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    来源:雨月范文网 时间:2020-07-23 点击:

     古人仅仅用了六十分钟 60 minutes is all it took 就把人类 for the Ancients to bring humanity 带到了灭绝的边缘 to the brink of extinction. 那些幸存下来的人换了地方定居 Those who survived mobilized their settlements 在被污染的地球上开始新的生活 to begin life anew upon a poisoned Earth. 在寻找食物和燃料的过程中

     弱者死去 In the hunt for food and fuel, the weak perished, 而强者变得愈发强大 and the strong grew ever more powerful. 直到一个新的时代到来 Until a new age arose, 西方掠食城市时代 the Age of the Great Predator Cities of the West. 两块 Two. 掠食城市

     掠食城市来了 Predator! Predator city! 距离这里六英里

     正在接近 Six miles and closing! 别管了

     快走 Leave it behind! Let"s go! 快走 Leaving! 快点

     发动引擎 Hurry! Fire up the engines! 快点


     发动引擎 Move it, Dietrich! Fire them up! 发动所有引擎 Crank all engines. -快


     -一号♥引擎坏了 - Come on! Come on! - Engine one is down! 切换到辅助设备 Switch to auxiliaries. 快

     快点 Hurry! Hurry! -发动

     -全速前进 - Start them up! - Full throttle! 推进至全功率 Full power.

     伦敦 London! 五

     六... Five, six... 市长大人驾到 Lord Mayor on deck. -市长大人

     -瓦伦丁先生 - Lord Mayor. - Mr. Valentine. -什么情况

     -巴伐利亚小矿镇 - What have we got? - Small Bavarian mining town, 由 C-20 地面发动机提供动力 powered by C-20 land engines. 通常存有砖

     煤和铁 Usual store of brick, coal and iron. 还有七十五吨♥盐 And 75 tons of salt. 燃料勉强够我们用一个星期 Barely enough fuel to last us a week. 我们离开了安全的英国 We"ve left the safety of Britain, 还越过了大♥陆♥桥是为了什么 we"ve crossed the land bridge, for what? 以欧洲的残羹冷炙为食 To feed upon the scraps of Europe. -碾碎他们


     长官 - Run it down. - Aye, aye, sir. 他们正在逼近我们 They"re gaining on us. 清空储藏处 Empty the silos. 全部清空 All of them. 快点照做 Do it! 快下去 Get down there! 伦敦博物馆 外头闹翻天了 It"s madness out there. 简直像他们从没见过追击战似的 You"d think they"ve never seen a chase before. 的确很久没见到了

     长官 Well, it has been a while, sir. -早




     - Morning, Clytie. - Morning, Dr. Pomeroy. 陶瓷大厅传来的消息并不乐观 The news is not good from the Hall of Ceramics. 恐怕我们出现了伤亡 I"m afraid we"ve suffered some casualties. 该死的震动 Damn these bloody vibrations. 悠着点

     阿基 Steady on, Arkie. 不不不

     别管我 No, no, no, no, d-don"t worry about me. 我们来自美国的神灵要倒了 We"re about to lose our American deities. 打扰一下

     波默罗伊博士 Excuse me, Dr. Pomeroy? 早上好

     瓦伦丁小姐 Good morning, Miss Valentine. 我在手稿室外面 I"ve been waiting outside the Manuscripts Room 等了很久了 for quite some time. 你九点到了 Your 9:00? 对不起 I do apologize. 这还不够 This is not good enough. 汤姆在哪里 Where the hell is Tom? -借过一下


     伦敦 - Coming through! - London! London! 看着点路 Watch yourself! 小心点 Watch it! 抱歉

     抱歉 Sorry. Sorry. 伦敦


     伦敦 London! London! London! 油门踩到底 Give me everything you have. 他们正在向山麓前进 They"re heading for the foothills. -保持路线


     - Stay on course. - Sir? 保持路线 Stay on course. 开炮 Take the shot. 敌军来袭 Incoming! 好

     好极了 Yes! Yes! 干得漂亮

     各位 Well done, everyone. -准备吸收


     长官 - Prepare to ingest. - Aye, aye, sir. 掠食城市 纳斯华绥先生

     您终于来了 Ah, Mr. Natsworthy. Nice of you to join us. 抱歉我来迟了 I"m so sorry I"m late, sir. 你今天很帅

     是剪头发了吗 You look nice. Have you had a haircut? -我不想听你瞎扯


     -你换了古龙水吗 - I don"t want to hear it, Tom. - Is that new cologne? 这是你第三次警告了 You"re already on your third warning. 最后一次了 This is your last. 欢迎来到伦敦 萨尔扎肯的市民们 Citizens of Salzhaken, 欢迎来到伦敦 welcome to London. 支持圣保罗能源计划 赛迪斯·瓦伦丁 为伦敦的未来贡献力量 上交你的旧科技产品 只可携带个人物品 Bring only your personal possessions with you. 将古科技产品放置到提供的垃圾箱里 Old tech is to be deposited in the bins provided. 萨尔扎肯的市民们

     欢迎来到伦敦 Citizens of Salzhaken, welcome to London. 《六十分钟战争》 宁录[猎手]·博勒加德·潘尼罗耶 那么


     All right, then. Follow me. 你在研究古人的末日 So, you"re studying the end of the Ancients? 我非常需要《六十分钟战争》的 What I really need are firsthand accounts 第一手资料 of the Sixty Minute War. 期刊


     私人文件 Journals, books, personal papers. 在那个时期几乎没有书面记录保存下来 Very few written records survived during that period. 屏幕时代 他们很可能 It may very well be they forgot 完全忘记了如何读写 how to read and write altogether. 但是如果你想要找《六十分钟战争》的资料 But if it"s the Sixty Minute War you"re after, 跟我来 follow me. 稍等片刻 Just give us a minute. 真的很难想象地球以前是这个样子的 Strange to think this is what it looked like. 21 世纪吗

     是啊 21st century? Yep. 太不一样了 It"s so different. 的确如此

     毕竟地球已经 Yeah, well, that"s what happens when the Earth"s crust 碎成了成千上百快 gets shattered into a thousand pieces. 看看这个 Check this out. -是你做的吗

     -对 - Did you make this? - Yeah. 用我找到的一些废旧科技做的 Bits of old scrap tech I found. 电力系统弄起来有点棘手

     不过还好 The power system was a little bit tricky, but luckily, 我这位小兄弟马修帮我搞定了 I got my man Matthew there limbered up and ready to go. 我想给你看的是这个 This is what I wanted to show you.

     这是量子能量武器 It"s a quantum energy weapon. 当时有几十个

     遍布全球 There were dozens of them all over the globe. 天哪 My God. 他们称之为美杜莎 They called it Medusa. 一个如此先进

     科技如此发达的社会 How can a society so advanced, so scientific, 怎么会如此愚蠢 be so stupid? 不会比现在的人更蠢 Well, no more stupid than people today. 他们只是有更糟糕的武器 They just had far worse weapons 和远远更复杂的控制系统 and far more sophisticated control systems. 简直是个噩梦 What a nightmare. 古人也是这么想的 Well, the Ancients felt the same way. 这就是为什么他们创造了这个小家伙 That"s why they created this little fella. 能关闭这种武器系统崩溃的摧毁驱动 A crash drive to shut down the weapon. 你不会觉得这种东西很可怕吗 Doesn"t this stuff creep you out? 我来解释给你听 Let me tell you something. 我们经常会经手 We come across dangerous tech 比这破东西保存得更好的危险科技产品 that"s in way better condition than this junk all the time. 我发现那些东西逐渐神秘失踪了 Now, I"ve noticed that pieces have started to go missing. 我报告了我的上司

     他又报告给了他的上司 I notified my boss, who notified his boss, 果不其然

     没有任何回音 and of course nothing happened, 所以我决定自己采取一些防范措施 so I decided to take a few precautions of my own. 这些都是可用的武器技术 All of it is viable weapons-grade tech.


     -下次我们穿过沼泽地的时候 - God help us. - The next time we cross the marshlands, 我要把这些该死的东西都扔到里面 I"m tossing the entire bloody lot over the side. 把它们沉到沼泽的底部 Just let it sink to the bottom of a swamp 让谁都找不到 where no one will ever find it. 瓦伦丁小姐

     你该告诉我你要来的 Miss Valentine. You should have told me you were coming. 我会为你准备点东西 I would have laid something on for you. 你好

     赫伯特 Hello, Herbert. 你还在这干什么

     纳斯华绥 What are you still doing here, Natsworthy? 你是负责粉碎的 You"re on gut duty. 不

     我在协助瓦伦丁小姐 No, I"m assisting Miss Valentine. 用不上你了 Not anymore. -你被降职了

     -什么 - You"ve been demoted. - What? -谁说的

     -我说的 - Uh, by who? - By me. 你只是一个底层的仆役 You"re just a skivvy from the lower tiers 没有家人

     没有前途 with no family and no prospects. 如果那些笨蛋 If those dim-witted spanner-heads 再把你打到垃圾箱里 beat you to the bins again, 你就得回去打扫沼泽了 you"ll be back to cleaning the bogs. 快滚吧 Chop-chop. 跟您聊得很愉快 Well, it"s been lovely chatting. 我得走了 I have to go. 现在是高峰期

     他赶不上的 It"s rush hour. He"ll never make it.


     汤姆 Wait! Tom! 汤姆

     等一下 Tom, wait! -我可以带你过去

     -什么 - I can get you down there. - You what? 我可以带你过去 I can get you down there. 萨尔扎肯的市民们 Citizens of Salzhaken, 欢迎来到伦敦 welcome to London. 只可携带个人物品 Bring only your personal possessions with you. 将古科技产品放置到提供的垃圾箱里 Old tech is to be deposited in the bins provided. 托特纳姆球场站 好吧 Okay. -别插队啊

     -抱歉 - Excuse me. - Sorry. 伦敦一级签证 凯瑟琳·瓦伦丁 我跟她一起的 I"m with her. 我不知道

     我跟她一起的 I don"t know, I"m with her. -过吧

     -真的吗 - Come on through. - Really? 过去吧 On you go. 抱歉 Sorry about that. 这样就行了

     我们就这么进来了 And that"s it? We"re through? 就这样 Just like that. 在指定的队伍中排队 Stay in your allocated line. 伦敦欢迎你 严禁持有任何形式的武器 Possession of any form of weapon is strictly prohibited. 慢着


     这是什么东西 Hold up, hold up. What"s this, then?


     -不听从指示的入境者 - We"ll have that. - Incomers failing to follow instructions 将被扣留 will be detained. 你急着下去做什么 So, what"s the rush? 我得下去检查 Well, got to get down there 所有从捕获的城市上收缴的藏品 and go through all the artifacts taken off the catch. 任何具有历史意义的东西都会被送往博物馆 And anything of historical importance goes to the museum. 但要是我没赶上 But if I"m late, 粉碎工人会把所有的东西都倒进炉子里 the gut workers shovel everything into the furnaces. 他们只关心怎么喂饱机炉 All they care about is feeding the beast. 不听从指示的入境者 ...failing to follow instructions -将被扣留

     -不得携带任何武器 - will be detained. - No, no weapons allowed. 你不能这样对我们 You cannot treat us like this! 你是白♥痴♥吗

     说了不准带武器 You stupid? No weapons. ...必须出示检查 ...must be presented for inspection. 注意

     孩子可能会 Be aware, children may be 暂时与父母分开 temporarily separated from parents. 通缉 反牵引分子 安娜·方 伦敦公敌 尼瑟尔自治站 Nether Borough Station. 去消化厂

     来料加工厂 Disembark here for Digestion Yards, 以及主发动机室的乘客从这里下车 Incomer Processing and Main Engine Rooms. 小心脚下 Mind the drop.

     他们还没抓住她 They still haven"t caught her? 谁

     安娜·方吗 Who, Anna Fang? 抓捕或处决 悬赏五万 对 Yeah. 该死的反牵引分子 Bloody Anti-Tractionist. 要我说必须把她关起来 Should be locked up, in my opinion. 下一个

     往前走 Next one. Move it. 你呢

     你藏了什么东西 What about you, eh? What are you hiding? 好了

     过去吧 Yeah, all right. Go through. 下一个 Next. -你

     -不听从指示的 - You there. - Incomers failing 入境者将被扣留 to follow instructions will be detained. 所有物品必须出示检查 All belongings must be presented for inspection. 我们是她的敌人 We"re the enemy. 反牵引分子厌恶我们所代表的一切 Anti-Tractionists loathe everything we stand for. 是啊


     进步吗 Yeah, what, like progress? 但对他们来说

     这不是进步 But it"s not progress, not to them. 对他们来说

     我们的生活方式是不可持续的 To them, our way of life is unsustainable. 他们认为牵引主义是一种... They see Tractionism as a... 贝维斯

     朋友 Oh, Bevis, mate. 你的工具掉了一地 Your tools are all over the floor. 我很抱歉 I"m so sorry.


     汤姆 You all right, Tom? -又来处理垃圾箱了

     -没错 - On bins again? - Yeah. -你在这里干什么

     -垃圾槽维修保养 - What are you doing down here? - Waste chute maintenance. 我来吧

     你别动了 I got it. Just leave it. 真对不起

     我没看到你 I really am sorry. I didn"t see you. 您怎么会看得到我呢 Why would you? 贝维斯

     这是凯瑟琳 Bevis, this is Katherine... 我知道她是谁

     回见 Yeah, I know who she is. Catch you later. 不不不

     不行 No, no, no, you don"t! 住手


     不要 Stop! Oh, no, no, no. 住手

     住手 Stop! Stop! 这是阳光牌 TA200 型号♥机器 That is a Sunbeam TA200. 这是一款经典的辐射控制的 That"s a classic Radiant Control 双层烤面包机

     带有面包弹出功能 double-slice toaster with automatic bread ejection. 知道吗

     我们得... All right? We have to... 你把旋钮弄丢了 And you"ve lost the knob. 老天啊 Oh, for Quirke"s sake. 有人很懂小家电 Someone knows their small appliances. 给我吧 Here. 很好

     非常好 Very, very nice. 我当初也淘到过几个这样的东西 I"ve dug up a few of these in my time, 不过没有一个像这般完好 but none as good as this.


     一点点锈蚀 Couple of small dents, a little bit of tarnishing. 弹簧没了

     不过都这样 Springs gone, but they always are. 是啊 Yeah, well... 这比博物馆目前里的 That is far better than anything 任何藏品都要好 in the museum"s current collection. 干得漂亮 Well done. 您过奖了

     先生 That"s high praise coming from you, sir. 我


     我读过您所有的书 You know, I-I just want to say, I-I"ve read all your books. -别再吹捧他了

     -我... - Oh, don"t encourage him. - I... 他已经够膨胀的了 His head"s quite big enough. 你好

     爸爸 Hi, Dad. 凯特

     你来这做什么 Kate, what are you doing here? -我以为你去博物馆了

     -我去了 - I thought you were going to the museum. - I did. 我就是在那儿遇到了汤姆 That"s where I bumped into Tom. 汤姆 Tom. 汤姆·纳斯华绥

     对吗 Tom Natsworthy, isn"t it? 是的 Yes, it is. 我认识你的父母 I knew your parents. 他们人很好 They were lovely people. 他们两位都是一流的历史学家 First-class historians, both. 我还以为你想当飞行员呢 I thought you had plans to be an aviator. 是啊


     不过我放弃了 Oh, yeah, I was, but then I gave it all up.


     先生 I mean, history"s more my thing, sir. 我很惊讶他们让你 I"m surprised they called you 到这来做这种鸡毛蒜皮的小事 down here for such a small catch. 不要低估盐碱地里 Don"t underestimate what"s buried 埋藏的东西 out there in the salt flats. 这些

     这些矿业城镇有种能力 These... these mining towns have a way 能挖掘出那些非常有趣的 of digging up really interesting... 古科技产品 ...old tech. -天啊

     -这是什么 - No way. - What is that? 这是一个融合逆变电池 That is a fusion inverter cell. 非常罕见而且非常危险 Incredibly rare and really dangerous. 你知道工程师协会几个月前偷走了 And you know the Guild of Engineers nicked all the ones 我们存放在博物馆里的所有东西吗 we had in store at the museum just a few months ago? 波默罗伊勃然大怒 Pomeroy was furious. 他们绝对别想染指这个 Well, they won"t get their hands on this one. 我会确保妥善处理好它的 I"ll make sure it"s disposed of properly. 工程师对吧

     他们觉得这里是他们的地盘 Engineers, eh? They think they run the place. 他们不知道自己在玩的是什么 They don"t know what they"re playing with. -火

     -什么 - Fire. - Sorry? 他们在玩火 They"re playing with fire. 我说了别碰我 I said get your hands off! 不许碰 Never!

     怎么回事 What"s going on? 带这位先生去医务室 Take this gentleman to the medics. 把他带去法庭 I want that man on a charge. 走 Move it. 不该发生这种事 That should never have happened; 你们都理应得到尊严和尊重 you all deserve to be treated with dignity and respect. 你们将得到食物 You will be given food, 住所和工作 shelter and employment. 一个创造未来 A chance to build a future, 开创新生活的机会 make a new life. 小心 Hey! Watch out! 瓦伦丁 Valentine. 这一刀是为了我母亲 This is for my mother. 是为了潘多拉·肖 This is for Pandora Shaw. 爸爸 Dad! 不 No! -在那里

     -快 - There! - Come on. -在下面

     -你 - Down here! - Hey, you! 不

     拦住她 No! Stop her! 回来

     站住 Hey, come back here! Stop! 让开 Get out of the way! 爸爸 Dad!

     你待着别动 Stay here. 不

     不 No! No! 等等 Wait! 拜托 Come on! 拜托 Come on! 不 No! 我抓住你了 I"ve got you. 放开我 Let go of me! 汤姆 Tom! 汤姆 Tom? 看看我

     看看我 Look at me. Look at me. 你挡了他的道

     就会是这个下场 This is what he does when you get in his way. 问问他为什么谋害我母亲 Ask him why he murdered my mother. 问他记不记得海斯特·肖 Ask him about Hester Shaw. 不

     不 No. No! 我


     我想拦住她的 I-I tried. I-I tried to stop her. 这不怪你 It"s not your fault. 她刚才满嘴胡言乱语 She was saying the craziest things, -然后她就...

     -她说了什么 - and then she just... - What did she say? -你



     不用 - You-you need a doctor. - No, no. 她说了什么

     汤姆 What did she say, Tom? 她说你谋害了她的母亲 She said you murdered her mother.

     谋害 Murder? 这用词太难听了 That"s an ugly word. 抱歉让你听到这个 I"m sorry you had to hear that. 我得走了 Well, I should go. 是啊 Yeah, you should. 爸爸 Dad! 爸爸 Dad. 没事了



     我会好起来的 It"s all right. It"s all right. I"m okay. I"ll be okay. 我会好起来的 I"ll be okay. 凯特


     我无能为力 Kate, I"m sorry. There was nothing I could do. 什么意思 What do you mean? 当时汤姆和那个女孩在打斗 They were fighting, Tom and the girl. 然后栏杆断了 The railing broke. 过来 Coming through! 汤姆的事我很遗憾 I"m sorry about Tom. 真的 I really am. 我们派了飞艇在外搜寻 We have airships out there looking. 要是他还活着

     我们会找到他的 If he"s alive, we"ll find him. -怎么了

     -那个女孩 - What is it? - The girl. 她是谁 Who was she? 我真的不知道 Honestly, I don"t know. 我也一直在想这个问题 Been wondering about that myself.

     她认识你 She knew you. 我这辈子从没见过她 I"ve never seen her in my life before. 我觉得她可能是反牵引分子 I thought maybe she was an Anti-Tractionist. 天知道他们有多恨我们 God knows they hate us enough. 我知道你想相信 I know you want to believe 牵引城市和固定定居者 that Traction Cities and static settlements 能和平共处

     但不可能 can live together in peace, but it"ll never happen. -那你可说不准

     -那为什么他们 - You don"t know that. - Then why do they hide 要躲在防护墙后囤积资源 behind the Shield Wall, hoarding their resources? 他们想眼睁睁看着我们枯竭

     凯特 They mean to see us starve out here, Kate. 永远别低估他们想摧毁我们的决心 Never underestimate their will to destroy us. 我们和山国之间永无和平之日 There will never be peace with Shan Guo. 防护墙 这个坏了

     我去扔掉 This is ruined. I"ll get rid of it. 我的脑袋 Ow, my head. 什么 What? 等等 Wait. 发生什么事了 What"s going on? 等等

     等一下 Hang on, hang on. 你

     你不能把我扔在这里 You see, you-you can"t just leave me here. 你就不该跟我跳下来 You shouldn"t have followed me. 我没有跟你跳下来 I didn"t follow you. 我摔了下来

     I fell. 他推了我 He pushed me. 等等 Wait. 老天啊 Oh, for Quirke"s sake. 我在跟你说话 I"m talking to you. 喂 Hello? 你要我怎么做 What am I supposed to do, eh? 我该去哪里 Where am I supposed to go? -我得回伦敦

     -六个月 - I need to get back on London. - Six months! -悠着点

     -我花了整整六个月才混进去 - Just take it easy. - Six months it took me to get on that city. 我好不容易有了杀瓦伦丁的机会

     被你毁了 I had one shot at Valentine, and you ruined it. 好吧

     好吧 Okay. All right. All right. 我有钱 I have money. 不

     你没钱 No, you don"t. 求你了 Please. 求求你帮我回伦敦 Please help me get back on London. 帮我找一个贸易城镇

     我保证你再也见不到我了 Help me find a trading town. You"ll never see me again. 我们的食物


     基本资源都不够了 We"re running low on food, fuel, basic resources. 我们就要支撑不住了 We can"t survive out here much longer. 我们根本就不该进攻欧洲 We should never have gone into Europe. 这是我们犯过的最大错误 Biggest mistake we ever made. 我们还有其他选择 Well, we have other options. 没错


     Ah, yes. Your long-awaited energy project. -会成功的

     -我听你说过了 - It"ll work. - I"ve heard that before. 我只是还需要一点点时间 I just need a little more time. 你总是这么自信 Always so sure of yourself. 赛迪斯·瓦伦丁

     伟大的考古学家 Thaddeus Valentine, the great archaeologist. 人♥民♥的领袖 Man of the people. 这是我收留你的一个原因 One of the reasons I took you in, 所以我才允许你这样一个不知从哪里来的外人 why I allowed an outsider from nowhere 拥有超过你阶层该有的权力 to have power above his station. 但我的耐心越来越少了 But my patience is wearing thin. 我一手把你扶上这个位子 I raised you up. 也可以把你扯下来 I can tear you down. 你怎么忍♥受得了他 How can you stand him? 他怕了 He"s afraid. 他想要维持的生活方式 He"s trying to hang on to a way of life 已经不存在了 that doesn"t exist anymore. 分散的自治城邦

     弱肉强食 地方自治达尔文主义 Municipal Darwinism. 这个体制已经没救了 It"s a dying system. 已经没什么猎物了 Prey has all but gone. 很快就一点也不剩了 Soon, there"ll be nothing left. 我想为这座城市创建一个未来 I"m trying to build this city a future, 但克罗姆还停留在过去 but Crome"s stuck in the past.

     你要去哪里 Where are you going? 爸爸

     你还不能去工作 Dad, you can"t go to work. 我没事

     凯特 I"m fine, Kate. 你有事

     你受伤了 You"re not fine. You"re injured. 你需要休息 You need to rest. 我花了十五年的时间开♥发♥这个能源系统 I"ve spent 15 years developing this power system. 我不会让马格努斯·克罗姆和海斯特·肖阻碍我的 I"m not having Magnus Crome or Hester Shaw stop me now. 海斯特·肖是谁 Who"s Hester Shaw? 谁也不是 No one. 你不认识的 No one you know. 你能走慢点吗

     拜托 Could you slow down, please? 你想找贸易城镇吗 You want to find a trading town? 那就继续走 Keep moving. -我的脚很疼

     -忍♥着 - My feet hurt. - Get used to it. 我就喜欢你这点 That"s what I like about you. 你无限的同情心 Your boundless sense of empathy. -你说什么


     我... - What did you say? - Nothing. I... 你说得对


     我话太多了 You"re right. Look, I-I talk too much. 特别是我紧张的时候容易话多 Especially when I"m nervous. 不过我这就闭嘴 But I"m not gonna talk anymore. 闭嘴了 Zipped. 不说了 No more talking.

     不用管我 Don"t worry about me. 我特别擅长照顾自己 I"m more than capable of looking after myself. 你听到可能会有点惊讶

     我以前想当飞行员 Might surprise you to learn that I was gonna be an aviator. 我特别有方向感 I have a faultless sense of direction. 好吧 All right. 往哪条路走 Which way? 我的导航本能告诉我 My navigational instincts tell me... 我们应该走... ...we should go... 这条路 ...that way. 这边

     当然了 That way, definitely. 这边通向南方 Those tracks head south. 没错 Yeah. 在外域永远不可以朝南走 You never head south in the Outlands. 永远不可以 Not ever. 我重新配置了指标 I"ve reconfigured the metrics. 你可以用手头的材料 You can amplify the magnetic resonance 来扩大磁共振 using materials on hand. -还需要什么

     -还需要几个星期时间 - What else do you need? - Several more weeks. 除非你帮我再找来更多古科技产品 Unless you can find me more old tech. 古科技产品都送来给你了 All the old tech comes to you. 要稳定同位素我需要更多电池 I"ll need more than one to stabilize the isotopes. 想想办法 Make it work.

     我听说你今早受伤了 I hear you suffered an injury this morning. 你从来没告诉过我潘多拉·肖有个女儿 You never told me Pandora Shaw had a daughter. 她会是个麻烦 She could be a problem. 在我死之前她是不会罢休的 She won"t stop until I"m dead. 除非你先杀了她 Unless you kill her first. 今早我收到一条沙克摩尔监狱来的信息 I received a message from Sharkmoor Prison this morning. 他们称抓到了一名追猎者 They claim to have captured a Stalker. 是一个复生之人

     一个叛逃的赏金杀手 One of the Resurrected. A bounty killer gone rogue. 对我们没有用处

     太难控制了 Well, it"s no use to us. Too hard to control. 他们说他在追猎什么东西 They say it was hunting something. 或是什么人 Or someone. 看来你们两个的目标一致 It appears the two of you share a common interest. 他是如此专注于自己的猎物 This thing is so fixated on its prey, 全身每个细胞都在尖叫 all it does is pound the walls of its cell, 尖叫着她的名字 shrieking her name. 海斯特·肖 Hester Shaw. -去哪里


     -沙克摩尔监狱 - Where to, boss? - Sharkmoor Prison. 不许点火 No fires. 除非你想让从拾荒镇 Unless you want every Scav town 到锈水街市都能看到我们 from here to Rustwater to find us. 那...那看起来很脏不能喝 That, uh... that doesn"t look clean enough to wash in. 要我就不会... I-I wouldn"t...


     太恶心了 Oh, my God, that"s disgusting. 你在饿死之前会先渴死 Thirst will kill you before hunger. 你要不喝这个

     要不就喝自己的尿 It"s either this or you can drink your own urine. 我愿意冒这个险 I"ll take my chances. 最佳赏味期

     2118 年前 "Best before 2118"? 这是印奇面包 It"s an Inkie. -保质期差不多是一千年前

     -吃不死人 - It"s over a thousand years old. - Doesn"t matter. 古人的食物坚不可摧

     永远不会变质 The food of the Ancients never goes off. It"s indestructible. 这里好安静 It"s so quiet out here. 你不难受吗 Doesn"t that bother you? 我喜欢安静 I like the quiet. 我在引擎声中长大 I grew up with the sound of engines. 从不知道还有不吵闹的地方 I"ve never known anything else. 你知道吗

     很可笑的是 It"s funny, you know. 我一辈子都在梦想着 I"ve spent my whole life dreaming of 离开伦敦去看看这个世界 getting off London, seeing the world, 现在我出来了

     结果要喝自己的尿 and now I"m out here, talking about drinking my own urine. 别轻易许愿 Careful what you wish for, eh? 我以为你想当飞行员 I thought you wanted to be an aviator. 以前是的

     但是后来我父母死了 Oh, I did. But then my parents died. 八年前的事了 Eight years ago now. 大倾斜事件摧毁了整个四级层 When Tier Four collapsed in the Big Tilt.

     你呢 What about you? 你母亲去世的时候你几岁 Well, how old were you when your mother died? -我们不要这么做

     -做什么 - We"re not gonna do this. - Do what? 不要跟对方讲自己的悲惨故事 We"re not gonna tell each other our sad stories. 我帮不了你 I can"t help you. 你也帮不了我 And you can"t help me. 喂 Hello! 喂

     这里 Hello! Over here! -汤姆

     -喂 - Tom. - Hey! -下来

     -是贸易城镇 - Get down! - It"s a trading town. 看


     看 Look, look, look, look. 快看 Look. 天哪 Oh, God. 是南方军 They"re Southies. -差一点[很近]

     -太近了 - That was close. - Too close. 从我身上起来 Get off me. 快跑 Run! 什么是见鬼的南方军 What the hell are Southies? 在晚上捕猎的拾荒者 Scavs on a night hunt. 他们在捕猎什么 What are they hunting? 我们 Us. 我抓住你了 I"ve got you.

     快跑 Come on! 海斯特

     海斯特 Hester? Hester! 你是完整的吧 Are you in one piece? 是的 Yes. 再晚个几秒

     你就变成挡泥板上的肉酱了 Couple more seconds, and you"d have been fender meat. 还好我们来了 Lucky for you, we was here. 情况有多糟 How bad is it? 她需要治疗 She needs a doctor. 这里没医生

     水桶机上没有 No quacks here. Not on Scuttlebutt. 你能带我们去最近的城镇吗 Could you take us to the nearest town? -什么

     -切平索德伯里 - What? - Chipping Sodbury. 那是最近的镇了


     韦兰德先生 That"d be the nearest, wouldn"t you say, Mr. Wreyland? -是的


     -那就去吧 - I would, my love. - Well, go on, then. 向北方行进

     我们得照顾好客人 Set a heading north. We must look after our guests. 来杯茶吗 Tea? 不好意思我真需要 Don"t mind if I do. 我自己做的 I make it myself. 海藻很新鲜 The algae"s fresh. 其实味道还不错 Oh, it"s actually not bad. 还不错


      It"s not bad. Bottoms up. 你竟然这么觉得吗 Funny you should say that. 海藻种在污水处理室的地下 We grow it in the runoff under the sewage room.


     会留疤的 Oh, nasty. That"s gonna leave a scar. 你不想再留下伤疤了吧

     小宝贝 You don"t need any more of those, do you, Petal? 去消化厂

     来料加工厂 Disembark here for Digestion Yards, 以及主发动机室的乘客从这里下车 Incomer Processing and Main Engine Rooms. 贝维斯


     我必须跟你谈谈 Bevis. Bevis Pod. I need to speak to you. -我帮不了你

     -什... - I can"t help you. - Wha...? 那个

     那个袭击我父亲的姑娘 The-the girl that attacked my father... 我不知道你在说什么 I don"t know what you"re talking about. 什么意思

     你当时在场 What do you mean? You were there. 你都看到了 You saw what happened. 尼瑟尔自治站 Nether Borough Station. 去消化厂 Disembark here for 来料加工厂的... Digestion Yards, Incomer Processing... 你想害我被捕吗 Are you trying to get me arrested? 这里的第一条规矩就是"闭紧你的嘴" The first rule down here is: "Keep your mouth shut." 我父亲卷进了什么麻烦 My father"s in some kind of trouble. 他骗我

     我得知道原因 He"s lying to me. I need to know why. 你父亲骗了很多人 Your father lies to a lot of people. 那又是什么意思 What"s that supposed to mean? 拜托

     我只是想要一个真♥相♥ Please. I just want to know the truth. -不



     我父亲是个好人 - No, you don"t. - I promise you. My father"s a good man. -他绝不会



     别说了 - He would never do... - No, just stop. Stop.

     他把他推了下去 He pushed him. 你父亲把汤姆推下了城 Your father pushed Tom off the city. 为什么 Why? 他为什么要这样对汤姆 Why would he do that to Tom? 因为他挡了你父亲的路 Because he got in the way. 支持圣保罗能源计划 赛迪斯·瓦伦丁 为伦敦的未来贡献力量 上交你的旧科技产品 这是个谎言 It"s a lie. 一个伪装 A cover-up. 他们在里面造别的东西 They"re building something in there. 一个不想让任何人看见的东西 Something they don"t want anyone to see. 抱歉让一下

     女士 Excuse me, ma"am. 我试过想要进去 I tried to get inside, 但是每个入口都有守卫 but there are guards at every entrance. 不可能进得去 There"s no way in. 如果我说有办法进去呢 What if there was? 到了 Here we are, then. 这里虽然不是沼泽里吉斯的市长套房♥ It"s not the Lord Mayor"s Suite at the Boggy Regis, 但总比被棍子戳到眼睛要好 but it"s better than a poke in the eye with a burnt stick. 别客气 Make yourselves at home. 我明天一大早就会回来帮你清创 I"ll be back bright and early to empty your slops. -谢谢


     对吧 - Thank you. - Not much of a talker, is she?

     你女朋友 Your girlfriend. 不不不


     她不是我女朋友 Oh, no, no, no, no, she"s not... she"s not my girlfriend. 当然不是了 Of course not. 你这么英俊的男孩子 Handsome boy like you. 完全可以找个更好的 You can do much better. 好吧


     韦兰德太太 All right, well, good night, Mrs. Wreyland. 天哪

     我不该掺和的 Oh, dear. There I go putting me foot in it. -我不是那个意思...

     -我知道你什么意思 - I didn"t mean... - No, I know what you meant. 好了


     我睡... Look, you-you take the bed; I"ll take the... 地板 ...floor. 这一切都怪我 This is all my fault. 对不起 I"m sorry. 那年我八岁 I was eight. 我母亲去世的时候我八岁 I was eight years old when my mother died. 她是个考古学家 She was an archaeologist. 她喜欢游历四方挖掘过去的事 She loved traveling the world and digging up the past. 花儿很美 They"re beautiful. 他经常来看我们 He used to visit all the time. 他会花好几个小时 He"d spend hours 仔细研究她发现的东西 poring over the things that she had found. 然后有一天 Then one day... 一切都变了 everything changed.

     她在她从美国废墟中 She"d found something 挖掘到的一件物品里发现了一个东西 on one of her digs in Lost America. 他想要的东西 Something he wanted. -潘多拉



     不可以 - Pandora, what are you doing? - No. No. No. 是什么东西 What was it? 我不知道 I don"t know. 住手

     别这样 Stop it! Don"t do this! 放开我 Let go of me! -给我

     -不 - I"m taking it. - No. 妈妈 Mom! 妈妈 Mama. 海斯特

     拿着 Hester, take this. 保护好它 Keep it safe. 妈妈 Mama! 他为了那个东西杀了她 But he killed her for it. 妈妈

     妈妈 Mom! Mama! 快跑

     海斯特 Run, Hester! 海斯特 Hester! 他本来也想杀了我 He would have killed me, too. 但我逃走了 But I got away. 我们在沼泽地的边缘抓到了他 We caught it on the edge of the marshlands. -求你住手

     -他毁掉了一个镇 - Please stop! - It had torn apart a whole town.


     -住手 - Murdered them all. - Stop it! 为了抓住它我牺牲了很多得力手下 I lost a dozen good men bringing it in. 海斯特 Hester! 一直有传言说有一些幸存了下来 There"d always been rumors that a few had survived, 这些在游牧战争后叛变了 the ones that turned rogue after the Nomad Wars. 海斯特 Hester! 但我从没想过我能亲眼见到 But I never thought I"d live to see one in the flesh. 现在已经没剩多少了 Not that there"s much of that left. 海斯特 Hester! 海斯特 Hester! 拉撒路旅的最后一支 The last of the Lazarus Brigade. 从死亡的沉睡中复活 Resurrected from the sleep of death. 我从不睡觉 I do not sleep. 是的


     对吗 No, you"ve been hunting her, haven"t you? 追捕海斯特·肖 Hunting Hester Shaw. 为什么 Why? 回答我 Answer me. 她违背了诺言 She broke her promise. 你找到她以后要怎么办 What happens when you find her? 你找到她以后要怎么办 What happens when you find Hester Shaw? 我要杀了她 I will kill her. 你确定吗 Are you sure about this?

     谁知道那东西会做什么 There"s no telling what that thing might do. 我很清楚它会做什么 I know exactly what it will do. 抓稳了 Hold it steady. 怎么...怎么了 Oh, what-what"s wrong? 我们转向了

     朝南方去了 We"ve changed direction. We"re heading south. 去开门 Get the door. 门锁上了 It"s locked. 我们被锁在里面了 We"re locked in. 肯定有什么地方能出去 Must be something around here. 好

     这个也许可以 All right. Maybe. 我的刀还在你哪里吗 You have my knife? 如果沿着管道爬上去

     我们可以从后面跳下去 If we climb along that ducting, we can jump from the back. 高度不超过六米 It"s no more than, like, 20 feet. -我做不到

     -你可以的 - I can"t. - Yes, you can. 不


     我跳不下去的 No, I can"t. I"ll-I"ll never make the jump. 你可以的

     我会帮你 Uh, you will. I"ll help you. 往正北方 Head due north. 有个叫拉姆斯盖特的中转站 There"s a way station called Ramskate. 你可以去那里乘运输机 You can catch an airfreighter from there. -带他出去


     -快去 - Get him out! Move it! - Go. -好吧

     -你们快点 - All right. - Come on, you lot. 好吧 Fine.

     别再哭了 Ah, stop your sniveling. 救命 Help! 你还在等什么

     快去啊 What are you waiting for? Go. -过来

     -不 - Come here. - No! -过来

     -听我说 - Come here. - Listen to me. 不

     不 No! No! 该下机了

     伙计们 Time to check out, folks. -快给我出来

     -不 - Come on, out you come. - No. 不 No. 快点 Move it! -你浪费了大好机会

     -我做不到 - That was your chance. - Well, I couldn"t do it. 我无法丢下你 I couldn"t leave you. 那你就是个笨蛋

     我肯定会丢下你的 Well, then you"re a fool. I would"ve left you. 女士们先生们 Ladies and gentlemen... 欢迎来到锈水街市 Welcome to Rustwater Market. 下一件拍品可是个老古董 This next item is a vintage piece. 她看上去可能有点不中用 Now, she may look a little tatty ...

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