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    来源:雨月范文网 时间:2020-09-23 点击:


     I am here. 老妈?

     来了 Ma. 妈 You"ve forgotten.

     How could I forget that. 你忘了拿了

     瞧我这记性 Are you sure this is the right thing?

     这么做真的好吗 It feels its a bit better if we could talk about it. 我觉得有点仓促草率 Yeah I do.

     We don"t have any other option, Clara. 也许吧


     克拉尔 We"ll be fine. 你放心好了 If I get off earlier I can pick you up.



      Don"t worry about that. I take the bus. 别担心

     我乘公车就行 If I get off ealrier I"ve a couple of things to do for Jenny"s party. 我还得张罗筹备珍妮的派对 Don"t worry. 别担心 Have a good day.

     You too, Mom. 一切顺利

     你也是 老妈 How you doing?

     I don"t know. 感觉如何

     不怎么样 How are we paying for all this? 怎么付医疗费? We put up the house.

     I knew it. 我们卖♥♥了房♥子

     我就知道 Because of you I"m still alive. 多亏了你我还有命在 We decided together.

     卖♥♥♥房♥♥子是全家的决定 What did you all decided together? 全家决定了什么 To live on the street? 决定今后一起睡大街上? Your mother and I have been paying off the house. 你妈和我好不容易还清了房♥贷 Just to fuck it all.

     这下全毁了 Next year I"ll

     be a licensed electrician. 明年我就可以拿到电工执照 So theres no more illegal odd jobs. 就不需要非法打零工了 It"ll be fine. 一切都会好起来的 I never wanted to be a burden. 我从没想过会成为家里的累赘 Don"t say that, Dad. 别这么说

     老爸 I am leaving. 我得走了

     宝贝儿 So you got what you"ve been waiting for. 这么说你拿到了期待已久的东西 Yeah, I got it. 对

     我拿到了 What"s in? 里面是什么? That"s not your concern. 不关你的事 Then go to hell. 那你去死吧 That"s exactly where I m going. 我马上就滚 And if I make it back, I"m going to make so much money,

     当我带着大把钞票回来 you are going to love me pet. 你就会再次爱上我的 Your brother would fare better... 如果家人能常来看他

      if the family visited more often. 你兄弟会康复的快一些 A year is long time for someone in his condition. 对他这样的病人来说

     可谓度日如年 I am the only family Ronald has.


      I try to visit as often as I can. 我尽量常来 Overall his condition is still borderline. 他的状况依然不容乐观

     If he skip his medications even for a day it could be serious. 他哪怕一天不吃药

      都十分的危险 Yes, ma"am. 我知道了

     医生 Sign here and here and I"ll have him release. 在这两处签字

     然后就可以带他走了 Your brother is here to get you. You have to go. 你弟弟来了

     你得跟他走 They take care of you over there?

     Yes. 在这过得好不?

     还行 It"s a new car? 你的新车? Yeah. You like it? 对

     喜欢吗? Yeah.

     喜欢 Lets go. 上车吧 When I turned five years old, I got a little kitten. 五岁的时候

     我得到了一只小猫 And he was so cute that I took him to bed every night. 它特别可爱

     我每晚都抱着它入眠 I want a little lamb. and I"ll take him to bed every night too. 我想要一只喜羊羊

     我也会每晚抱它睡的 People don"t keep sheep inside, Silly.

     I know. 但是大家可都不在家里养羊

     我会的 Didn"t you hear we dont keep sheep inside... 你不知道?

     我们也不在家养羊 and we dont take them to bed with us. 更不能抱上♥床♥ My little lamb has to be all white with black ears. 我希望我的喜羊羊全身雪白

     但耳朵是黑色的 Why black ears?


      Then he wont get mixed up with the other sheep. 把它和其他羊羊放一起的话 I"ll be able to recognize him.


      Very clever. 真聪明 Thanks, Mom.


     妈妈 What"s going on man? 什么事

     哥儿们 Hey wait a minute. What the hell you doing, goddamn it?


     你想怎样 What the fuck you doing? 你个混♥蛋♥要干嘛 Let me the fuck outta here. 放我出去 Let me out of here. 放我出去 That was his job, theres nothing I can do for him. Maybe a few days. 我恐怕帮不上什么忙

     得耗些时日 Can I get you anything? Coffee maybe?


     咖啡怎么样? I"m good, no. 不用了 No, babe. 不需要 亲爱的 Whats this job about, man? Dope? 这次是什么活儿

     毒品? No, nothing like that. 不

     不是那东西 You need somebody playing crow?

     No. 需要杀手?

     不 Just asking for a good word. 我来是想讨个说法

     听几句好话 Where do you want to go, my place?


      Listen, I m broke. 我现在穷困潦倒 I m on the street. 流落街头 Hey, I havent forgotten what you did for me when I was away. 我没有忘记你为我做过的事 If this thing works out I set you up for good. 如果一切顺利

     我会尽力帮你忙 How long exactly will it take?


      One day. 一天

     Jesus, you make all that cash in one day?


     一天内你上哪去弄那么多钱 If I make it. 我尽力而为 You made it last time, right?

     这以后你就要金盆洗手了? That was last time. 对

     这是最后一次 If my luck doesn"t run out, you can count on me. 听天由命

     你就信我一次试试 Vincent,


      you still live at 135 Kissam Avenue. Talbot, Ohio? 你还住在俄亥俄

     及萨姆大街 135 号♥? Yeah 是的 You have a phone number... 有电♥话♥吗吗 I can reach you at if I have any further questions? 这样我有问题就能联♥系♥到你 Okay Vincent I think thats about it. Thank you. 这样最好

     多谢你的协助 Do you recall anything else he could have told you about this affair? 你还记得他就此事跟你说过什么 No.


     I already told you he never spoke about. 我告诉过你

     他什么都没提 Even when he was high?

     No. 性致高涨到不行也没透露半句口风?

     没有 Did anyone else come into the house besides the paramedics and the police? 除了急救人员和警♥察♥还有谁在场 There was an electrician. He was the one who called 911. 有一个电工

     他打的 911 Thank you, Mrs. Harrison. 多谢

     哈德森太太 Did you sleep okay?

     昨晚睡得好吗 I feel much better now. 我现在觉得好多了 Did you tried that medication?

     你吃药了吗 No. 没有 The doctor says you"re not suppose to skip a dose. 你不乖

     不听医生姐姐的话 Fuck her. Feel much better without them. 去她的

     我不吃药反而觉得好多了 Town full of fucking towels you know. All that fuck. 城里简直是一团乱 I know we"re gonna make it.


      You better ignore that shit. 这你不用担心 You"re look for a job and nothing else. 好好找份工作

     别想其它了 What do you think?

     觉得怎么样 You"re very handsome. 你看上去帅呆了 They are going to love you. 面试官铁定会喜欢你 Unshackle his legs. 给他的腿松绑 Hey mister, you in charge here?

     这你说了算吧 You going to tell me what"s going on? 你他♥娘♥的♥告诉我这是怎么回事 How do you feel?

     How do I feel? 感觉怎么样

     感觉怎么样!? I"ve been in those goddamm box for two and half days man.

     我被关在木箱子里两天半 Tell me whats going. What do you want from me? 我这里有什么你想要的 Give him a shower change his clothes, something fresh. 让他冲个澡

     换身干净的衣服 Where are you all taking me man? Fuck u. 你们要把我带到哪去

     操你的 What about his stuff?

     他的东西怎么办 What are you talking about? 你说怎么办

     Give it to him. 还给他 Fuck you guys! 去你们的 Mr. Harrison?

     Yes. 是哈里森先生吗

     是的 Tomorrow at noon, go the PostNet store at Grand Central. 明天中午

     到中♥央♥车站附近的宝信乐邮便利店 Wait.

     200 West 39 Street. 稍等一下

     39 大街 200 号♥ With the key that you found with... 用上次拿到的钥匙打开 253 号♥柜 the cellphone u"ll open box 253. 让寄给你的手♥机♥保持开机状态 Inside you"ll find another train ticket with more instructions. 里面会有一张火车票和补充说明 The ticket will be to Macomb.

     车票标示的是去马科姆 But you get off one stop before Macomb. 但是你要在前一站下车 One stop before. Is that clear?

     记住是前面一站下车 清楚了吗?

      Yeah. 清楚了 Ticket, please. 请出示车票 He"s getting off at Macomb.

     他要在马科姆下车 What time do we arrive? 火车几点到站? The train gets at 3:10. 凌晨三点十分 Can I help you guys with anything else?

     还需要其他帮助吗? No, thank you. 没了

     谢谢 Can I have a glass of water and a ham sandwich? 能来杯水和一个火腿三明治吗 Are you Flinck?

     Yeah, get in. 你就是弗林克?


     上车 I want to go here.

     我要去这里 Do you know it?

     Yeah. 你知道这地方?

     知道 Is it far?

     No, its around the corner. 远吗


     转个弯就到 Serve be 17.70. 一共是 17 块七毛 Keep the change.

     Thank you. 不用找了

     谢谢 Give me your phone. 把你手♥机♥给我 Go in the car. 上车 Which number is it?

     13. 他是几号♥?

     13 号♥ Come on. 来 Stand in the middle of the carpet. 站到地毯中间去 Take your clothes off. 把衣服脱了 Faster. 麻利点 Take off the rest. 全脱了 Get dressed. 穿上吧 You did"nt find it strange to up and load somebody in the middle of nowhere? 有没有陌生人乘你的车 The guy who is paying me is a customer.


      So he knows everyone. 他想在哪儿下就在哪儿下 You haven"t seen anything else unusual?


      No. 没有 I just left him here and I left. 我把他在这放下就离开了 Follow me. 跟我来

     Have a sit. 请坐 What"s that? 到底怎么回事 I can explain, I know ...

     Shut up. 我可以解释


     闭嘴 Go get Jack. 把杰克叫来 You"re probably wondering what I"m doing here.



      Quiet. 安静点 Mr. Goma. 高玛先生 Is this the young man who is playing tonight? 这个小伙子就是今晚要参加游戏的? Yes, that"s him. 对

     就是他 Very courageous. 真有胆量啊 Two million. 两百万 00,000 at number six. 70 万押 6 号♥ What"s going on? 怎么了 Who is he? 他是谁 what do you mean he"s the guy you picked up at the train station? 他就是我接来的人啊 He is not who I was expecting. 我叫的人可不是他 Well, he had the number.

     Harrison"s dead. 但是他有号♥码来着

     哈里森已经死了 What are you talking about?

     He over did. 你说什么

     他嗑药过了头 And who the fuck are you? 那你又是哪根葱 An electrician. I was working in his house. 我是个电工

     在他家干活儿 Give me your ID.

     身份证给我看一下 Did he tell you about this?

     他跟你说过这里? I over heard him talking. 我偶然听年他说话 I knew he was waiting for a letter and... 我知道他一直在等一封信

      could be a lot of money. 那意味着一大笔钱 So I took it and followed the instructions. 我把信偷出来

     然后按着指示到了这 You know what this is about?

     No. 你知道来这里做什么

     不知道 No, no idea. 完全一头雾水 Follow me. 跟我来 Do you think the cop saw him? 你觉得他会被警♥察♥给跟踪吗 Maybe we should get out now. 我们最好抓紧开溜 If we leave and the cop show up. 万一我们跑了

     警♥察♥来了 Then the others that we think we rat it.


     We are dead men. 我们就死定了 Where you going?

     I should go in and talk to him. 你要去哪儿

     我要跟他谈谈 Excuse me, gentlemen. 打扰一下

     先生们 If the problem, me being here,


      then I think I should leave.. I"ll leave. 我随时可以走 It"s too late. 太晚了 What If I don"t want me here? 如果我想走呢 You have to play now. 你不得不继续玩下去

     00,000 on No 13. 60 万押 13 号♥ Good luck. 祝您好运 Attention. The first round is about to begin. 听好了

     第一轮要开始了 Attention. 听好了 I am asking the guards to please distribute the bullets. 保镖们会给大家分子弹 One bullet to each player. 每位选手一颗 We are born only once and we die only once. 我们一辈子生一次

     死一次 You must be philosophical? 你一定懂哲学吧 You are the descendent from the great Schopenhauer. 说不定你就是叔本华的后代 Let all gamblers please step back. 赌局马上开始 Please gentlemen. Back up! 退后

     先生们 Backup! 退后 Thank you, gentlemen. 谢谢

     谢谢吅作 Please. 请坐 Players. 选手们 Load your bullets into the cylinders. 装弹 What"s going on 13? 你怎么了

     13 号♥? Do you have a problem No 13? 你有什么问题吗? No no No one gets up into the ring. I m asking you to step down immediately. 谁都不准进来

     退回去 He doest know how to load his gun. 他不知道怎么装填子弹 Enter.

     给我 Pay attention. Open it like this.. the bullet. 看好了

     像这样打开 Alright, enough. 好了

     够了 Take your places. 各就各位 Raise your weapon. 把枪举起来 Higher 举高点 I want to see them. 让我看得到 Spin your cylinders. 转动枪轮 More. Go on, keep it up. 多转一会儿 继续 Aim. 瞄准 cock your hammer. 上膛 No. 13, no turning around. 13 号♥

     别瞎转悠 Players, all eyes on the bulb . 选手们

     都给我盯着灯泡 When the bulb lights up, you shoot. 如果灯泡一亮

     就开枪 Attention, nobody move. 注意

     谁都不许动 3 did not shoot. 13 号♥没有开枪 Mr. Joe Carver,


      if your man does not shoot then we will. 如果你的人不开枪

     那就我来好了 And you will be fined. 然后你得被罚钱 What the fuck are you doing, pull that trigger! 你他♥娘♥的♥在干嘛

     扣扳机! Shoot, shoot you son of a bitch. 开枪啊


     I count to three.

     Shoot! 我数到三

     开枪! One

     Shoot. 一

     开枪啊 Two. 二 Everyone, out of the line. 大家 现在都退出去 Are you done with your little drama?

     Fuck u. 你的小把戏玩够了没有?

     X 你 This is the last time you trying to bullshit, you get it? 我警告你可别再给老子丢脸 How much money they are paying you to watch my ass? 他们给了你多少钱负责盯着我? What the fuck is it to you. 你会给我多少钱 I"ll give you 50 times more of what they are giving you. 我出 50 倍的价钱 To get my ass out of here. 如果你能把我弄出去 If you have that kind of money, why the fuck did you come here? 如果你真有那么多钱

     怎么会来这儿 What do you think I just waltz in here? 你以为我是碰巧进来溜达? These people kidnapped my ass. 三个狗♥娘♥养♥的绑♥架♥了我 You like money, huh? How"s two million sound? 你爱财吧

     200 万怎么样? You know what you can do with two millions, huh? 有 200 万你就啥也不愁了 You can get high class pussies,



      fancy cars all the bubbly shit you can think of. 你能想到的任何高级货 I can do nothing for you. I won"t think about it. 我帮不了你

     想都不要想了 You don"t like money? Whats the matter?

     It"s impossible. 你不爱钱?

     那不可能的 Hey wait a minute, come on, come here. 别介啊 老兄 My man is out, I want to bet on yours.



      Sure. 没问题 I take 50 points of the top, just for this round. 我这轮要拿一半

     好的 Want some more, Vin?

     No. 再来点


     不了 We all do it...

     I said, no! 我们会做到的

     我说了 不! Hey, you lost your player, havent u?

     Son of a bitch. 你的选手没了对吧?

     混♥蛋♥ Sure you bet on the right man? 你确定你选对人了? Dont worry about him, He has what he needs. 别担心

     他没事 Look I do not know what you deal with this guy.

     我不知道他们怎么处理这些人的 I think i can deal you better. 但是我有个更好的提议 60-40, 60 for you and 40 for me. 六♥四♥分成

     你六我四 You have to bet at least 400,000. 你起码出价 40 万 Player number six, he is the most experience. 六号♥选手绝对不会让你失望的 You know what i m talking about?


     I know your player. 我知道你选的人 Make your offer, I just made mine. 你出钱

     我办事 60-40 it is. 六♥四♥分成对吧? Place your bets, gentlemen. 下注吧

     先生们 All you up! beat them! 都给我起来! Move it, lets go! 快点

     快点! Now. 马上

     I said move it, lets go. 我说了快点

     马上滚过去 Get him on his feet, now. 让他马上起来 You, get him on his feet. 你

     快让他起来 On your feet, gentlemen. On your feet 起来

     先生们 Two bullets in each weapon. Two bullets. 这次每人两发子弹

     两发子弹 Players, load your bullets into the cylinders. 选手们

     装填子弹 Raise your weapons. 举起枪 Higher. 举高点 Spin your cylinders. 转动枪轮 Keep it up, Keep it up, faster, faster, faster. 转


     转快点 Stop. 停 Aim. 瞄准 Cock your hammers. 上膛 Dont look me in the eye. 别看我 Eyes on the bulb. 看灯泡 Out of the ring. Drop your weapons, now. 出圈

      收枪 You were lucky. The bullet is in chamber. 你真走运

     子弹还在枪里 He didnt have time to shoot. 根本没时间射出去 One more round and we are through. 别急

     还有一轮呢 Bring him to me. 把他带过来 Doctor, to the ring.


     到圈里来 He can not continue. 他无法继续参赛了 Hold on, hold on, this is a fucking game or a slaughterhouse? 这他♥娘♥的♥是赌局还是屠宰场? My player didnt die in the game, he is still alive. 我的选手没死在游戏里

     他还活着 What the hell was that.

     You know the rules. 这算怎么回事

     你知道规则的 Hans. 汉斯 When you start something, you must stay with it until the end. 做事要有始有终 Nobody forced you to do this. 没人强迫你这么做 You got two for two. 你已经熬过两轮了 You"re great. You"re great 表现棒极了 How much you won for the first two rounds? 前两局我们赚了多少钱 2.9 million. 290 万 Excuse me, sir. Excuse me... 打扰一下 先生 You need to pick your number. 抽个号♥码吧 what you got? 你是多少号♥ We"ll be standing behind plate 13. 我们押 13 号♥ I"ll bet the 2.9. plus an additional 1.2. 除了已赢的 290 万

     再加注 120 万 If you make 2 millions, you make alot of money. 如果你能坚持到最后

     就等着数钱吧 What the fuck do you care? 关你什么事 Just making conversations. 就是闲聊罢了 Three millions, okay? Three millions 300 万 怎么样?

     I"ll give you three million dollars. 我给你 300 万 That would change your life well.

     你的人生将从此与众不同 How do you plan to get all that money? 你哪儿来那么多钱? Listen, me and a couple of my boys, we hit this armored car in Mexico. 我和几个哥们在墨西哥干了一票 My two partners got blown away. 两个伙计被炸飞 I got away for about a day and a half. 我侥幸逃生 I had enough time left to get rid of the truck and hid the money. 我有足够的时间把弄来的钱藏起来 If you got that kind of money,


      how is it they let you out of prison? 为什么他们不把你从监狱弄出去? You shoot that gold mine for them. 你简直就是他们的财神爷 They beat my ass but I didn"t talk, okay. 在监狱里稍不如意 他们就揍我一顿 I didnt say a goddamn word,

     对钱的事我只字未提 if i said so maybe they would have smoke my ass... 如果我说了他们铁定把我海扁一顿

      and take the money. 抢钱走人 I got the money. I got a lot of money. 哥哥我现在是真有钱

     穷得就剩钱了 You finish the game and you"ll leave peacefully.

     顺利完成游戏 你就自♥由♥了

     In any case theres no way you can escape. 但是现在不能中途退出 They"ll blow both of us before we get to the front door. 我们还没逃到门口 就会被他们放倒 You get a better chance to survive in the ring. 你继续玩下去生存机会反而更大 Just give me something to write. 麻烦拿只笔来 I want my money.

     我想要我的钱 Dont worry about the money. 先别管钱的事情 It is important that you go it all the way. 现在最重要的是坚持到底 It"s pretty fucked up, huh? 这世界真操蛋

     不是吗? They are brothers. 他们可是亲兄弟 I hate that fucking number. 我恨那不吆利的数字 Calm down. 冷静 Just let it go.

     Calm down a little bit. 别管他

     冷静点 Forget about it 别管了 You shot two already. You shoot three you get a bonus. 你一路过关斩将

     再胜一场就爽翻了 Aha. That would be wonderful. 那样最好 How much do I have?

     1.1 million. 我在赌局里有多少钱

     110 万 Listen man.


     I got all the details of where I buried the money in this note here. 我把放钱的地方都写在这张纸条上了 Listen me, man. I got a son. 听着 伙计 我还有个儿子 He"s doing some time. He got another 18 months to go..so.. 他还呆在监狱里

     还有 18 个月才能出狱 If anyhing happens to me, if I dont make it out of here... 如果我遭逢不测

     没能从这出去 Take this note this out of pocket, go get their money and I want two split it away. 你就把钱分成两份

     自己拿一份 We got a deal?

     说定了? Okay you got it. 说定了 Thirteen. 13 号♥

     No 6 6 号♥ No 3 3 号♥ No 11 11 号♥ No 11 11 号♥! You can take him now. 可以把他带过去了 You"re going down. 这轮你就杯具了 What do you want? X 你奶奶的! Alright, enough. 行了

     够了 Why isnt your player in the ring?

     你的人怎么还不就位? He must step up immediately. 他必须马上上来 He will be there, he will be there. 马上来

     马上来 The third round is about to begin. 第三局就要开始了 What is wrong with him?

     Just another case of the run. 他怎么回事?

     只是出了点小状况 Get him up there. 带他过去 Give him his gun. 把枪给他 For the third round, I will ask the guards ... 第三轮

     我会让保镖发给大家 To distribute three bullets to each player. 每人三发子弹 Three bullets. 三发子弹 Sir, please. 先生 请问 Can I have a chair for my player?


      He"s not feeling too well.

     他感觉不好 He wants a chair for number three. He can hardly stand up. 他们想让三号♥坐椅子上

     他快站不住了 Get him a chair. 好吧 Thank you. 多谢 Players, load the bullets in the cylinders. 帅哥们

     装填子弹吧! Raise your weapon. 举枪 Spin your cylinders. 转


     转 Stop. 停 Aim. 瞄准 All players eyes on the bulb. 盯着灯泡 Out of the ring. Collect the weapons. 出圈

     收武器 Gentlemen, we are in the

     last stage of our game. 先生们

     接下来就是最后一轮了 The duel. 即将一锤定音 On the table there a 5 balls. 桌子上现在有五个球 Three white, two black. 三白两黑 The blacks will designate the duelists. 拿到黑球玩家的选手将上演终极对决 I will now call the gamblers representing No 6, 9, 13, 17 and 3. 请 6 号♥

     9 号♥

     13 号♥

     17 号♥和 3 号♥的玩家出列 I will ask that you unwrap the bulb high above your heads... 请将球举过头顶再打开 so that everyone can see. 这样大家都看得清 Gentlemen, good luck. 先生们

     祝你们好运 Gentlemen, place your bets. 好了


     Wa..wait. 等等 I"ll accept any offers under 85%. Nothing less than 300,000. 分成 85%以下

     本钱最少 30 万 Hey, let him go. 嘿

     放开他 What the fuck are you doing?


      Nobody tortures a survivor. Nobody. 谁都不准碰幸存者 Fuck. You know that story I told you about all that money. 我跟你讲的钱的事情? All that money I told you about, huh? 你还真♥他♥妈♥的当真的 All that money you think you going to be held. Huh huh. All that money... 行啊

     给你张白条吧 You think you"re man enough to hold onto Jimmy, Would be your dick. 做你的春秋大梦吧! Okay son. Happy trails partner. 一路顺风

     伙计 What"s going on between you two?

     你们俩怎么回事 I just want to get the fuck out of here. 我只是想从这鬼地方出去 Get dressed and come get your money. You are free to go. 穿上衣服


     你可以走了 Happy trails to you ". Until we meet again.# 祝您一切顺利

     除非再次见面 Happy trails to you, motherfucker, until we meet again. Happy trails to you. 一切顺利


     再也不想见你们 Mr Grubber, I would like to bet on your boy. 高波先生

     我想押你选的那个小子 Our player has no experience and at this stage... 这孩子可是第一次


      of the game its important. 这话我得说在前面 How much do you want?

     I want 80% 你想要抽多少?

     八成 No, no, no, no. that"s too much. 不行


     要太多了 The two brothers are not offering you much better.

     那两兄弟要价比我还高 Beside we launch up five to one.

     大部分都选他们 You"ll need more money, everyone is betting on them. 你需要更多钱

     每个人都赌他们 Alright, we will do business. 好吧

     成交 It"s almost time. 就快坚持到最后了 If this works out Jasper,

     如果这轮能够胜出 I want my fucking share. 我要我那一份 Of course. But theres not a lot of people bet on us. 当然

     但是到我们这边下注的人不多 We"re not going to make that much money.

     咱们可能会输 Shut your fucking! Shut your fucking mouth! 闭嘴

     你个兔崽子! I fucking know you. 我他♥娘♥的♥太了解你了 I know you. 我太了解你了 I"ve been.... thinking a lot, lately. 我最近考虑了很多事情 What are you talking about? 你说啥呢? Mommy and daddy left you enough money to look after me. 爸妈给我留下了足够多的钱 You stucked me in that fucking hospital. 你却把我困在了医院里 The hospital costs a lot of money. 住院本来就很费钱 You"ve all money on me playing this fucking game, these past years. 过去几年

     我帮你玩这游戏赚了不少钱 You are a fucking waster.

     That"s horseshit. 你就是个败家子

      扯淡! Well I am but I said it now. and I want my fucking money. 我说过了 我要我那份儿 Against the wall. 靠着墙

     Against the wall. 靠着墙! Shift.

     What? 不顺畅

     怎么了? too fucking times too big. 枪有问题 All the same. 每支都一样的 Good for you?

     okay. 没问题吧

     嗯 Players to the center of the ring. 选手们站在圈子中间 Raise your weapons. 举枪 Spin the cylinders. 转枪轮 Cock the hammers 上膛 Eyes on the bulb. When it lights up, you"ll shoot.. 看灯泡

     亮了就开枪 Attention gentlemen, the duel will continue. 听好了先生们

     游戏继续 I ask for an additional bullet in each cylinder. 每把枪现在多加一发子弹 Players, please step forward. 选手

     站过来 Raise your weapons. 举枪 Spin your cylinders. 转枪轮 Stop. 停 Aim. 瞄准 Cock your hammers. 上膛 When the bulb lights up, shoot. 灯亮枪响 Heh heh.. thats when the odds are against me. 真不走运 The game is over.


     游戏结束 It is finished. 结束了 And the winner is number 13. 13 号♥选手胜出 Congratulations, 13. Congratulations. 恭喜 13 号♥ Fuck! Fuck! Fuck up. 操! Well done, man. Well done. 干得好


     干得好 Have a seat.. 坐下吧 Congratulations, 1 million 850 thousand dollars. 恭喜你

     一共是 185 万 You realize how lucky you are? 你不知道你小子有多走运? Your opponent won the last three duels. 你的对手可是连闯三关 Are you satisfied?

     Yeah. 这下满意了吧?

     是 If You want we can give you a ride. 我们可以载你一程 Where?

     It doesn"t matter. 去哪儿

     随便你 We can drop you off at the

     nearest train station..if you like. 如果你愿意的话

     就最近的火车站好了 Yeah, I get my things and meet you downstairs. 好

     我下楼去收拾一下 Would you like a drink?

     No, thank you. 喝点什么?


     谢谢 Where you going?

     你去哪儿? I"m going with him. 跟着他 You go to the room get our coats. 去我们房♥间把大衣拿来 So your total"s going to be 38. 一共是 38 块 Thank you. 谢谢

     Yes,this is

     Claudio, the cab driver from yesterday. 对


     昨天那个的哥 Yeah I just saw your guy he"s out at the station. 我刚看到你们要找的人 We are in the station. 我们到车站了 He is on your side.

     Thats your guy, that"s him. 他在你那边

     就是他 Blue jacket, seated. 蓝色外套

     坐着的那个 Excuse me sir, can you come with us. 先生打扰了

     跟我们走一趟吧 You want him uncuffed?

     uncuff. 给他解开手铐?

     解开 Leave us alone. Thank you. 让我们单独谈一会儿

     谢谢 Where did you hide the money? 你把钱藏哪儿了? What are you talking about? 我不明白你在说什么? Sit down. 坐下吧 I said sit down. 我说 坐下 You are not under arrest, Vincent. 你不是被捕

     文森特 And you wont be if you tell me everythig I want to know. 只要把来龙去脉交代清楚

     我们就不抓你 I"ve never met him.

     Don"t bullshit me. 我根本没见过他

     别给我耍花样 I tell the truth. 我说的是实话 Why did they picked you at the intersection if they were looking for Harrison? 为什么在我们等哈里森的路口接走了你? The driver didnt know Harrison. 司机又不认识哈里森 When he pulled up, I flashed him a signal. 他停车

     我给他看了一张标签 A signal? 标签? A piece of cardboard with a number.

     一个印有数字的小木片 Where did he drop you?

     他把你在哪儿放下的? Somewhere in a forest. 林子里的某处 What happened? 之后呢? When we got there two other guys were in another car. 当时还有两个人等在那里 When they saw me, I knew I was screwed. 他们看着我的时候

     我就知道不妙了 I told them Harrison was dead, 我说过哈里森已经死了

      and I was going to take his place. 我替他来的 But they didn"t go for it, like they didn"t believe me or whatever. 但是他们还是不相信我 They didnt want me there. 他们也不希望是我 I saw one of the men had a gun, when he reached for it, I reacted. 一个家伙拿枪对着我

     我转身就逃 I ran and I just kept running. 一直跑 Did they chased you?

     They chased me, they shot at me. 他们追你了吗?

     边追边朝我开枪 But I just kept running. 我就没命似的奔逃 I ran so hard that I lost a heel on my shoes. 我跑太快以至于鞋子都磨破了 If you saw them again, would you

     be able to identify them? 如果再看见他们

     你能认出来吗 Of course. 当然 Could

     you take me to that place in the forest? 你能把我们带到树林里的那个地方吗 I was in a panicked. I"ve been running for hours. 我自己都晕头转向

     跑了几个小时 It was dark. How do fuck do you expect me to remember where I was? 天又黑

     我怎么知道在哪里 But if we took you to that intersection,


     you get your bearing, right? 你就能想起点什么吧 The driver blindfolded me. 司机当时把我眼睛蒙上了 You"re lying. 你撒谎 I m telling the truth. 我说的是实话 Put your boots back on. 把你的靴子穿上 Can I go now? 我可以走了吗 $22, please. 你好

     22 块 Mom. Vince. 妈

     文森 How"s dad? How is everything? 老爸怎么样

     一切还好? Everything is the same. He was wondering about you. 一如往常

     他很担心你 Where are you?

     I m still in Chicago. 你在哪里

     还在芝加哥 How much longer?

     要呆多久 Not long, I"ll be home soon. 快了

     我不久就回家 Wha- what happened? Everything go okay?


     你还好吧 I send some money in the mail. 我给家里寄了点钱 Certified mail. 挂号♥包裹 Money?

     A lot of money. 钱?

     很多钱 If you are not home, Have Clara wait for it, okay? 如果你不在家

     就让克莱尔等在家里 What do you mean money? From where? 什么钱

     你哪儿弄来的? I will explain everything later. Just make sure somebody is home. 我过后再解释

     保证家里有人就行 You"re scaring me, Vincent.



      Are you in trouble? 你惹什么麻烦了? No, everything"s fine. Just make sure somebody is home tomorrow. 没有


     明天家里一定要留人 Vincent, please tell me what is going on?




      I love you. 我爱你 8.25. 18 块 2 毛 5 How much for the lamp? 那个小羊多少钱? That is not for sale.

     不卖♥♥的 I"ll give you $100. 我出一百块买♥♥下 For the lamp?

     Yeah. 那只羊?

     对 It"s snowing. 外面下雪了 Going far? 出远门? I"m going home. 回家 Where? 哪里? Ohio. 俄亥俄

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