西安翻译学院 ↑ 17 13.0 -- -- -- 36.1 21.4 19.3

                  吉林工程技术师范学院 ↑ 17 13.0 -- -- 0.2 39.1 25.1 10.0 天津天狮学院 13.0 -- -- -- 35.7 25.5 13.0

                  周口师范学院 ↓ 66 13.0 -- -- 0.4 41.5 20.7 13.9 安徽科技学院 ↓ 66 13.0 -- -- 0.5 40.0 22.3 12.8 右江民族医学院 ↑ 17 13.0 -- -- -- 37.7 24.2 12.8 唐山学院 ↓ 66 13.0 -- -- 0.1 42.2 24.2 8.0

                  南昌工程学院 ↓ 6 13.0 -- -- 0.3 39.4 20.5 16.3 山东英才学院 13.0 -- -- -- 35.3 25.4 13.1

                  云南艺术学院 ↓ 6 13.0 -- 1.6 0.2 34.1 28.2 6.7 通化师范学院 ↓ 6 13.0 -- -- 1.2 38.8 20.6 14.6 青岛滨海学院 ↓160 13.0 -- -- -- 37.8 20.8 17.4 惠州学院 ↓ 66 13.0 -- -- 1.0 34.9 23.7 13.8

                  厦门理工学院 ↓160 13.0 -- -- 0.3 40.6 21.1 13.0 上海电机学院 ↓ 66 13.0 -- -- 0.6 39.3 21.4 13.3 安徽三联学院 13.0 -- -- -- 34.7 25.4 12.6

                  榆林学院 ↓ 6 13.0 -- -- 0.4 38.7 20.1 15.5

                  遵义师范学院 ↓ 6 13.0 -- -- 0.4 37.6 24.2 10.1 玉溪师范学院 ↓ 6 13.0 -- -- 0.3 37.9 22.7 11.7 昌吉学院 ↓ 6 13.0 -- -- 0.1 35.0 25.3 10.6

                  塔里木大学 ↓ 6 13.0 -- 0.8 0.0 37.9 19.3 15.6 河池学院 ↓ 66 13.0 -- -- 0.9 38.3 20.6 12.6

                  巢湖学院 ↓ 66 13.0 -- -- 0.4 39.8 20.3 12.4

                  吉林华桥外国语学院 ↓ 6 13.0 -- -- -- 37.0 22.1 12.6 湖南涉外经济学院 ↓ 6 13.0 -- -- -- 38.0 18.7 16.6 红河学院 ↓ 6 13.0 -- -- 0.8 38.3 19.5 13.7

                  726 黔南民族师范学院 ↓108 12.0 -- -- 0.5 38.0 20.5 12.6 宿州学院 ↓ 48 12.0 -- -- 1.1 40.6 18.1 12.5

                  毕节学院 ↓ 48 12.0 -- -- 0.1 37.7 21.4 11.8

                  淮南师范学院 ↓ 48 12.0 -- -- 1.3 39.9 18.3 11.9 贵阳学院 ↓108 12.0 -- -- 0.2 37.2 19.8 13.7

                  河南工程学院 12.0 -- -- 0.2 30.9 21.0 18.1

                  西安欧亚学院 ↓202 12.0 -- -- -- 33.8 21.5 14.2 浙江越秀外国语学院 12.0 -- -- -- 30.9 24.2 12.6 金陵科技学院 ↓108 12.0 -- -- -- 39.8 20.1 9.7

                  郑州科技学院 12.0 -- -- -- 30.9 24.0 12.2

                  玉林师范学院 ↓ 25 12.0 -- -- 0.6 38.1 18.7 11.9 喀什师范学院 ↓108 12.0 -- 0.7 0.2 36.3 19.9 11.3 广西财经学院 ↓108 12.0 -- -- 0.4 38.9 17.1 13.9 湖南工学院 12.0 -- -- 0.5 30.9 24.1 9.9

                  宁波大红鹰学院 12.0 -- -- -- 30.9 21.7 14.5 韩山师范学院 ↓ 25 12.0 -- -- 0.9 34.3 21.2 10.2 北京城市学院 ↓ 11 12.0 -- -- -- 35.3 20.5 11.5 梧州学院 ↓ 25 12.0 -- -- -- 38.3 19.8 9.2

                  海口经济学院 12.0 -- -- -- 30.9 21.3 13.4

                  745 四川音乐学院 ↓ 44 11.0 -- 0.4 0.1 32.8 17.7 15.2 西藏藏医学院 ↓385 11.0 -- 2.0 -- 38.6 16.5 8.2 郑州华信学院 11.0 -- -- -- 30.9 18.5 15.7

                  闽南理工学院 11.0 -- -- -- 30.9 19.9 9.3

                  749 潍坊科技学院 10.0 -- -- -- 30.9 16.0 13.5 750 太原工业学院 9.0 -- -- -- 39.5 6.0 13.5 751 湖北第二师范学院 8.0 -- -- -- 30.9 4.4 13.8



                  1 北京大学 100 京1

                  2 清华大学 99.9 京2

                  3 中国科学技术大学 97.2 皖1 4 外交学院 97.1 京3 5 复旦大学 96.5 沪1

                  6 中国人民大学 96.1 京4 7 南京大学 95.6 苏1 8 浙江大学 94.7 浙1

                  9 北京师范大学 94.2 京5 10 南开大学 94.1 津1

                  10 上海交通大学 94.1 沪2 10 北京外国语大学 94.1 京6 13 中国政法大学 93.1 京7

                  13 对外经济贸易大学 93.1 京7 15 北京航空航天大学 93 京8 15 西安交通大学 93 陕1 17 武汉大学 92.5 鄂1

                  17 上海财经大学 92.5 沪3 19 东南大学 92.4 苏2

                  19 北京邮电大学 92.4 京9 19 中央财经大学 92.4 京10 22 天津大学 92.1 津2 23 华中科技大学 92 鄂2 24 华东师范大学 91.9 沪4 25 北京理工大学 91.8 京11 26 同济大学 91.7 沪5 27 山东大学 91.5 鲁1

                  28 上海外国语大学 91.4 沪6 29 中国青年政治学院 91 京12 30 大连理工大学 90.5 辽1 31 中国海洋大学 90.4 鲁2 32 国际关系学院 90.3 京13 33 厦门大学 90 闽1

                  34 南京航空航天大学 89.8 35 南京理工大学 89.7 36 哈尔滨工业大学 89.6

                  38 北京科技大学 89.5 39 北京交通大学 89.4 40 西北工业大学 89.3

                  40 北京信息科技大学 89.3 42 北京语言大学 89.2 43 电子科技大学 89.1 44 华东政法学院 89 44 青岛大学 89

                  46 四川大学 88.8

                  47 中南财经政法大学 88.7 48 华东理工大学 88.6 48 苏州大学 88.6

                  50 南京师范大学 88.5 51 中山大学 88.4

                  53 中国药科大学 88.3 54 首都医科大学 88.2 56 兰州大学 87.9 57 东北大学 87.8

                  58 中国农业大学 87.8 61 中国传媒大学 87.7 64 南京医科大学 87.6 67 中南大学 87.4 68 湖南大学 87.4

                  69 中国医科大学 87.2 70 东北财经大学 87.2 71 北京化工大学 87.1 73 西北大学 87

                  74 郑州大学 87

                  77 重庆大学 86.7 78 河海大学 86.7

                  79 中央民族大学 86.7 80 天津医科大学 86.6 81 吉林大学 86.5

                  82 西南政法大学 86.5 83 北京林业大学 86.5

                  84 上海对外贸易学院 86.5 85 大连海事大学 86.4

                  88 烟台师范学院 86.4 90 湖南师范大学 86.2 91 中国石油大学 86.1 92 哈尔滨工程大学 86 93 北京中医药大学 86 98 西南交通大学 85.8 98 河南大学 85.8

                  98 浙江工业大学 85.8 98 烟台大学 85.8

                  113 西南财经大学 85.2 118 江南大学 85.1 123 上海大学 84.9 163 江西财经大学 83 173 天津财经大学 82.5 187 上海师范大学 82.2 194 上海电力学院 81.9 202 中华女子学院 81.4




                  全国一本大学排名(2011-06-17 10:58:50)

                  1 北京大学 100 京1

                  2 清华大学 99.9 京2

                  3 中国科学技术大学 97.2 皖1 4 外交学院 97.1 京3

                  5 复旦大学 96.5 沪1

                  6 中国人民大学 96.1 京4 7 南京大学 95.6 苏1

                  8 浙江大学 94.7 浙1

                  9 北京师范大学 94.2 京5 10 南开大学 94.1 津1

                  10 上海交通大学 94.1 沪2 10 北京外国语大学 94.1 京6 13 中国政法大学 93.1 京7

                  13 对外经济贸易大学 93.1 京7 15 北京航空航天大学 93 京8 15 西安交通大学 93 陕1 17 武汉大学 92.5 鄂1

                  17 上海财经大学 92.5 沪3 19 东南大学 92.4 苏2

                  19 北京邮电大学 92.4 京9 19 中央财经大学 92.4 京10

                  22 天津大学 92.1 津2 23 华中科技大学 92 鄂2 24 华东师范大学 91.9 沪4 25 北京理工大学 91.8 京11 26 同济大学 91.7 沪5 27 山东大学 91.5 鲁1

                  28 上海外国语大学 91.4 沪6 29 中国青年政治学院 91 京12 30 大连理工大学 90.5 辽1 31 中国海洋大学 90.4 鲁2 32 国际关系学院 90.3 京13 33 厦门大学 90 闽1

                  34 南京航空航天大学 89.8 35 南京理工大学 89.7 36 哈尔滨工业大学 89.6 37 山东师范大学 89.6 38 北京科技大学 89.5 39 北京交通大学 89.4 40 西北工业大学 89.3 40 北京信息科技大学 89.3 42 北京语言大学 89.2 43 电子科技大学 89.1

                  44 华东政法学院 89 44 青岛大学 89 46 四川大学 88.8

                  47 中南财经政法大学 88.7 48 华东理工大学 88.6 48 苏州大学 88.6 50 南京师范大学 88.5 51 中山大学 88.4 53 中国药科大学 88.3 54 首都医科大学 88.2 56 兰州大学 87.9 57 东北大学 87.8 58 中国农业大学 87.8 61 中国传媒大学 87.7 64 南京医科大学 87.6 67 中南大学 87.4 68 湖南大学 87.4 69 中国医科大学 87.2 70 东北财经大学 87.2 71 北京化工大学 87.1 73 西北大学 87 74 郑州大学 87

                  77 重庆大学 86.7 78 河海大学 86.7 79 中央民族大学 86.7 80 天津医科大学 86.6 81 吉林大学 86.5 82 西南政法大学 86.5 83 北京林业大学 86.5 84 上海对外贸易学院 86.5 85 大连海事大学 86.4 86 华北电力大学 86.4 88 烟台师范学院 86.4 90 湖南师范大学 86.2 91 中国石油大学 86.1 92 哈尔滨工程大学 86 93 北京中医药大学 86 98 西南交通大学 85.8 98 河南大学 85.8 98 浙江工业大学 85.8 98 烟台大学 85.8

                  113 西南财经大学 85.2 118 江南大学 85.1 123 上海大学 84.9

                  163 江西财经大学 83 173 天津财经大学 82.5 187 上海师范大学 82.2 194 上海电力学院 81.9 202 中华女子学院 81.4

                  全国一本大学排名(文科)(2009-06-17 11:04:24)










                  11北京语言大学 10清华大学

                  12中国传媒大学 13中国人民大学 14华中师范大学 15华东师范大学 16山东大学

                  17中央民族大学 18厦门大学




                  22 郑州大学







































































































































                    B等 (62个): 山东师范大学、山西大学、中北大学、哈尔滨理工大学、深圳大学、广西师范大学、云南师范大学、长春工业大学、大连大学、安庆师范学院、湖北大学、汕头大学、烟台大学、黑龙江大学、河北大学、河南大学、杭州电子科技大学、西南大学、长沙理工大学、信阳师范学院、北京邮电大学、西安科技大学、兰州






                  北京大学 清华大学 中国人民大学 北京师范大学

                  北京航空航天大学 中国农业大学 北京理工大学 北京科技大学

                  北京交通大学 中央音乐学院 北京邮电大学 北京外国语大学

                  北京化工大学 中国政法大学 北京语言大学 北京工业大学

                  对外经济贸易大学 中央财经大学 北京中医药大学 北京体育大学

                  中国传媒大学 中央民族大学 石油大学 北京林业大学


                  辽宁省:大连理工大学 东北大学 辽宁大学 大连海事大学 辽宁工程技术大学 吉林省:吉林大学 东北师范大学 延边大学

                  黑龙江:哈尔滨工业大学 哈尔滨工程大学 东北林业大学 东北农业大学 上海市:复旦大学 上海交通大学 同济大学 华东师范大学 上海财经大学 华东理工大学 上海大学

                  上海外国语大学 东华大学 上海第二医科大学 第二军医大学

                  天津市:南开大学 天津大学 天津医科大学

                  河北省: 河北工业大学 燕山大学

                  河南省:郑州大学 河南大学 解放军外国语学院

                  江苏省:南京大学 东南大学 中国矿业大学 南京师范大学 南京农业大学 苏州大学 中国药科大学

                  河海大学 南京航空航天大学 江南大学 南京理工大学




                  广 西: 广西大学

                  云南省:云南大学 昆明理工大学



                  山西省:太原理工大学 中北大学 山西大学

                  山东省:山东大学 中国海洋大学

                  安徽省:中国科学技术大学 安徽大学 合肥工业大学


                  湖北省:武汉大学 华中科技大学 华中师范大学 中国地质大学

                  华中农业大学 武汉理工大学 中南财经政法大学

                  湖南省:中南大学 湖南大学 湖南师范大学 国防科技大学

                  广东省:中山大学 华南理工大学 华南师范大学 暨南大学 南方医科大学 福建省:厦门大学 福州大学

                  重庆市:重庆大学 西南政法大学 西南大学

                  四川省:四川大学 电子科技大学 西南交通大学 西南财经大学 四川农业大学

                  陕西省:西安交通大学 西北工业大学 西北大学 第四军医大学

                  西安电子科技大学 西北农林科技大学 陕西师范大学 长安大学 西 藏:西藏大学

                  新 疆:新疆大学 石河子大学

                  宁 夏:宁夏大学















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                  推荐访问:一本 长沙 大学排名 长沙大学排名一览表 长沙二本学校有哪些